The Integrated Master of Science in Physics Engineering trains students to:
- Carry out engineering duties, in particular those based on a thorough understanding of the specialised areas in physics engineering such as materials, micro/nano-equipment, spintronics, optics, optoelectronics, lasers, and instrumentation, whether in their fundamental or applied aspects
- Achieve command of advanced experimental techniques in materials, optoelectronics and lasers
- Arrive at full competence and autonomy in the design, installation and demonstration of said techniques and equipment
- Obtain knowledge and skills regarding modelling of engineering and physics systems as well as that about the numerical and computational techniques linked to their general applications
- Achieve a broad and refined vision of the fundamentals and the role of advanced technology and technological innovation whilst acquiring skills needed for technology management and R & D
- Acquire the ability to study and design computational and/or experimental projects bringing together skills from the various fields (basic science, engineering, specialised studies and complementary sciences) oriented to applications such as those in meteorology, health and biology, information and telecommunication systems, cryogenic and high vacuum technology, functional materials and micro/nano equipment, sensors and actuators
Application Procedures 2016/2017
Nota: As vagas para o Regime Geral, aguarda despacho orientador do Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior (MCTES)
(*) Vagas para Titulares de Licenciatura em área adequada
(**) O ingresso será para as vagas de 1.º ano se e só se o estudante obteve menos de 30 créditos ECTS no par instituição/curso de que provém.
This information is provided strictly for informational purposes
and does not preclude consultation of the Official Gazette.