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Map of Premises
FC6 - Departamento de Ciência de Computadores FC5 - Edifício Central FC4 - Departamento de Biologia FC3 - Departamento de Física e Astronomia e Departamento GAOT FC2 - Departamento de Química e Bioquímica FC1 - Departamento de Matemática


Bachelor in Biochemistry

Entrance Exams Biology and Geology
(02) Physics and
Chemistry (07)
Tuition Consult
Num. Clausus 80
This degree course provides a solid foundation in the area of biochemistry, creating the scientific and technological skills to allow students: a) the equivalence of the cycles taught at European institutions of the same level; b) to continue with a reasonable level of autonomy to advanced training in biochemistry or related areas in second cycle studies in a European institution; c) to enter directly into the job market.

Employment Prospects

A biotechnology graduate is prepared to work in industry and in the service sector in a broad range of scientific areas not only limited to biochemistry but also in biophysics, molecular and cellular biology, physiology and microbiology. The curriculum also allows students to acquire skills in optional areas including immunology, food chemistry, and ecology.

Application Procedures 2019/2020

Admission Policy Numerus Clausus (*): 80
Special Admission Vacancies (**): Above 23 years of age: 4 |  TOCS: 1 | DET: 1
Change of Degree Vacancies: 1rst year (***): 3 | Other years: 2
Readmission Not subject to numerus clausus.

(*) A aprovação das vagas do Regime Geral está dependente do despacho orientador para a fixação de vagas, que venha a ser publicado pelo Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (MCTES) e podem, consequentemente, sofrer alterações.

(**) A aprovação das vagas dos Concursos Especiais está dependente do despacho orientador para a fixação de vagas, que venha a ser publicado pelo Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (MCTES) e podem, consequentemente, sofrer alterações.

(***) A aprovação das vagas da Mudança de Par Instituição/Curso (1ºano curricular) está dependente do despacho orientador para a fixação de vagas, que venha a ser publicado pelo Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (MCTES) e podem, consequentemente, sofrer alterações.



Course Director: lic.bq.diretor@fc.up.pt
Monitoring Committee: lic.bq.ca@fc.up.pt
Undergraduate Section: pre.graduacao@fc.up.pt
Students: lic.bq@fc.up.pt

This information is provided strictly for informational purposes
and does not preclude consultation of the Official Gazette.

General information

Official Code: 9015
Director: Vitor Costa
Acronym: L:BQ
Academic Degree: Bachelor
Type of course/cycle of study: First Degree
Start: 2007/2008
Duration: 6 Semesters

Study Plan

Involved Organic Units


  • Biochemistry (180 ECTS credits)

Predominant Scientific Areas

Previous Courses/Cycles of Study

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