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Doctoral Program in Landscape Architecture

InformationCourse/CS accredited by the Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES).

Admissions Requirements

  • Holders of a Master's degree in Landscape Architecture.
  • Holders of a first cycle degree in Landscape Architecture with an academic, scientific or professional curriculum deemed as especially relevant by the Scientific Board as sufficient guarantee of their ability to successfully complete this cycle of studies.
  • Holders of a first cycle degree or a master's in areas related to Landscape Architecture, provided that they have an academic, scientific or professional curriculum deemed as especially relevant by the Scientific Board as sufficient guarantee of their ability to successfully complete this cycle of studies.
  • Holders of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum deemed as especially relevant or exceptional by the Scientific Board as sufficient guarantee of their ability to successfully complete this cycle of studies.

Applicants must also have a good knowledge, spoken and written, of English.


Selection and Ranking Criteria

  • Academic Curriculum - on a scale of 0 to 20, academic qualifications required in the regulations for this cycle of studies, (weighing 20%) as follows:
    • final grade below 14 points - 12 points
    • final grade between 14 and 16 points - 15 points
    • final grade between 17 and 20 points - 18 points
    • If the applicant holds a postgraduate degree, two points are added.
  • Scientific Curriculum - on a scale of 0 to 20, participation in congresses, seminars, research projects, number of publications, awards, and other such items providing that they are activities in the scientific area of this cycle of studies, (weighting 20%) as follows:
    • curriculum not very relevant - 12 points
    • curriculum relevant - 14 to 16 points
    • curriculum very relevant - 17 to 20 points
  • Professional Curriculum / Portfolio - on a scale of 0 to 20, nature and extent of the previous professional experience in the scientific area of this cycle of studies, (weighting 20%) as follows:
    • curriculum not very relevant - 12 points
    • curriculum relevant - 14 to 16 points
    • curriculum very relevant - 17 to 20 points
  • Work plan - the quality of the work plan will be analysed with the following criteria: knowledge of the current state of the theme, degree of innovation of the theme, and adequate methods described for carrying out the research proposed. Based on this analysis, there will be an assessment on a scale of 0 to 20 points (weighing 20%) as follows:
    • adequate work plan – 12 to 24 points
    • relevant work plan, with an average degree of innovation and difficulty – 15 to 17 points
    • very relevant work plan, with a high degree of innovation and difficulty – 18 to 20 points
  • Motivation letter (10%)
  • Reference letters (10%)

Candidate tie-breaker criteria:

In case of a tie, there will be an individual interview, which may add 1-2 points to the final ranking, assessing the following:

  • ability to express ideas and communication skills
  • the motivation to enrol in this cycle of studies

Teaching Language

  • In Portuguese and partially in English



Course Director: pd.ap.diretor@fc.up.pt
Postgraduate Section: pos.graduacao@fc.up.pt
Students: pd.ap@fc.up.pt

General information

Official Code: 5667
Director: Maria José Curado
Acronym: PDAP
Academic Degree: Doctor
Type of course/cycle of study: Doctoral Degree
Start: 2009/2010
Duration: 3 Years

Study Plan


  • PhD in Landscape Architecture (180 ECTS credits)

Predominant Scientific Areas

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