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Contracts and Consumption

Code: MD140     Acronym: CEC

Classification Keyword

Instance: 2020/2021 - 1S (since 21-09-2020 to 18-12-2020) Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Course/CS Responsible: Law

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MD 35 Plano Oficial MD do ano letivo 2016 1 - 7,5 -

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical and practical : 0,00
Type Teacher Classes Hour
Theoretical and practical Totals 1 0,00
Maria Raquel de Almeida Graça Silva Guimarães 3,00

Teaching language



The main aim of this subject is to expand students knowledge in consumer contracts themes and give them a greater level of expertise and aptitude. The students will be encouraged to appraise and evaluate real-life situations in light of a body of law, applying the law to the facts. To enable personal growth, self-improvement, and intellectual accomplishment are also central objectives of a Master degree and of this subject.

Learning outcomes and competences

The unit is intended to provide Master students with specific knowledge on the main themes of consumer contracts, so they can apply them later in their academic and professional life.


Working method



1. The Portuguese law on consumer protection.
2. Consumer, "prosumer" and professional. The intermediation of online platforms on consumer contracts.
3. Mass contracting: Standard contractual clauses and master contracts.
4. Distance contracts, e-commerce and electronic payments. 
5. Consumer sales and guarantees.
6. Consumer credit.


Mandatory literature

José Engrácia Antunes; Direito do consumo. ISBN: 978-972-40-7770-3
Carvalho Jorge Morais; Os^contratos de consumo. ISBN: 978-972-40-4827-7
Jorge Morais Carvalho; I Congresso de direito do consumo. ISBN: 978-972-40-6422-2
Carvalho Jorge Morais 212; Contratos celebrados à distância e fora do estabelecimento comercial. ISBN: 978-972-40-5650-0
Carvalho Jorge Morais; Manual de direito do consumo. ISBN: 978-972-40-6904-3
Guimarães Maria Raquel 1969-; O^contrato-quadro no âmbito da utilização de meios de pagamento electrónicos
Guimarães Maria Raquel 1969-; As^transferências electrónicas de fundos e os cartões de débito. ISBN: 972-40-1202-6
Morais Fernando de Gravato; Do crédito ao consumo ao crédito aos consumidores
Morais Fernando de Gravato; União de contratos de crédito e de venda para o consumo. ISBN: 972-40-2121-1
Oliveira Elsa Dias; A^protecção dos consumidores nos contratos celebrados através da Internet. ISBN: 972-40-1689-7
Maria Regina Gomes Redinha; The^sharing economy. ISBN: 978-1-5275-2076-9
Ribeiro Joaquim de Sousa; O^problema do contrato. ISBN: 972-40-1176-3
Sá Almeno de; Cláusulas contratuais gerais e directiva sobre cláusulas abusivas. ISBN: 972-40-1481-9

Complementary Bibliography

Almeida Carlos Ferreira de 1938-; Contratos
Cordeiro António Menezes 1953-; Tratado de direito civil português
Faria Jorge Ribeiro de 1931-2008; Direito das obrigações
Luís Manuel Teles de Meneses Leitão; Direito das obrigações
Varela Antunes 1919-; Das obrigações em geral. ISBN: 972-40-1040-6

Comments from the literature

(Further bibliography on specific themes will be indicated during the semester)

Teaching methods and learning activities

Exposition of the (subject) contents with regular application of the case-method. Work with cases and study of jurisprudential trends and criteria.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico 20,00
Participação presencial 10,00
Teste 40,00
Trabalho escrito 30,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 80,00
Frequência das aulas 20,00
Total: 100,00

Eligibility for exams

General Law and rules enforced in FDUP.
Fullfilment of the attendance conditions (art. 4./1 RAC).

Calculation formula of final grade

The students’ final grade results of the grades obtained in the different assessment components.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

General Law and rules enforced in FDUP.

Classification improvement

General Law and rules enforced in FDUP.

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