Manuel Pereira Ricardo

Service Distribution - 2018/2019

Course Unit Course/Cycle of Studies Term Year Type of Classes Hours (Factor)
Computer Networks MIEIC 1S 3 T 2,00 (1)
Computer Networks MIEIC 1S 3 TP 6,00 (1)
Communication Networks MAP-T 1S 1 T 1,00 (0,25)
Communication Networks MAP-T 1S 1 OT 0,50 (0)
Mobile Communications Systems PDEEC 1S 1 TP 3,00 (0)
Mobile Communications Systems PDEEC 1S 1 OT 2,00 (0)
Mobile Communications MIEEC 2S 4 T 2,00 (1)
Mobile Communications MIEIC 2S 4 TP 3,00 (0)
Mobile Communications MIEEC 2S 4 PL 4,00 (1)
Dissertation Thesis MIEEC 2S 5 OT 1,00 (1)
Wireless Networks and Protocols MAP-T 2S 1 T 1,00 (0,25)
Wireless Networks and Protocols MAP-T 2S 1 OT 0,50 (0)

(*) - The factor which determines how these hours are included in total lecturer hours..

Weekly hours in the 1st semester: 8,25       2nd Semester: 7,25       Annual Average: 7,75
Weekly hours Without Term: 0,00