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Oporto. Territory and networks of invisibility.

Code: 50142C5     Acronym: PTRI

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Architecture

Instance: 2023/2024 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Web Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/330937307489835
Responsible unit: Arquitectura (A)
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master Degree in Architecture

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIARQ 42 MIARQ 4 - 3 - 81

Teaching language

Obs.: Castelhano; Inglês; Francês; Italiano



Territories and networks of invisibilities, dialectical between the "invisible city" and the "visible city", considering process, project and work in the public space (infrastructure, socialization and urbanization) of the territory of Porto and the "Grande Porto" as a lab to reflect, question and understand the processes of contemporary transformation of urbanity and the "urban being".



This curricular unit of the Integrated Master's Degree in Architecture of FAUP (MIARQ/FAUP) aims to contribute to deepen a field of theoretical and practical reflection on the relationship, in society in general and in communities in particular, of idea/strategy/process/project/work in the equation of urbanization and urbanity, considering the disciplinary area of Architecture and its transversalities with the social and human sciences and the public politcs in the social, political, economic and cultural fields.

Combining territory and landscape, urbanization, urbanity and rurality, memory and forgetfulness, "human being" and "urban being", it is intended, through a teaching practice based on the emphasis of the learning factor, on the trinomial teaching-learning-research, to approach the urgency of reconsidering strategies for the space of the city, its territory and communities, in a logic of "Service Learning" and "Engage Students", in the context of the 3rd mission of the University. 

It underlines the importance of strengthening the presence in teaching-learning, in Architecture, of academic reflection on the equation of networks, territories and communities of invisibility, materials and immaterials, flows and dynamics and variable geometries of mobility of urban and periurban populations to the extent of their potential to create real conditions for a more inclusive, sustained development and planning, of progress, according to the most current trends of feminist urbanism and participatory urbanism. In this sense, it is, from the first contact time, a concern that requires the reinvention of teaching methods/processes in order to capture attention and develop the profile of the student leading to the formulation of critical thinking. 

Estat the boundaries/barriers of everyday life, very marked by logics of physical and intellectual "zonation", of borders and rigid territories in its spatiality and social, political and urban conformation, in a tense relationship between access and exclusion, identity and revulsion, belonging and abandonment, we can characterize the pedagogical practice associated with this curricular unit as potentially catalyst and unlocker of the individual and collective construction of critical positioning, in a constant dialectic between teaching and learning, teaching and research and research and society, developing the 3rd mission of the University.

Starting from the specific case of the city of Porto and the territory called "Grande Porto" as an experimental laboratory, this U.C., by the evidence it intends to create, by encouraging students in the continuation of their studies and dynamics of participation in society (the social function of the architect), by the plan of reflecting on their subjects of focus, considers to be able to enrich the field of collective memory (material and immaterial) , both by the information and interpretation of the daily, ethnographic reality, the urban environment and the primary sources of material and immaterial heritage, as well as the research that may result from the curricular component and extracurricular extensions and interactions with other communities in the context of the University and civil society in general. 

Anchoring itself in the objective of expanding and disseminating current knowledge and, combining it with the pedagogical and didactic dynamics and practices of a final cycle of an integrated master's degree in the artistic-scientific field, a Community of Pedagogical Innovation - inserted at Pedaghogical Innovation/University of Porto (CIP-UP-PTRI)-, an integrated line of trans and interdisciplinary studies and a grant of research projects, convening FAUP and consolidating collaborative practices with CITCEM (in the form of a community of investigation of the territory and communities) was constituted, focusing on sharing practices in the curricular and research spheres, providing, in order to create platforms of intellectual intersection, a set of classes open to the academic community, spaces for sharing and discussion in social networks, collective conversations and tertulias and colloquium spaces. In these moments, which are expected to be very participated, with the presence of students of formal and informal frequency, Portuguese, Erasmus, other academic years, other organic units of the UP and even some who have already completed the master's course and who are in internship or start the frequency of third cycle courses, allow the creation of a pedagogical atmosphere, of an enrichment of the critical mass in the university environment and of affirmation of diversity, inclusion and dissemination as essential values of the classroom space. 

