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Constructive and Subtractive Processes

Code: PCS500     Acronym: PCS

Classification Keyword

Instance: 2014/2015 - 2S (of 16-02-2015 to 31-07-2015)

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Fine Arts Department
Course/CS Responsible: Fine Arts

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
AP 19 Official Study Plan 2011 2 - 4,5 64 121,5

Teaching language



To promote the confronation with the materials through sculpturesque practice of subtractive, additive a constructive character, discovering the conceptual differences in the appliance of the several involved technical processes.
To understand the relation between a technical process of meterial transformation and the plastic and expressive language obtained with the final work.

Learning outcomes and competences

To be familiar with methodologies and processes of sculpting, to know the phisical and mechanical characteristics of the matter, be available to experiment new technological processes and to have the capacity to execute the enunciated projects.

To strengthen the knowledge on the technologie(s) involved in the developing of the enunciated projects, maximizing an individual formal language.

To know the technological changes and its resulting processes in historical context, realizing its implications in different results of the sculpturesque object.

Working method



1. The materials
1.1. The metal
1.2. The wood
1.3. The stone

2. The subtractive process
2.1.Physical and mechanical structure of materials with subtractive vocation
2.2.The slash, the fracture, the sectioning and other subtractrive processes
2.3.Modulation and deformation of a slash section
2.4.Surface treatment by wear
2.5.The prcess and its relation with volumetry

3 The constructive process
3.1.Physical and mechanicalstructure of materials with constructive vocation
3.2.Volumetries processed through agglutination, association, juxtaposition, construction and assemblage;
3.3. Modeling
3.4.The process in the relation between shape and the volumetric components

4.Edified/constructed form and body
4.1. Scale notion and proportion notion
4.2. The expansion of a volume in space
4.3. The relation between interior and exterior
4.4. The sensory potential A potencialidade sensorial e táctil de um material

5. Case studies

Mandatory literature

AA.VV.; Qu’est-ce que la sculpture moderne? , Paris: Centre Georges Pompidou / Musée national d’art modern, 1986
AA.VV.; La Madera, Barcelona: Editorial Blume, 1978
AA.VV.; Rodin y la revolución de la escultura. De Camille Claudel a Giacometti, Fundació “La Caxia, 2006
AA.VV.; Sculpture: From Antiquity to the Present day, Taschen, 2002
CAMÍ, J. T. & SANTAMERA, J. C. ; La talla. Escultura en Madera, Editorial Estampa, 1997
HUGHES, A. & ERICH ; The Language of Sculpture, Thames and Hudson, 1974
LAMBERT, M.F; Acerca das tendências da Escultura Portuguesa actual, Santa Maria da Feira: Museu Municipal / CMSMF., 1996
PLOWMAN, J. ; The Encyclopedia of Sculpting Tecniques: A compreensive visual guide to traditional and contemporary tecniques, New YorK: SR, 2003
SANTAMERA, C. ; A Escultura em Pedra: A técnica e a Arte da Escultura em Pedra explicadas com rigor e clareza, Editorial Estampa, 2001

Teaching methods and learning activities

The working hours of the 2st semester (HTS) in this subject are organized as following:

Semestrial contact hours (HCS), distributed in theoretical and theoretical-practical classes.

The theoretical classes are characterized by the programmatic contents presentation and explanation.

Theoretical-practical classes are destined to:
The making, developing and exploration of contents and exercises; the analysis, criticism and overall assessment of the obtained outcomes.

The remaining (HTS)? Hours are to be used in the developing and deepening of the implied practice, from the specific enunciation, and to the exploring of contents.
Field trips to exhibitions and places of interest to the subject will be object of study, as well as the participation in seminars, workshops or any other activities that might converge to the developing of this subject’s goals.
In this context, it is asked to each studen the organization of a diary where the developed work is registered along the semester, in paper and in digital format.

The pupils that so wish, might also produce an object-diary, that surmounts its documental dimension and is constituted as an extra to the works and projects developed in the subject.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 100,00
Total: 100,00

Eligibility for exams

The assessment is continuous without loss of combination with other assessment methods.
The assiduous presence in class should secure qualitative and quantitative information at any time, independently form fixef evaluation pariods.
The lecturer will keep a register of the students’ presence.
The qualitative and quantitative information is assured through the regular development of the practical works and the respective theoretical reflection framing and discussion.
Final assessment/classification factors: Efective present participation of the student in the class and atelier moments; the performance and capacity of attainment at a technical level; the capacity to experiment and be open to take risks; the quality of the concluded work; the work register diary kept over the semester, in paper and digital format; the investigation and development of theoretical contents.

Calculation formula of final grade

Final classification equal or superior to 10 (ten) values.

Examinations or Special Assignments

The pupils might opt for the development of a single exercise or several exercises from which the can work the sculptoric practices of subtractive, aditive and constructive, unveiling the conceptual differences in the usage of the several technical processes implied, bearing in mind the formal vocation of the matters and materials, as well as the scale concept. In the case of the students that opt for a single exercise, they should, in that work, develop questions related to the matters and materials of subtractive character, or the matters and materials of aditive character, and the concepts of construction and assemblage. In both cases is the scale perception to be worked on. All pupils will produce a small reflection work/text that, through his/her motivations, developed project(s) and outcomes, might manifest in which way the subject built up and, eventually, met the expectations.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Acording to the regulament.

Classification improvement

Assiduous presence and fulfillment of what is established in the UC syllabus.


The office hours will take place on Frdays from 11h to 13h, in Pavilhão de Madeira, or in other places that seem convenient, according to the places where the works will be developed and with previous settlement with the lecturer.

Over and above the present bibliography, , more complementary titles will be lent and provided during the passing of classes, so that the specific support needed in the student’s individual work’s developing is given.
Part of the books and documents mentioned and to be used are scanned and can be requested in FBAUP’s library, under the subject “Processos Construtivos e subtractivos”.

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