The Master’s in Science in Physics aims to:
- convey knowledge of classic and modern physics to underpin the development of explanatory models and the understanding of a vast range of phenomena.
- provide mathematics and computational tools, fundamental for formulating and quantitatively analysing problems and models
- train students in experimentation, data analysis, various forms of instrumentation, techniques of measurement, the conceptualisation and design of experimental projects
- deliver practice in theoretical scientific investigation or professional experience as a physicist in a business environment
- prepare students to continue their academic studies in a doctoral program in physics, physics engineering, other areas of engineering or in any of a number of pluridisciplinary degrees (biophysics, environmental science, resource management, etc)
- prepare students for the exercise of higher level technical positions and those in research and development in governmental organisms, in the private sector or as self-employed specialists. Other sectors include governmental laboratories, universities, research institutes, schools, quality control, hospitals, financial service sector, banking and insurance, industry, IT businesses.
Admissions Requirements
- Hold a Bachelor's degree in Physics or hold a bachelor or master in related areas, provided they have a background in Physics and Mathematics close, in depth and extension, to that of a Physics graduate;
- Hold a foreign higher academic degree in one of the areas described in the previous paragraph;
- Be the holder of an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that the scientific committee of the course recognizes as sufficient to attest the ability to carry out this cycle of studies. Candidates who are able to have completed the 1st cycle of studies (or cycle of integrated master's studies) by the date of eventual enrollment in the 2nd cycle of studies in Physics are also accepted;
Note: All candidates who do not prove that they have completed the degree (or equivalent) by the end of the enrollment deadline will be excluded.
Selection Criteria and Results
Candidates who do not yet have a bachelor's degree and / or have an academic, scientific or professional curriculum that is recognized as attesting the capacity to carry out this cycle of studies by the statutory competent scientific body, will be ranked according to the criteria below, but replacing the final average of the degree with the weighted average of the curricular units completed.
The ranking will be done according to the following criteria:
- Academic CV only (100%)
- Academic CV (70%) + professional experience (30%)
In case candidates score equally:
- Final grade average, ranked in decreasing order
- ECTS weighted average of the classification of curricular units (if you have not yet completed 1st cycle)
Teaching Language
- In Portuguese and partially in English
This information is provided strictly for informational purposes
and does not preclude consultation of the Official Gazette.