Observing the current formative and reflective offer in the context of FAUP and PU, considering as added value the construction of specific knowledge in an interdisciplinary register, transdisciplinaryly enriching the students' curricula, enabling them, by choice, the development of specialized studies in the last two years of MIARQ, showing them possible paths leading to the elaboration of their dissertation processes or final project , with this UC, it is expected to open perspectives in the discipline of Architecture and transversalities with areas that are related to it. In a prospective stimulus to the continuation of studies, and the continuation of research work.


Among the multiple reasons that could motivate us to develop this whole pedagogical process, some are judged as structuring: 

-Recovery of the social sense of education in Architecture in order to contribute to the development of society;

-Potentiation of a democratic and participatory concept of active citizenship, fostering consideration in the equation of the urbanity of physical and social networks that characterize the aspect of urbanism that considers actors, people and communities in their equation;

-Underline the urban relations of cohesion and increase of the social capital of neighborhoods and communities, enhancing the complicity of teaching/research processes, learning to work networks, to network and to monitor the progress and results of these same intervention projects in the logics of the aforementioned learning in service;

-Improve the social perception of students and researchers and empowerthem of means, tools and platforms for understanding and dedrawing urban territories, especially the so-called losing territories in which these networks of invisibility are expressed. From the conditions of basic urbanity to the communication and digital information networks.

Finally, it is the objective of this U.C. to help to understand contemporaneity, regarding the study, understanding, problematization and interpretation of ideas, processes, projects and works in the context of public space, from the information and interpretation of these "territories and networks of invisibility", from the great work and research field that is Porto.


Learning outcomes and competences

To deepen the field referred to in the previous point, in the trinomial enunciated, having as its rear the program of the U.C., two categories of objectives/results are designated in the following aspects – teaching and learning:



- Provide relevant information for the acquisition/expansion of knowledge in the field of invisibilities of urban space;

- Create spaces for reflection/debate on specific programmatic contents in analog and digital environment;

- Provide platforms for sharing/disseminating knowledge seized and produced within the framework of u.C. and associated pedagogical innovation and research communities;

- Promote the development of autonomy in students in the face of issues of different degrees of intellectual complexity, considering the process of historical transformation and the ability to respond to current challenges.


- Work with multiple sources of information considering its acquisition, interpretation and intellectual crossing in order to create sustainable bases for an interpretation and qualitative discourse, indexed to each subject, translated as a product, in critical positioning in the disciplinary area of Architecture and intersectional areas;

- Develop individual and collective study/work practices, stimulating criticism and self-criticism;

- Produce oral and written documents of analysis and synthesis capable of supporting arguments about general and specific subjects of the disciplinary area and related areas, stimulating the art of essay and creative writing in an artistic environment;

- Learn to work with disciplinary transversalities and their intersections of contents, in order to enrich and expand knowledge, privilegiem contacts with areas of knowledge that can enrich the training in Architecture.

- Build critical postures in the face of complex problems and assess their degree of applicability, in a permanent dialogue between realities and utopias;

- Formulate original thinking about issues of the disciplinary area and related areas, in the perspective of understanding contemporaneity, understanding of the "urban being" and the social function of the architect.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

It doesn't apply.


The program, conceptually and chronologically, is summarized in the following moments:

- Introduction conceptualization;

- Development and analysis;

- Conclusion and synthesis,

according to the axes:

- Training and access;

- Consolidation and measurement;

- Affirmation and dissemination,

discussing the problems and debates of contemporaneity, urbanity and "urban being"
- revisiting operactively (to explore the dimensions of context) the chronological period of two hundred years of "between the nineteenth/twentieth/21st centuries", associated with relevant milestones of paradigm change in the subjects under study, analysis and synthesis.;
- chronologically and thematically reflecting the time and socio-historical process between the first works of contemporary urban public infrastructure in Porto and "Grande Porto" and its reflection in the communities, the municipalization of the main urban industrial services (gas and electricity, water and sanitation, transport and communications), the relevance of its head office in the public sphere, in the field of urban communities, is discussed; - considering the recent action of the city space-building bodies and its territory on material and immaterial networks, social, political and urban, invisible in a superficial analysis, but fundamental to the structuring of city life;


- Reflections of the public works policies of the Central State in the municipal administration and its translation into the decision-making bodies of greater proximity to citizens;

- Ruptures and permanence in the legislative, regulatory and regulatory framework and its evidence in urban life;

- Transformations in the political system and regime and models of territory management;

- Scientific, academic, economic, social, political, cultural and industrial/business progress;

- Awareness of public health, social responsibility, citizenship and urban environment problems;

- Impact of public policies on the city, its territory and the "urban being";

- Global and local, national and international intersections and relations in areas of urbanity, development, sustainability and urban infrastructure,

observing the intersections between:

- City and citizenship;

- Policy/strategy/planning/organisation and development of the territory

- Economy/society;

- Technique/technology;

- Art/science;

- Structuring/infrastructure

- Culture and social responsibility

and transformations in the times and ways of:

- Idea

- Strategy;

- Process;

- Project;

- Public works,

considering the dual condition of
- "human being"
- "being urban".


