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Build in the Built

Code: 50151C5     Acronym: 50151C5

Classification Keyword
CNAEF Arquitetura e construção sem definição precisa

Instance: 2021/2022 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Tecnologia da Construção (TC)
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master Degree in Architecture

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIARQ 14 MIARQ 4 - 3 21 81

Teaching language



- Deepening knowledge on methodologies, theories and practices of intervention in the built heritage in a wide sense.

- Exploring methodological instruments and tools to support the characterization, diagnosis and intervention in the built heritage.

- Deepening knowledge on management, rehabilitation, conservation, restoration and maintenance of built heritage, considering its historical evolution and contemporary examples.

- Promoting the critical analysis of architectural design (projects and works) in the built heritage.

- Providing advanced training, skills and research methods in the area of architectural design in the built heritage.

- Promoting the multiplication of opportunities in the labour market and foster a closer relationship between the University and national and international agencies whose mission is the management and enhancement of built heritage.

Learning outcomes and competences

- Acquisition of knowledge about methodologies, theories and practices of intervention in the built heritage, considering its historical evolution and contemporary examples.

- Development of skills of analysis and interpretation of architectural design in built heritage.

- Creation of skills related to methodologies of survey, characterization and diagnosis of pre-existing buildings.

- Construction of a critical thought on the abovementioned topics, through a written essay or oral presentation.

- Development of communication skills to disseminate and foster knowledge on intervention in the built heritage, in an educational, professional and social context.

- Development of theoretical and practical skills for further studies at the post-graduate level and future professional integration.


Working method



The course unit proposes a critical approach to the subject of intervention in the built heritage at various levels – theories, methods and practices (in the national and international context) – in order to inform and substantiate a contemporary practice of intervention in built heritage.

 i) In the field of theories, discussion will be promoted on the evolution of the concepts of ‘monument’ and ‘heritage’ and on their contemporary meanings, as well as deepening knowledge on the history and theories of intervention in the built heritage, based on texts and works of reference by authors such as Alberti, Stern/Valadier, Viollet-le-Duc, Ruskin, Boito, Andrade, Riegl, Giovannoni, Brandi, Rogers, Scarpa, Távora, Siza, Souto Moura, Grassi, Chipperfield, Koolhas, among others.

ii) In the field of methodologies, this course proposes to inform, deepen and illustrate the study on pre-existing buildings with support on drawings and on the history of architecture (based on examples), also presenting the potential of some sources and tools for survey, characterization and diagnosis (’digital photogrammetry', 'architectural archaeology ', 'history of construction', among others).

iii) In the field of practices, in close relation with the previous items, reference interventions on built heritage will be examined and discussed, in the national and international context, focusing on different approaches (rehabilitation, restoration, conservation, maintenance) and conceptual proposals (mimesis, analogy, contrast), considering the following aspects: program adequacy; principles of relationship between new and old; tectonic and technical-constructive options; critical reception of the work, among others. In the regard, qualified practices will be presented by guests of recognized merit, allowing students the contact with real problems from outside the University.

The aim of this course unit, therefore, is to bring together diverse knowledge related with architectural design in the built heritage (in a broad and non-specialized sense) through a perspective of preferential and convergent approach: the architectural culture.

Mandatory literature

AA. VV.; JA- Jornal Arquitectos, A la recherche du temps perdu, nº213, Ordem dos Arquitectos, 2003
AA. VV.; 100 anos de património : memória e identidade : Portugal 1910-2010, IGESPAR, 2011
AA. VV.; Renovacion Restauro y Recuperacion arquitectonica y urbana en Portugal, Universidad de Granada, 2003
BORIANI, M. ; Progettare per il costruito. Dibattito teorico e progetti in Italia nella seconda metà del XX secolo, Città Studi - De Agostini, 2008
CHOAY, Françoise; A alegoria do património, Edições 70, 2000
CHOAY, Françoise; Património e Mundialização, CHAIA, 2005
CHIPPERFIELD, David; Neues Museum, Berlin: David Chipperfield Architects in Collaboration with Julian Harrap, Paperback, 2010
COSTA, Alexandre Alves; Textos Datados , eDARQ, 2007
CAPITEL, Anton; Metamorfosis de monumentos y teorias de la restauración, Alianza Forma, 1992
DAL CO, Francesco, MAZZARIOL, Giuseppe ; Carlo Scarpa, 1906-1978, Electa, 1997
DI BIASE, Carolina ; Il restauro e i monumenti, CLUP, 2003
DI GRACIA, Francisco; Construir en lo construido, Nerea, 1992
FERNANDES, Francisco Barata ; Transformação e Permanência na Habitação Portuense – as formas da casa na forma da cidade, FAUP Publicações, 1999
FERNANDES, Francisco Barata ; O Património constrói o lugar. Sumário pormenorizado da lição. Provas de Agregação, FAUP, 2016
FERREIRA, Teresa Cunha, PÓVOAS, Rui Fernandes e FERNANDES, Francisco Barata ; Fórum do Porto: Património, Cidade, Arquitectura, CEAU, 2018
JOKILEHTO, Jukka; A History of Architectural Conservation, Butterworth Heinemann, 1996
MONEO, Rafael; Costruire nel Costruito, Allemandi, 2007
RIEGL, Alois; O culto Moderno dos Monumentos (Ed, Original 1903), Edições 70, 2019
ROGERS, Ernesto Nathan; Il senso della storia, Milano, Unicopli, 1999
RUSKIN, John, ; The Lamp of memory, in The Seven Lamps of Architecture, 1849
MARTI ARIS, Carlos; Las variaciones de la identidad. Ensayo sobre el tipo en arquitectura. (Prefacio de Giorgio Grassi), Ediciones del Serbal, 1993
SOLÀ-MORALES, Ignasi; Intervenciones, Gustavo Gilli, 2006
SOLÀ-MORALES, Ignasi; Património arquitectónico ou parque temático, in Territórios, Gustavo Gilli, 2002
SIZA, Álvaro; Conferencia para el CAH20. in Intervention Approaches in the 20th-Century Architectural Heritage. International Conference CAH20th, ETSAM/ISC20C, 2011
SOUTO MOURA, Eduardo; Santa Maria do Bouro, Construir uma Pousada com as pedras dum Mosteiro, White & Blue, 2001
TÁVORA, Fernando; "Nulla dies sine linea, Fragmentos de una conversación con Fernando Távora" (entrevista por Carlos Martí Arís), 1998
VIOLLET-LE-DUC, E.E.,; Restauration, in Dictionnaire raisonne de I 'architecture française du Xl au XVI siècle (1854-1868), tome huitieme., A. Morel, 1866

Teaching methods and learning activities

The exposition of syllabus in classes is based on the presentation of audiovisual material, the analysis of sources and case studies in the classroom context, approaches that aim to consolidate the acquired knowledge and foster critical exercise. Tutorial orientation sessions are intended to accompany work and to deepen the syllabus.

This training unit also develops with the occasional participation of guests, practical exercises, confrontation with examples or debate, encouraging interaction with the work developed. These initiatives aim to provide students with contact with real and external issues to the University, bringing together various disciplinary fields, institutions and actors.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 35,00
Trabalho prático ou de projeto 65,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico 36,00
Frequência das aulas 27,00
Trabalho de investigação 18,00
Total: 81,00

Eligibility for exams

75% attendance. Presentation and deliver assignments on previously specified dates.

Calculation formula of final grade

Evaluation is based on the weighted average between attendance and class participation (minimum of 75% of classes), the ability to acquire and relate knowledge, the theoretical and practical work (exercises, oral presentations, written essays).

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