Keywords |
Classification |
Keyword |
Computer Science |
Instance: 2018/2019 - 1S
Cycles of Study/Courses
Teaching language
This course is about designing algorithms for computational problems, and how to think clearly about analyzing correctness and running time. The main goal is to provide the intellectual tools needed for designing and analyzing your own algorithms for new problems you need to solve in the future.
Learning outcomes and competences
Students should be able to understand the relationship between algorithm design, correctness proof and complexity analysis. Students should learn algorithmic techniques of general applicability and get to know some major algorithms in a few common domains. They will also obtain practical experience in applying generic algorithms to specific problems.
Working method
- Fundamentals of correction proofs and asymptotic analysis
- Divide and conquer design pattern and how to solve recurrences
- Amortized analysis
- Probabilistic analysis and randomized algorithms
- Linear sorting and selection algorithms
- Greedy and dynamic programming design patterns
- String matching algorithms
- Fundamentals of NP-completeness
Mandatory literature
Cormen Thomas H. 070;
Introduction to algorithms. ISBN: 9780262033848 hbk
Complementary Bibliography
Skiena Steven S.;
The algorithm design manual. ISBN: 978-1-84800-069-8
Sedgewick Robert;
Algorithms. ISBN: 0-201-06673-4
Jon Kleinberg and Éva Tardos; Algorithm Design, 2005. ISBN: 978-0321295354 (
Steven Halim and Felix Halim; Competitive Programming 3: The New Lower Bound of Programming Contests, 2013 (
Teaching methods and learning activities
Lectures; individual written homework; group oral homeworks; final exam.
The lectures mix the presentation of new material (introducing concepts, main algorithms and some results) with interactive discussion of their application when solving real problems.
The written homework focus is on practical application of algorithmic concepts, consolidating the learned material. The oral homework complements the written one and allow the introduction of more open problems, with non-trivial answers, allowing for a more interactive discussion of the intelectual tools used, resorting to a white board when explaining the main ideas used.
The final exam (closed book), globally evaluates the knowledge acquired by the students.
Evaluation Type
Distributed evaluation with final exam
Assessment Components
designation |
Weight (%) |
Exame |
70,00 |
Prova oral |
15,00 |
Trabalho escrito |
15,00 |
Total: |
100,00 |
Amount of time allocated to each course unit
designation |
Time (hours) |
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico |
Estudo autónomo |
Frequência das aulas |
Trabalho escrito |
Total: |
0,00 |
Eligibility for exams
Deliver at least one written homework and at present at least one oral homework.
Calculation formula of final grade
- (H) Written + Oral Homework: 2 written assignments to be solved individually and submitted electronically + 2 assignments to be presented orally. H weight in your final grade: 30%
- (E) Final Exam: 70% of your final grade
- (T) Multiple "smaller" tests: Two tests, T1 and T2 will be offered during the semester (one midterm and one near the end). You can use them to get exemption from the final exam. T = 0.5*T1 + 0.5*T2
1st Exam ("Normal") classification: C = max(E,T)*0.7 + H*0.3 >= 9.5
2nd Exam ("Recurso") classification: C = E*0.7 + H*0.3 >= 9.5