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Seminary I

Code: SEM1     Acronym: SEM

Classification Keyword

Instance: 2019/2020 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Desenho
Course/CS Responsible: PhD in Art Education

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
DEA 14 Plano Oficial do ano letivo 2016 1 - 5 23 135

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


In Seminar I is expected that the PhD group of students follow the themes proposed for dialogue and participate in the questioning of the approaches presented throughout the sessions and readings.

Under the theme "tensions and contradictions of contemporaneity in art education", the Seminar seeks above all to perform circular discussions regarding the injunctions produced by contemporary society.
To that end, the Seminar aims to create an open space of critical analysis about the ways of thinking and view education in relation to art, assuming the crisis of contemporary society for a critical, citizen and plural art education.

Learning outcomes and competences

Understand the current crossroads of social, economic and cultural contradictions and its implications for the territory of art education (discourses and practices);

Recognize the meanings of art in the educational field, questioning the instrumentalists and the essentialists views for which has been made the justification of artistic expressions in the contexts of formal and non-formal education;

Research languages, practices, projects and texts on the issues of art education, taking into account the broad universe of this field of study;

Working method



Global thematic - "Tensions and contradictions of contemporaneity in art education".

The discussion around this issue arises in three fundamental themes 1) the social, the art and the contemporary; 2) art, experience and transformation; 3) artistic and cultural mediation.

The programme has the following drawing:

1. The social, the art and the contemporary
1.1) historical and social dynamics in education/art education;
1.2) relationships between art and education in the context of (post)modern tensions;
2. Art, experience and transformation
2.1) the conception of experience in Dewey;
2.2) the aesthetic quality of experience;
2.3) education as aesthetic experience
3. artistic and cultural mediation
3.1) the educational dimension of the artistic and cultural mediation;
3.2) participation, democracy and relationship with knowledge

For each of the themes specific readings will be required. The present themes, as well as readings, are designed to support the reflection of each student about their own levels of implication (personal, historical, professional) in the field of art education.

Mandatory literature

AGAMBEN, Giorgio; Bartleby/Escrita da Potência
Agamben, Giorgio; O que é o contemporâneo e outros ensaios, Chapecó: Argos, 2009
Belting, Hans; Arte híbrida? Um olhar por detrás das cenas globais, Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes Visuais EBA-UFRJ, 2002
Belting Hans; Antropologia da imagem. ISBN: 978-989-97684-5-1
Dewey, John; El arte como experiencia , Barcelona: Paidós, 2008
Efland Arthur D.; A^History of art education. ISBN: 0-8077-2977-9
Eisner, Elliot; O que pode a educação aprender das artes sobre a prática da educação, Currículo Sem Fronteiras. ISBN: 2009
Freedman Kerry; Ensenar la cultura visual. ISBN: 84-8063-845-1
FOUCAULT, Michel; A ordem do discurso
FOUCAULT, Michel; A arqueologia do saber
MADOFF, Steven; Art School: propositions for the 21st century
Martinho, Teresa; Mediadores culturais em Portugal: perfis e trajectórias de um novo grupo ocupacional, Análise Social (pp.422-444), 207(2) , 2013
Nussbaum, Martha; Not for Profit. Why Democracy Needs The Humanities, UK: Princeton University Press, 2010
Larrosa, Jorge Bondía; Notas sobre a experiência e o saber de experiência, Revista Brasileira de Educação, Jan/Fev/Mar/Abr (19), 2002
Rancière Jacques; O^espectador emancipado. ISBN: 978-989-8327-06-2

Comments from the literature

Other references will be added and suggested throughout the sessions.

Teaching methods and learning activities

The seminar aims to build a space for critical debate of ideas on the issues of education in relation to art, by setting a space for open conversation and participation of different voices. Thus, the sessions will be a qualified context for a debate around texts and images in the field of art education, as well as for the discussion from the educational and artistic experiences shared during the Seminar.


Social sciences > Educational sciences > Education > Art education
Humanities > Arts

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Trabalho escrito 100,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Frequência das aulas 20,00
Trabalho de investigação 40,00
Trabalho escrito 40,00
Total: 100,00

Eligibility for exams

Attendance and qualified participation in class.

Calculation formula of final grade

The final assessment is obtained by evaluating a written paper done by the students. Such paper constitutes an individual written essay, in the light of the problems discussed in class and from the research concerns brought by each doctoral student into the Seminar.

In this sense, it is proposed to carry out a written essay about one of the topics discussed during the sessions (up to 10 pages), from which each doctoral student try to reflect, extend, question and interpret their own positions about the relationships between art and education.

Classification improvement

Improvements in the final assessment will take place under the terms of the regulation of evaluation (i.e. only once and in one of the two seasons immediately subsequent to that assessment in which students obtained approval), and shall consist of a complete reformulation of individual written paper.

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