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Urbanistics 1

Code: 300305     Acronym: 300305

Classification Keyword
CNAEF Architecture and Urbanism

Instance: 2017/2018 - A

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Arquitectura (A)
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master Degree in Architecture

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIARQ 151 MIARQ 3 - 6 40,5 162

Teaching language



The discipline of Urbanística 1 proposes a reflection on the meanings inherent to the contexts and processes of conformation and evolution of the city and the territories of urbanization, observing the results of the different models, forms and scales of action, within the respective agents' realm and technical and operational assumptions.
The understanding of (intervention in) city and territory naturally presupposes an interdisciplinary approach and the correct interpretation of the relationships between urban practices and physical, social, economic and political structures, their intrinsic characteristics and rules, identifying the permanence factors and the dynamics of change inherent in the very facts and processes to be recognized.
An objective and coherent perception of urban phenomena is sought as resultants and/or determinants of the interaction between programs, plans and projects (public spaces, infrastructure and architecture), their forms of concretion, articulation and management, especially with the generalization of the urban and territorial planning actions that aggregate several areas of scientific knowledge.

Learning outcomes and competences

The recognition and critical interpretation of the facts, structures and systems in urbanized territories, as well as the practices and processes of formation and transformation that are at their origin. The aim is to train the student for the current disciplinary debate marked by changes in the territorial configuration of urbanization, changes in socio-productive relations, and involvement of a growing number of actors, with often unpredictable consequences.
For this, it will be important to know the authors, ideas and fundamental experiences that, since the middle of the XIX century, were modeling the discipline, as well as its specific contexts and the particular conditions that made it possible to materialize. But, above all, it will be necessary to understand the influence that these urban models have had, and have, in the ways of reading and transforming the urban space and in the disciplinary debate.
The search for new operational methodologies appropriate to the ways and expectations of life of the inhabitants and users of the contemporary city requires the substantiation of a clear idea of city, since "The planning of the city should inform itself in the results of its own experimentation as a machine non-banal model capable of mediating the heuristic process of recognition, strategic management and representation of the state of the urban culture in which it operates "(Bernardo Secchi, U92, Sep/1988).

Working method



I. Times of rapid transformation
In Western Europe, the Industrial Revolution marks the beginning of a time of accelerated transformations in the economic, social and political context, with profound consequences for the modes of occupation of the territories. New problems of an unprecedented scale require the proposal of new forms of intervention in urban space guided by the belief in scientific knowledge, new technological means available and a new social consciousness.
II. The invention of the new world
The problems resulting from the accelerated transformations were aggravated and, above all, became more evident when they were concentrated in the great industrial metropolis, and when they were published and discussed in the press, which was beginning to form a new public opinion. Critical discourses have multiplied with respect to the modes of organization of territory and society. The modern spirit, based on the belief in reason and technology, has led to the proposal of radically different alternatives: the promise of new perfect worlds that have been established until today as the basis of the new urban discipline, waiting for an opportunity to be applied in the reality. "Our most important task at the present time is to build castles in the air. We should not be afraid [...]. If our eutopias emerge from the realities of our environment, it will not be difficult to lay foundations under them", Mumford said in 1922.
III. The institutionalization of urbanism: rise and fall of the Social State
The Great Depression of 1929 and the Second World War brought the different models of Welfare State, the need for rebuilding Europe, the baby boom, and 30 years of continuous economic growth: it was the expected opportunity. The public authorities, now reinforced, provided new planning and intervention tools to apply, on a large scale, the urban models previously dreamed of. The radical transformation of urban landscapes has led to a new wave of criticism. It was the time of criticism and revision of modernist models; the time of return to the historic city; the time to learn how to read and work with the complexity, uncertainty, multiplicity of actors involved in the urbanization process, and the large scale of extensive urbanization resulting from the rapid expansion that defied all management models and formulas until then developed.
The crisis of 1979 marks the end of the 30 Glorious. The private initiative is assumed as the main engine of the transformation of the territory, leading to the reformulation of planning and intervention instruments, now of a regulatory nature and with questionable results at an increasingly complex world. The urban project emerges as an alternative that brings together planning and design of Architecture. In 2008, a new crisis forces, once again, to rethink the models and instruments of transformation of urban space.
IV. A project for urbanistics 
The last century was a time of rapid and violent transformations, and intense production of new ideas, new ways of seeing the world. Today we live in a way that is profoundly different from what we experienced at the beginning of the 20th century, just as the reading we do of the territories we inhabit and the conditions that guide their transformation are different. It is therefore important to rethink our idea of the city and the role of urbanism in transforming the environment we inhabit.

