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FC6 - Departamento de Ciência de Computadores FC5 - Edifício Central FC4 - Departamento de Biologia FC3 - Departamento de Física e Astronomia e Departamento GAOT FC2 - Departamento de Química e Bioquímica FC1 - Departamento de Matemática


Sustainability of Food Production and Consumption


The overall objective focuses on the learning and use of methodologies used in sustainability assessment focusing on the evaluation of environmental sustainability practices associated with agri-food production and food consumption / waste processes.

During the theoretical / practical component students acquire basic concepts associated with food production and consumption based on case studies. The basic concepts are presented based on the life cycle thinking perspective in order for the student to include this systemic view of the food value chain in their assessments. As pedagogical tools, emphasis is given to classroom discussion, where students discuss case studies around the environmental sustainability of the topics under study (different agricultural production processes, consumption patterns and food waste along the food chain). The holding of the International Seminar open to the whole community enables students to network through contact with participants from the national business community. The study visit by students to a municipal solid waste recovery unit promotes contact with the national reality for the various end-of-life management options for post-consumer solid urban waste.


During the tutorial orientation students are guided in identifying the theme of practical work to be carried out within the broad theme of sustainability of the food chain. Additionally, they are guided by the hypothesis formulation, the systemic / holistic view of the food chain and finally the methodology to be used to evaluate the sustainability of the food chain. The guidance guided by the teachers in the accomplishment of the group work is the basis to which other pedagogical tools are added, such as the development of personal group relations, writing of scientific article reports and oral presentations / discussions.


 In the autonomous work component, the student consolidates the theme of the work and uses the knowledge acquired in the theoretical-practical component to: identify and discuss the associated environmental problems, evaluate environmental sustainability and identify solutions for mitigating environmental problems. The pedagogical tools are the application to the various case studies of the methodologies learned in class for sustainability assessment of products and processes, with emphasis on the Environment pillar.


Fields of Specialization

u.c. with a strong multidisciplinary base, extended to the whole community, created under the program of pedagogical innovation - InovPed.

Professional Abilities

Upon successful completion of u.c. Sustainability of Food Production and Consumption (SusPCA) students should be able to: 

1. Understand the differences between the various phytotechnics (eg herbaceous horticulture, fruit growing viticulture, arable crops, fodder and pasture)
2. Know the different production technologies: intensive vs extensive; soil vs hydroponics; outdoors vs. protected crops
3. Distinguish the different modes of production: biological, integrated and conventional
4. Understand the foundations associated with sustainable production of quality food
5. Identify the challenges, trends and opportunities facing primary production
6. Explain the basic concepts associated with current modes of food production, current patterns of food consumption and waste;
7. Know and describe the methodologies of assessment of food consumption and existing sources of information;
8. Identify food waste quantification methodologies, their applicability and limitations
9. Describe and apply the methodologies used in the environmental sustainability assessment;
10.  Know and describe the processes of recovery of urban solid waste in the greater Porto region;
11. Evaluate and discuss the environmental sustainability of food production processes using a quantitative basis methodology;
12.  Describe the stages of the food life cycle and identify the types of environmental impacts of food production and consumption processes focusing on the food life cycle (from production to consumption);
13.  Critically analyze scientific publications that present different positions on sustainability associated with food production and consumption. Demonstrate this critical ability in the preparation of practical group work.


Employment Prospects

Not applicable.
UC inserted within the scope of the INOVPED program.


Web page


General information

Acronym: SUSPCA
Type of course/cycle of study: Continuing Training Unit
Start: 2018/2019
Duration: 46 Hour

Study Plan

Involved Organic Units


  • Sustainability of Food Production and Consumption (6 ECTS credits)

Predominant Scientific Areas

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