Summary: |
Initially, the European Forum for Advanced Practices is an inclusive research network originating from universities, NGOs and community-based organisations, independent research entities, museums, and a wide range of arts academies. EFAP's broad goal is to establish a dialog across the boundaries that often separate these contexts and to promote exchange with a focus on emergent forms of artistic- and practice-based research.
EFAP proposes an open notion of Advanced Practices that deliberately combine methods and practices from numerous disciplines. The goal of EFAP is to respond to two sets of urgencies:
1. Ever-more complex societal challenges across Europe demand new forms of knowledge exchange and transfer, as new research forms gain ground and new modes of research output become increasingly prominent.
2. This requires multidisciplinary and comprehensive methods to capture and assess their quality and impact in advance rather than retrospectively.
The initial proposers of EFAP have actively shaped contemporary research in the fields of visual art, art history, philosophy, music, theatre, dance and performance studies, architecture, design, and engineering.
EFAP's mission is to broaden and deepen the range of settings, forms, and fields that can be identified or understood in terms of Advanced Practices. |