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Art and Technology

Code: AT211     Acronym: AT

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Fine Arts/Multimedia

Instance: 2020/2021 - 2S

Active? Yes
Web Page: http://art.blog.virose.pt
Responsible unit: Fine Arts Department
Course/CS Responsible: Fine Arts

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
AP 37 Official Study Plan 2011 2 - 3 34 81

Teaching language



To study the relations between art, culture and technology, in particular its implications for artistic practice.
To understand the question of technology from its modern problematization.
To discuss and clarify the importance of the relations between art and technology to the current context of art.
To introduce the basic principles of a media theory for the visual arts..
To develop tools for reflection and critical analysis.
To establish a critical connection to the work done in other subjects, such as studio practice and workshops.

Learning outcomes and competences

It is expected students to achieve the proposed objectives in accordance with the program, developing critical analysis tools that can be used in the context of their studio work. It is also expected for the course's topics to be addressed in group during classes and also in the readings, research and writing to be done more autonomously by each student.

Working method

À distância


The program is divided into 11 chapters that correspond roughly to the actual number of classes, after an initial introduction. The program starts with a comprehensive introduction to the problems of the historical relations between art and technology, with particular emphasis on modernity, bringing then the discussion to the present through a set of topics of analysis, focusing on the question of media and its relation with contemporary artistic practice. Chosen case studies from contemporary art and culture will be widely addressed

  1. Art and technique. A techné. The muses. Mechanical arts and liberal arts. The art the arts. The singular plural of art. The assimilation of art. Medium and post-medium. Expanded art practices.

  2. Artistic practice. Discipline and freedom The studio as a place of experimentation. Art and experimentation: the art labs.

  3. Machines, automatisms, machinery. The technological unconscious. The will of machines. The blind imagination.

  4. The eye that creates or the imaginative function of the eye. Optical machines. The genesis of the modern spectator. The rigging of the eye and body.

  5. Materiality of the media. The body of the media. The shadow of the media. The accident. The Art of Failure. Stuttering media models.

  6. Mediation. Telematics and telepathics. Mediacracy. Interactivity / interpassivity.

  7. The a

  8. Time-based artes. The kinematics. The intensification of time. Speed and inertia.

  9. New and old media. Obsolescence and archeology of the media. Variability and remediation. Inoperability and re-appropriation of the media.

  10. The digital and the technoculture . The culture of networks. The present and the virtual. The artistic practice in the network.

  11. Politics of the media. Reception and diffusion. Social media. Control societies.

Case studies from contemporary art and culture.

Mandatory literature

Agamben Giorgio; What is an apparatus?. ISBN: 978-0-8047-6230-4
Benjamin Walter; Sobre arte, técnica, linguagem e política. ISBN: 972-708-1770
Bolter Jay David; Remediation. ISBN: 0-262-52279-9
Deleuze Gilles; Pourparlers. ISBN: 2-7073-1842-6 10.00
Deleuze Gilles; Dialogues. ISBN: 2-08-211701-4
Perniola Mario; Do sentir. ISBN: 972-23-1690-7
Kittler Friedrich A.; Gramaphone, film, typewriter. ISBN: 0-8047-3233-7
Crary Jonathan; Techniques of the observer. ISBN: 0-262-53107-0
Crary Jonathan 340; Incorporations. ISBN: 0-942299-29-9
Crary Jonathan; Suspensions of perception. ISBN: 0-262-53199-2
Heidegger Martin; The^question concerning technology. ISBN: 0-06-131969-4
Manovich Lev; The^language of new media. ISBN: 0-262-63255-1
McLuhan Marshall; Understanding media. ISBN: 0-262-63159-8
McLuhan Marshall; The medium is the massage
Quéau Philippe; Le^virtuel. ISBN: 2-87673-162-2
Stocker Gerfried 340; Code. ISBN: 3-7757-1356-5 32.10
Nancy Jean-Luc; Les^Muses. ISBN: 2-7186-0574-X 28.63
Mannoni Laurent; Le grand art de la lumière et de l.ombre. ISBN: 2-09-190-077-X
Mulder Arjen; Understanding media theory. ISBN: 90-5662-388-5 28.10
Gere Charlie; Digital culture. ISBN: 1-86189-143-1 24.00
Bolter Jay David; Remediation. ISBN: 0-262-52279-9
Groys Boris 1947-; Going public. ISBN: 978-1-934105-30-6
Groys Boris 1947-; In the flow. ISBN: 978-1-78478-351-8
Gillick Liam; Industry and intelligence. ISBN: 978-0-231-17020-8
Aranda Julieta 080; The^Internet does not exist. ISBN: 978-3-956791-30-7
Aranda Julieta 340; What is contemporary art?. ISBN: 978-1-934105-10-8

