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Fundamentals of Chemistry

Code: Q1004     Acronym: Q1004     Level: 100

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Chemistry

Instance: 2019/2020 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Web Page: https://moodle.up.pt/course/view.php?id=243
Responsible unit: Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Course/CS Responsible: Bachelor in Geology

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
L:EA 3 The study plan from 2019 1 - 6 49 162
L:F 53 Official Study Plan 1 - 6 49 162
L:G 71 study plan from 2017/18 1 - 6 49 162
MI:EF 75 study plan from 2017/18 1 - 6 49 162
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2020-06-06.

Fields changed: Components of Evaluation and Contact Hours, Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


The main objective of "Fundamentos de Química is to provide a solid understanding of the essential chemistry concepts.

Learning outcomes and competences

The main objective is that the students will be able to apply the basic concepts of chemistry in the understanding of chemical processes, equilibrium, dinamics.

Working method



Chemistry, the Study of Change

Atoms, Molecules, Ions and Chemical reactions: the structure of atoms, the periodic table; from the atom to molecules and ions;inorganic nomenclature; mass relationships in chemical reactions.
Chemical bonding, molecular geometry and carbon compounds: the Lewis model, covalent bonding and molecular geometry; hybridization of atomic orbitals in carbon compounds; main families of organic  compounds; natural polymers-proteins, lipids, nucleic acids

States of matter and intermolecular interactions: Gases: ideal gas equation, Dalton´s law of partial pressures, real gas equation of van der Walls; Intermolecular interactions and liquids and solids

Thermodynamics: internal energy and 1st law; enthalpy and thermochemistry; entropy , 2nd and 3rd laws.; Gibbs energy spontaneity  and equilibrium

Physical properties of a solutions: Types of solutions; colligative properties of solutions: micelles and hydrofobic effect

Acid base equilibrium in aqueous solution; acid and bases concept; pH and acidity; strength of acids and bases; buffers; acid-base titration; biological buffers 

Electrochemistry.: redox reactions; standard reduction potentials;galvanic cells; spontaneity of redox reactions; Nernst equation; redox reactions in respiration


Chemical kinetics .; Notion of the rate of a chemical reaction. rate law in chemical kinetics. Specific rate
influence of temperature at specific rate. reaction mechanism, catalysis catalysts.

Mandatory literature

Chang Raymond; Química. ISBN: 972-9241-68-6
Atkins Peter; Chemical principles. ISBN: 0-7167-5701-X

Complementary Bibliography

Chang Raymond; Physical chemistry for the biosciences. ISBN: 1-891389-33-5

Teaching methods and learning activities

The presentation/discussion of the topics in the theoretical classes followed by classes where the students solve problems with the assistance of the professor allows them to acquire the necessary knowledge and problem solving skills



Physical sciences > Chemistry

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Exame 80,00
Trabalho escrito 20,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 20,00
Frequência das aulas 35,00
Trabalho escrito 2,00
Total: 57,00

Eligibility for exams

The students must have no more absences then that 1/4 of the total number of he theorethical-practical classes.

Calculation formula of final grade

NF = 0,80 x T1 (EXAME) + 0,20 . W(individual work ..in 2020)
NF = 0,90 x T1 (EXAME) + 0,10 . W(individual work ..in 2019)

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Global exam
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