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FC6 - Departamento de Ciência de Computadores FC5 - Edifício Central FC4 - Departamento de Biologia FC3 - Departamento de Física e Astronomia e Departamento GAOT FC2 - Departamento de Química e Bioquímica FC1 - Departamento de Matemática


Master in Ecology and Environment

General information

Official Code: M872
Acronym: M:EA
Description: O Mestrado em Ecologia e Ambiente da FCUP destina-se a licenciados com formação nas áreas de Biologia, Geologia, Ciências do Ambiente, Arquitetura Paisagística, Agronomia ou outras áreas afins. Ao longo do curso, os estudantes adquirem as competências e conhecimentos necessários à compreensão integrante dos aspetos biológicos inerentes aos domínios aplicados de Ecologia e Biodiversidade, Ecologia da Paisagem e Ordenamento do Território, Educação Ambiental e Turismo da Natureza, Tecnologia Aplicada à Gestão Ambiental e da Caracterização, Monitorização e Recuperação Ambientais, à luz das melhores práticas atuais.


  • Master's degree in Ecology and Environment (120 ECTS credits)
  • Specialization in Ecology and Environment (60 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Acquisition and Data Analysis in Ecology and the Environment

B/AMB4004 - ECTS The course aims to give students a thorough understanding of the various processes of acquisition and analysis of data in the scientific areas of ecology and environment, as well as the main scientifical principles behind those processes.

Population and Community Ecology

BIOL4043 - ECTS Knowing the different notions of population and community ecology, as the foundations for the description of biological communities, their diversity patterns in space and time, and the factors generating these patterns.

Functional Ecology and Ecosystems

BIOL4044 - ECTS Provide a coherent and integrated set of knowledge about ecosystem functioning.

Portugal Biodiversity and Habitats

BIOL4028 - ECTS Introduction to the main groups of flora, fauna and habitats, of Portugal and the Iberian Peninsula, in an ecological perspective.

Geographic Information Systems applied to Natural Sciences


 Understanding what GIS is and what it can be used for. Learn the basic aspects related to the GIS.


Environmental Biotechnology


To provide essential knowledge on Biotechnological processes applied to environmental issues, at the level of theoretical fundamentals, applications and methodologies.

Environmental Education


Students must learn and discuss recent trends in the implementation of Environmental Education, in the framework of sustainability, but having always present the basis and original concepts of the Environmental Education. 

Ecological Modeling

BIOL4037 - ECTS 1. Understanding the usefulness and the limitations of ecological models in the analysis of modern environmental problems.
2. Understanding the steps in the construction of ecological models, and identifying the main data types and sources in ecological modeling.
3. Conceptualizing, calibrating, evaluating and spatializing ecological models for specific applications.
4. Implementing scenarios of environmental change and interpreting the predictions of models on ecological grounds.


BIOL/AMB5006 - ECTS This curricular unit corresponds to the preparation of the project of the dissertation the student will defend in the final of the 2nd year in order to obtain the master degree.

Ecosystem Restoration

B/AMB4005 - ECTS

To provide an integrated and coherent body of knowledge in the field of ecosystem restoration.

Ecology Seminars

BIOL4042 - ECTS Provide the students with a set of seminars on subjects that are relevant for their formation on ecology and environement, which are not approached in the other UC's.




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