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Dissertation/Project/Internship Report Submission for FCUP’s Master’s Students – Academic year 2022/2023

Students should be aware that there have been some changes in the rules for admission to public defense in the 2021/2022 academic year

1. Deadlines

Students enrolled in the 2022/2023 academic year in the dissertation, project or internship curricular units may apply for admission to public defense in one of the following periods:
  • Regular Period - Admission to public defence must be requested between 19/05 and 26/05/2023.
  • Supplementary exam period - Admission to public defense must be requested between 30/05 and 30/06/2023.
Deadline for defense: In both of these periods the deadline for evaluation of dissertations and project and internship reports will be as stated in the FCUP academic calendar, 28/07/2023.

  • Special exam period for completion of a cycle of studies – Students who do not apply for admission to public defense in the regular or supplementary periods may still do so at this time.

    Admissions will be concluded by 30/09/2023, depending on:
    • Formal request submitted by the student to register in the supplementary period. This request must be submitted between 16/08 and 08/09/2023, via a document available for this purpose in Sigarra.
    • Payment of a fee of ¤12.00 as per the U. Porto’s Table of Fees.

Deadline for defense: The deadline for evaluating dissertations and project and internship reports is 16/12/2023.

Additional information:

Note (3): Students enrolled in the IPP curricular unit (Teaching practice, including supervised teaching practice) of the Masters in teaching, given their specific characteristics, must articulate the admission, at one of the aforementioned times, with the Course Direction.

Note (4): In this academic year, requests for postponing deadlines for admission to public defense beyond the deadlines and times previously mentioned will not be authorised. Therefore, a student who does not do so within the aforementioned deadlines will have to renew the registration in the following academic year.

2. Submission

Following the above procedure and within the stated periods, the student must submit here the following documentation:
  • Digital version (PDF) of the Dissertation/Project/Internship Report (layout available in SIGARRA);
  • Curriculum Vitae (PDF).
  • Sworn Statement (Article 14 of the Code of Ethical Academic Conduct of the U. Porto)
  • Declaration from supervisor(s) and co-supervisor(s) (if applicable) stating the Dissertation/Project/Internship Report is ready for presentation.
Note (1): At the date of submission all tuition fees must be paid in full.

3. After defense

After the public defense of the Dissertation/Project/Internship Report, and within a month after the notification by the Postgraduate Unit, the students who were approved must submit in the same platform the following:
  • The final version (PDF) of the Dissertation/Project/Internship Report which must be submitted in the system for validation by the President of the Jury.
  • delivery form completed.
Note (1): Issuing any certificate attesting to the conclusion of the cycle of studies will only be possible after the aforementioned process is completed.

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