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Oporto. Territory and networks of invisibility.

Code: 50142C5     Acronym: PTRI

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Architecture

Instance: 2019/2020 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Arquitectura (A)
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master Degree in Architecture

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIARQ 10 MIARQ 4 - 3 - 81

Teaching language

Obs.: Castelhano; Inglês; Francês; Italiano



Process, project and public works of infrastructuring, sociabilization and urbanization of the Territory – Porto and "Grande Porto".



The present lecture of the integrated Master in Architecture of FAUP aims to contribute to deepen a field of theoretical and practical reflection on the relationship, in society, of process/project/work in the equation of urbanization, considering in parallel, regarding from the disciplinary area of architecture, the social, political, economic and cultural fields.


Combining territory and landscape, urbanization, urbanity and rurality, memory and forgetfulness, being human and being urban, it is intended, through a teaching practice based on the emphasis of the learning factor, to address the urgency of the reweighting of strategies for the space of the city and its territory.


We emphasize the importance of strengthening the presence in the teaching, in architecture, of academic reflection on the equation of invisibility networks, materials and immaterial, of the variable flows and geometries of mobility of urban and peri-urban populations in measure its potential to create real conditions for more inclusive, sustained, and sustainable development and planning. In this sense, from the first time, it concerns and obliges the reinvention of methods/didactic processes in order to capture the attention and develop the critical spirit in the student.


To break the boundaries/barriers of the daily life of contemporaneity, very marked by logics of physical and intellectual zoning, of borders and rigid territories in its spatiality and conformation, in a tense relationship between access and exclusion, identity and repulses, belonging and abandonment, we can characterize the pedagogical practice associated with this lecture as a catalyst and unblocking of critical positioning construction, in a constant dialectic between teaching and learning and between teaching and research.


Based on the specific case of the city of Porto and the territory called "Grande Porto" as a laboratory, this lecture, for the evidence that intends to create, by encouraging students to pursue their studies, for the purpose of reflecting on their focus, believes that it can enrich the field of collective memory (material and immaterial), both by the information and interpretation of the everyday reality, ethnography, the urban environment and the primary sources of material and intangible heritage as of research that could result in the curricular component and the extracurricular extensions.


Anchored in the objective of broadening and spreading the current knowledge and, combining it with the dynamics and pedagogical and didactic practices proper to a final cycle of an integrated master of the artistic-scientific field, constituted an integrated line of interdisciplinary studies, a research project, convening the FAUP and consolidating collaborative practices with CITCEM, betting on practices of sharing in the curricular and research spheres, making available, in the sense of creating platforms of an intellectual intersection, a set of classes open to the academic community. In these moments, which are expected to be very participative, with the presence of students of formal and informal attendance, portuguese, Erasmus, from other academic years, other organic units of the PU and even some who have completed the course, allow the Creation of a pedagogical atmosphere, an enrichment of critical mass and affirmation of diversity in the space of the classroom.


Observing the current formative and reflective offer in the context of FAUP and UP, considering as added value the construction of specific knowledge in an interdisciplinary register, transdisciplinarly enriching the curricula of the students, allowing them, by choice, to develop specialized studies in the plan of the last two years of the MIARQ, showing them possible paths leading to the elaboration of their dissertation or final project processes, with this lecture, is expected to open their perspectives in the discipline of architecture and transversality with related areas. In a prospective stimulus to the continuation of the studies, and the continued work of research.


Lastly, it is the objective of this lecture to help to understand contemporaneity, in the purpose of the study, understanding, problematization and interpretation of ideas, processes, projects and public works, from the unveiling of these territories and networks of invisibility, in the Portuguese case.

Learning outcomes and competences

In order to deepen the field stated in the previous point, in the trinomial assumed in the context of the course programme, two categories of objectives/results are pointed out in the following strands – teaching and learning:

-Provide relevant information to the acquisition and expansion of knowledge;
-Create spaces for reflection and debate on specific programmatic content;
-Provide platforms for sharing and disseminating knowledge apprehended and produced within the framework of the course;
-Foster the development of autonomy in students in the face of issues of different levels of intellectual complexity.

-Work with multiple sources of information considering its acquisition, interpretation and intellectual intersection;
-Develop individual and collective study and work practices;
-Produce oral and written documents of analysis and synthesis capable of supporting arguments on general and specific subjects of the disciplinary area and related areas;
-Learn to work with the disciplinary transversals and their intersections of content, to enrich and broaden the knowledge.
-Build critical postures in the face of complex problems;
-Formulate original thinking on issues of the specific and related areas, in the perspective of the understanding of contemporaneity.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

Not aplied.