Complementary Bibliography

Perniola Mario; El^sex appeal de lo inorgánico. ISBN: 84-89239-07-X 17.48
Miranda José A. Bragança de; Crítica das ligações na era da técnica. ISBN: 972-95651-8-X
Virilio Paul; A^velocidade de libertação. ISBN: 972-708-377-3
Virilio Paul; Esthétique de la disparition. ISBN: 2-7186-0360-7 26.39
Critical Art Ensemble; Electronic civil and other disobedience unpopular ideas
Wilson Stephen; Information arts. ISBN: 0-262-73158-4 36.69
Cruz Maria Teresa 340; Interactividades. ISBN: 972-97296-0-3
Krauss Rosalind; A voyage on the north sea. ISBN: 0-500-28207-2
Parkinson David; History of film. ISBN: 0-500-20277-X
Virilio Paul 1932-; War and cinema. ISBN: 0-86091-928-5
Quéau Philippe; Le^virtuel. ISBN: 2-87673-162-2
Perniola Mario; Do sentir. ISBN: 972-23-1690-7

Teaching methods and learning activities

Classes are divided based on the program's topics and are organized, as far as possible, on a participatory model. On one hand, around the comment and debate on texts and audiovisual material. On other hand, by exposing the fundamental issues of the program.
More explanatory moments, with the aim of clarifying fundamental concepts and practices of the program, will be interspersed with others in which analysis and comment of the chosen examples and case studies will be made.
In all cases, classes will be given using a broad illustration of the topics.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 10,00
Trabalho escrito 90,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Frequência das aulas 45,00
Total: 45,00

Eligibility for exams

Attendance advised ≥ 75%
Compliance with all other deliveries and performances, according to the schedule presented at the beginning of the semester.

Calculation formula of final grade

Written papers - 90%
Participation, attendance - 10%

Examinations or Special Assignments

Written paper on one of the course topics.

Classification improvement



MAIN BIBLIOGRAPHY (works not available in the library)

AAVV (2015), The Internet Does Not Exist, Berlin, Sternberg Press.
AGAMBEN, Giorgio (1992), "Notas sobre el gesto" [Note sul gesto], trad. de Antonio Gimeno Cuspinera, in Medios sin fin: Notas sobre la politica, Madrid, Pre-Textos, 2001, pp. 47-56. 
AGAMBEN, Giorgio (2005), Profanações [Profanazioni], trad. de Luísa Feijó, Lisboa, Edições Cotovia, 2006. 
BENJAMIN, Walter (2006), A Modernidade, trad. de João Barrento, Lisboa, Assírio & Alvim. 
CONLEY, Verena Andermatt, Ed. (1993), Rethinking Technologies, Minneapolis/London, University of Minnesota Press.
CRARY, Jonathan (2013), 24/7: Late Capitalism and the Ends of Sleep, London/New York, Verso.
DRUCKREY, Timothy, Ed. (1996), Electronic Culture - Technology and Visual Representation, New York, Aperture. 
FOSTER, Hal, Ed. (1988), Vision and Visuality, Seattle (WA), Bay Press. 
KLUITENBERG, Eric (2008), Delusive Spaces: Essays on Culture, Media and Technology, Rotterdam, NAi Publishers/Institute of Network Cultures.
KITTLER, Friedrich (1999), Optical Media, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2010.
KOCKELKOREN, Petran (2003), Tecnhnology: Art, Fairground and Theatre, Rotterdam, NAi Publishers. 
SPILLER, Neil (2002), Cyber Reader: Critical Writings for the Digital Era, London and New York, Phaidon Press. 
STOCKER, Gerfried e SCHÖPF. Christine, Eds. (2003), Ars Electronica 2003: Code - The Language of Our Time, Linz/Ostfildern-Ruit, Ars Electronica Center/Hatje Cantz Verlag. 
VIRILIO, Paul (1996), Cybermonde la politique du pire, Paris, Les Éditions Textuel. 
VIRILIO, Paul, Ed. (2002), Unkown Quantity, Paris/London, Fondation Cartier pour l'art contemporain/Thames & Hudson. 
ZIELINSKI, Siegfried (1999), AUdiovisions: Cinema and Televison as Entr'actes in History, Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press. 
ZIELINSKI, Siegfried (2002), Deep Time of the Media: Toward an Archaeology of Hearing and Seeing by Technical Means [An Archäologie der Medien: Zur Tiefenzeit des Technischen Hörens und Sebens], trad. de Gloria Custance, Cambridge (Mass.)/London, The MIT Press, 2006.
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