Lesson 1

"Territories of Invisibility"

- Carlos Ramos Pavilion Gardens

Lesson 2

"Intimacies in Public Space"

- Fontainhas Washbasins

Lesson 3

"The City of Water and Light"

- Water Ark Garden

Lesson 4

"The City of Villages"

- Presa Velha/China/Noeda/Bonjóia Route

Lesson 5

"The City of Labor"

- Freixo Street

Lesson 6

"The Hidden City."

- Route Monte da Lapa / Eirinhas / Campanhã

Lesson 7

"The City of Women"

– Mount Captive

Lesson 8

"The City of Poverty."

– Lagarteiro District

Lesson 9

"The City of the Underground."

– Paranhos Aqueduct

Lesson 10

"The City of Flows."

– Boavista Avenue

Lesson 11

"The Security and Political City."

- Military Museum

Lesson 12

"The City of the Night"

- Godim Street

Lesson 13

Session of presentation of the essays.

- Carlos Ramos Pavilion Gardens

Lesson 14


Invisible Trans-Europe Express

- via Zoom.

Mandatory literature

AMARAL, Isabel, CARNEIRO, et alt (Coord.); Percursos da Saúde Pública nos Séculos XIX e XX — a Propósito de Ricardo Jorge, Lisboa: CELOM, 2011
ANDÉS, Ana Méndez de; HAMOU, David; APARICIO, Marco (eds.); Códigos Comunes Urbanos, Barcelona: Icaria Editorial, 2020
BAUMAN, Zygmunt; Confiança e medo nas cidades, Lisboa: Relógio d’água, 2006
BAUMAN, Zygmunt; Liquid modernity, Cambridge: Polity Press, 2000
CASTRO, Armando de; A revolução industrial em Portugal no século XIX, Porto: Limiar, actividades gráficas, Lda, 1976
Colectiu Punt 6; Urbanismo Feminista, Barcelona: CP6, 2017
COLOMINA, Beatriz; Arquitectura de rayo X, Puente editores, 2021
DAVIS, Mike; Ciudades muertas, Madrid: Traficantes de sueños editorial, 2007
DAVIS, Mike; Control Urbano, Barcelona: Virus editora, 2020
DAVIS, Mike; Planeta de ciudades miseria, Madrid: Akal Ediciones, 2016
FERRÃO, João; O ordenamento do território como política pública, Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2014
FLORIDA, Richard; The new urban crisis, One world, 2018
JACOBS, Jane; The Death and Life of Great American Cities, New York: Random House, 1961
LYNCH, Enrique; Ensayo sobre lo que se no ve, Madrid: Abada Editores, 2020
MACEDO, Marta; Projectar e Construir a Nação — Engenheiros, Ciência e Território em Portugal no séc. XIX, Lisboa: ICS, 2012
MARS, Roman; The 99% Invisible City, New York: Houghton Publishing Company, 2020
MUXI, Zaida; MUNTANER, Josep Maria; Política Y Arquitectura, Barcelona: GG, 2019
POLANYI, Karl; A grande transformação, Lisboa: Edições 70, Lda, 2012
PORTAS, Nuno; DOMINGUES, Álvaro; CABRAL, João; Políticas Urbanas. Tendências, Estratégias, Oportunidades, Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2003
RODRIGUES, Ana Duarte; TORIBIO, Carmen (eds.) ; The History of Water Management in the Iberian Peninsula: Between the 16th and 19th centuries, Suíça: Springer, 2020
(O) Ser Urbano nos caminhos de Nuno Portas; AAVV, Lisboa: INCM, 2012
SPECK, Jeff; Walkable City, North Point Press, 2013