The program, based on a double perspective (conceptual and chronological), is summed up in the following moments:

  1. Introduction;
  2. Development;
  3. Conclusion,

according to the axes:

  1. Generation;
  2. Consolidation;
  3. Affirmation,

by talking about the problems and debates of contemporary, urbanity and "urban being", revisiting operatively - to explore the context dimensions - the nineteenth/twentieth/twentyone centuries, indexed to landmarks of change of paradigm in the subjects under study, reflecting chronologically and thematically the socio-historical process between the first works of contemporary urban public infrastructure in Porto and "Grande Porto" and the local governance of the main urban industrial services (gas and electricity, water and sanitation, transport and communications) and the contemporaneity of material and imaterial networks, social, political and urban, invisibles in a glance and superficial analisis, regarding at:

  1. Reflections of the public works policy of the State in the local administration;
  2. Changes in the legislative, normative and regulatory framework;
  3. Changes in the system and political regime;
  4. Scientific, academic, economical, social, political and industrial/entrepreneurial progress;
  5. Awareness of public health problems, social responsability, citizenship and urban environment;
  6. Impact of public policies on the city and its territory;
  7. Intersections and international relations in matters of urbanity, urban development and infrastructure,

 observing crossings between:

  1. Policy/organization and development of territory
  2. Economy/society;
  3. Technique/Technology;
  4. Art/Science;
  5. Culture and social responsability

and the transformations in times and in the methods of:

  1. Strategies;
  2. Process;
  3. Project;
  4. Public works,
in attention to the condition of human and urban beeing.

Mandatory literature

CASTRO, Armando de ; A revolução industrial em Portugal no século XIX, Porto: Limiar, actividades gráficas, Lda, 1976
DENZIN, Norman K., LINCOLN, Yvonna S. (Eds); Collecting and Interpreting Qualitative Materials, Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2003
FERRÃO, João ; O ordenamento do território como política pública, Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2014
POLANYI, Karl ; A grande transformação, Lisboa: Edições 70, Lda, 2012
PORTAS, Nuno; DOMINGUES, Álvaro; CABRAL, João ; Políticas Urbanas. Tendências, Estratégias, Oportunidades, Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2003

Teaching methods and learning activities

The classes, of theoretical and practical matrix, provide two particular moments – expositive and debate and reflection and criticism – and, articulating direct and indirect teaching methods, and proceeding to cross-formulations between expositive teaching and learning through case study, research and problem-based, it is believed to be able to amplify the resonances of the debate.

Throughout the lectures, students are invited to define a specific topic of study in the context of the programmatic contents, to synthetize it in an abstract, to develop it in the form of an article or essay and to present it in an oral communication and in a performative moment. In summary, the lecture combines exposure times (normal or open class) with individual and collective exploration/criticism times.

In addition to this operation in the semester in which it is placed, its field expands with extracurricular activities that promote intersections with other disciplinary areas of the university and civil society in the programmatic fields of the lecture creating bonds with research (collaborative practice with the CITCEM). They are the result, in fact, of the extracurricular complement of the formative offer, for which the students organize, under scientific and pedagogical supervision of the coordination of the lecture, an annual colloquium aimed at disseminating the achievements of the academic period, thus, it is hoped to contribute, in the context of the trinomial teaching-learning-research, to broaden the field of knowledge in the context of disciplinary crossings and to innovate pedagogies and didactics in architecture.

Lastly, subsequent follow-up, supporting students who choose to deepen their knowledge and carry out their last academic act in the integrated master's degree or follow their studies for the 3rd cycle (PHD).


Social sciences > Political sciences > Public policy
Technological sciences > Architecture
Social sciences > Political sciences > Public policy > Urban policy

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 20,00
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico 20,00
Trabalho de campo 20,00
Trabalho escrito 40,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico 8,00
Estudo autónomo 8,00
Frequência das aulas 21,00
Trabalho de campo 14,00
Trabalho de investigação 14,00
Trabalho escrito 16,00
Total: 81,00

Eligibility for exams

In accordance with the applicable legislation, the frequency is considered as a prerequisite for attendance at, at least, 75% of the classes.

The evaluation is distributed without final examination. Based on a face-to-face basis, it has, as special moments, the qualitative appreciation of a summary, an article and its written and oral communication.

The classification results from the weighting of the three special evaluation moments, in a range of 0 up to 20 values, regarding at the regulations applicable to UP and FAUP, respecting the qualitative parameters there established.

Calculation formula of final grade

FC = (25% x A) + (50% x E) + (25% x C)

FC – Final classification   
A - Abstract   
E– Essay   
C – Communication

Examinations or Special Assignments

Not aplied.

Internship work/project

Not aplied.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

According to the applicable legislation in force.

Classification improvement

According to the applicable legislation in force.


Not aplied.
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