According to the PhD Regulations of the UP, the process of the PhD thesis submission for defense starts in the Post-Graduation Office with the delivery of the following documentation:
- Thesis submission request;
- PhD Thesis (layout available in Sigarra). This thesis will be sent to the members of the Jury. Students may choose to deliver a digital version (PDF) or a paper version. If the student chooses to deliver a paper version, 5 paper copies should be submitted;
- 1 Curriculum Vitae. Students may choose to deliver a digital version (PDF) or a paper version. If the student chooses to deliver a paper version, 5 paper copies should be submitted;
- Declaration from supervisor(s) and co-supervisor(s) stating the Thesis is ready for submission;
- Document from FCT with the duration of the scholarship or the annual renovations (if applicable);
- Copy of Identity Card (ID Cardo/Citizen Card/Passport) or form containing ID Data.
According to the Table of Fees of the UP, the student is bound to pay 550,00¤ (five hundred and fifty euros) upon the thesis submission request.
After the defense of the Thesis and in the period of one month, the students who are approved must deliver in the Post-Graduation Office (Student’s Desk), the following documentation:
- 2 paper versions of the Thesis with a book like cover (layout available in Sigarra);
- 1 digital version (PDF) in a CD inside a plastic or card CD case, following the layout mentioned above;
- Delivery form
If the jury approves the thesis with recommendation of correction of errors or inaccuracies identified and expressly mentioned during the defense, the candidate must make the corrections within a maximum period of one month after the defense, which must be validated by the supervisor within a maximum period of one month after delivery by the candidate.
The student will only be entitled to the PhD certificate after having made these corrections, validated by the supervisor and after the delivery of the duly corrected copies, in paper and digital format.