Complementary Bibliography

BATTLE, Roser; El aprendizage-servicio en España: el contagio de una revolución pedagógica necessária, Madrid: PPC, 2013
DENZIN, Norman K., LINCOLN, Yvonna S. (Eds); Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials, Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2003
MAFFEI, Lamberto; Elogio de la palabra, Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 2020
ONFRAY, Michel; Teoria da viagem, Quetzal, 2019
SAVATER, Fernando; El arte de ensayar, Barcelona: Galáxia Gutemberg, 2008
ROVELLI, Carlo; A Ordem do tempo, Lisboa: Objectiva, 2018

Teaching methods and learning activities

The classes, of theoretical-practical matrix, provide two moments – exhibition and debate and reflection and criticism. Articulating direct and indirect teaching methods and proceeding to cross formulations between exhibition teaching and learning through case study, research and problem-based, it is thought to be able to amplify the resonances of the debate.

The methodology used is qualitative, ethnographic, using tools of participant observation and action research, privilege the field classes and work with communities, sites, infrastructure works, considering the involvement in ongoing projects and involving students in their course of realization, using techniques of "Service Learning" and "Engage Students".

Throughout contact times, students are invited to define a specific study theme in the context of u.C. programmatic content, to synthesize it in a summary, to develop it in rehearsal form and to present it in an oral communication and in a performative moment. In summary, the curricular unit alternates exposure times (normal or open class) with individual and collective exploration/critical times.

In addition to this operation in the semester in which it is part, its field of action is expanded with extracurricular activities that promote intersections with other disciplinary areas of the University and civil society in the programmatic fields of the U.C. of which the days of the UC and the research group (collaborative practice with CITCEM – such as "Research Community" – with the U.P. – as "Community of Pedagogical Innovation" and with the ERASMUS + , as an integral part of the "Service-learning project, Engage Students") and with the INOVPED "The community as a practice", think to embody. They are the result, in fact, of the extra-curricular complement of the training offer, for which students organize, under scientific and pedagogical supervision of the uc coordination, an annual colloquium aimed at disseminating the achievements of the academic period, thus hoping to contribute, in the context of the trinomial teaching-learning-research to expand the field of knowledge in the context of disciplinary intersections and innovate pedagogies and didactics in Architecture.

The discussion and sharing of the various studies take place in a face-to-face and digital environment, and discussion sessions are organized throughout the semester (which continue until the annual colloquium) both in certain places of the city of Porto and through the zoom platform and "PTRI: debate group", on Facebook, accompanying the entire research community (which combines actors at various times of their formation) , from essay to dissertation, internship and scientific-artistic research.

Finally, supporting final course work, it is worth emphasizing the methodology of subsequent follow-up, with individual and group sessions, thematic conversations and reflection and critical groups, based on "PTRI: Community of Pedagogical Innovation", space for innovation and formulation of critical thinking and action in the communities, supported by the Pedagogical Innovation of the U.P., articulating the relationship of the Academy with Civil Society and communities. Supporting students who choose to deepen their knowledge and carry out, from there, their last academic act in the integrated master's degree, follow their studies for the 3rd cycle or for the vocational internships, it is also considered to contribute to the important phase of transition between university life and the exercise of the profession, particularly in the areas related to the epistemological territories of the basic of this curricular unit.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 30,00
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico 20,00
Trabalho de campo 20,00
Trabalho escrito 30,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico 8,00
Estudo autónomo 8,00
Frequência das aulas 21,00
Trabalho de campo 14,00
Trabalho de investigação 14,00
Trabalho escrito 16,00
Total: 81,00

Eligibility for exams

According to the applicable legislation in force, attendance is considered as a prerequisite for attendance at least 75% of the school time with contact.

The evaluation of knowledge is distributed without final examination. Based on a face-to-face mode, it has, as special moments, the qualitative appreciation of a summary, an essay and its written and oral communication.

The classification results from the weighting of the three special evaluation moments and translates quantitatively on a scale from 0 to 20 values in accordance with the regulations applicable to U.P. and FAUP, respecting the qualitative  parameters established therein.

Calculation formula of final grade

CF = (25% x  R)+ (50% x  E) +(25% x  C)

CF - Final Classification  
R - Summary  
E  - Essay  
C  - Communication

Examinations or Special Assignments

It doesn't apply.

Internship work/project

It doesn't apply.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

In accordance with the applicable legislation in force.

Classification improvement

In accordance with the applicable legislation in force.

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