Mandatory literature

ASCHER, François, PORTAS, Nuno (pref.); Novos Princípios do Urbanismo, seguido de Novos Compromissos Urbanos, um léxico, Lisboa, Livros Horizonte, 2010
HALL, Peter; Cities of Tomorrow. An Intellectual History of Urban Planning and Design in the Twentieth Century, Malden/Oxford, Blackwell, 1996
MARTÍN RAMOS, Ángel; Lo Urbano en 20 Autores Contemporáneos, Barcelona, UPC, 2004
SECCHI, Bernardo; Primeira lição de Urbanismo, São Paulo, Perspectiva, 2005

Complementary Bibliography

ÁBALOS, Iñaki; Atlas pintoresco (vol. 1 e 2), Barcelona, Gustavo Gili, 2005
AGIER, Michel; L’invention de la ville, Banlieues, Townships, Invasions et Favelas, Paris, Édit. des Archives Contemporains, 1999
ALLEN, Stan; “Infrastructural Urbanism”, “Field Conditions”, in Point + Lines: Diagrams and Projects for the City, New York, Princeton Arch. Press, 1999
ASCHER, François, DOMINGUES, Álvaro (trad.); Metapolis: Acerca do futuro da cidade, Oeiras, Celta, 1998
AUGÉ, Marc; Les nouvelles peurs, Paris, Payot, 2013
AURELI, Pier Vittorio (ed.); The City as a Project, Berlin, Ruby Press, 2013
AYMONINO, Carlo, RABAÇA, Ana (trad.); O significado das cidades, Lisboa, Presença, 1975
AYMONINO, Carlo; Origini e Sviluppo della Città Moderna, Veneza, Marsílio, 2009
AYMONINO, Aldo, MOSCO, Valerio Paolo (coord.); Spazi pubblici contemporanei. Architettura a volume zero, Milano, Skira
BOERI, Stefano; L’Anticittà, Roma e Bari, Laterza, 2011
BOURDIN, Alain; O Urbanismo Depois da Crise, Lisboa, Livros Horizonte, 2010
BORJA, Jordi, MUXÍ, Zaida; El espacio público, ciudad y ciudadanía, Barcelona, Electa, 2003
BORJA, Jordi, et al; La Ciudad Conquistada, Madrid, Alianza, 2003
BROWN, Denise Scott, VENTURI, Robert; Aprendiendo de todas las cosas, Barcelona, Cadernos Infímos, 1971
CALVINO, Italo; As Cidades Invisíveis, Alfragide,Teorema, 1993
CAMPOS-VENUTI, Giuseppe; Urbanismo y Austeridad, Madrid, Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 1981
CAMPOS-VENUTI, Giuseppe; La Terza Generazione dell’Urbanística, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 1994
CASTELLS, Manuel; La question Urbaine, Paris, Maspero, 1972
CIAM-FRANCE (1941); “Carta de Atenas” in Arquitectura : revista de arte e construção, 2ª série, nº20 (Fev.1948) - nº32 (Out. 1949).
CHOAY, Françoise; L’Urbanisme, Utopies et Réalités, Paris, Le Seuil, 1965
CHOAY, Françoise; A regra e o modelo – Sobre a teoria da arquitectura e do urbanismo, Casal de Cambra, Caleidoscópio, 2007
CORBOZ, André, VIGANÓ, Paola (org.), SECCHI, Bernardo (pref.); Ordine Sparso: Saggi sull’arte, il método, la città e il territorio, Milano, Franco Angeli
CROSTA, Pier Luigi; La política del piano, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 1990
DAVIS, Mike; Planet of Slums, London, Verso, 2006
DOMINGUES, Álvaro; A Rua da Estrada, Porto, Dafne, 2009
ECO, Umberto; Viagem na irrealidade quotidiana, Lisboa, Difel, 1993
FALUDI, Andreas; Planning theory, Oxford, Pergamon, 1973
FERNANDES, Mário Gonçalves; Urbanismo e morfologia urbana no Norte de Portugal: Viana do Castelo, Póvoa de Varzim, Guimarães, Vila Real, Chaves e Bragança, 1852/1926, Porto, FAUP, 2012
FISHMAN, Robert; Urban Utopias in the Twentieth Century, Ebenezer Howard, Frank Lloyd Wright, Le Corbusier, New York, Basic Books, 1977
FONT, Antonio, LLOP, Carles, VILANOVA, Josep; La Construcció del Territori Metropolitá – Morfogénesi de la Regió Urbana de Barcelona, Barcelona, Ed. Area Metropolitana de Barcelona, 1999
GABELLINI, Patrizia; Fare Urbanistica, Esperienze, comunicazione, memoria, Roma, Carocci, 2010
GARRAU, Joel; Edge City, New York, Dobleday, 1991
GASPARRINI, Carlo; La Acttualitá dell’urbanistica, Milano, Estas Libri, 1994
GREGOTTI, Vittorio; Il Territori dell’Architettura, Milano, Feltrinelli, 1966
GREGOTTI, Vittorio; La città visibile, Torino, Einaudi, 1993
HABERMAS, Jurgen; O discurso filosófico da modernidade, Lisboa, D. Quixote, 1990
HARVEY, David; The condition of posmodernity, Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1989
HOWARD, Ebenezer; Garden Cities of To-Morrow, Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press, 1965
HUET, Bernard; “La città come spazio abitabile, Alternative alla Carta di Atene”, in Lotus International, n. 41, pp.6-17, Milano, Electa, 1984
KOOLHAAS, Rem, MAU, Bruce; S, M, L, X, XL, New York, Monacelli, 1995
KOOLHAAS, Rem, BOERI, Stefano, KWINTER, Sanford et al; Mutaciones, Barcelona, ACTAR, 2000
KOOLHAAS, Rem; La ciudad genérica, , Barcelona, Gustavo Gili, 2007
KOSTOF, Spiro; The City Shaped: Urban Patterns and Meanings Through History, London, Thames and Hudson, 1991
KOSTOF, Spiro; The City Assembled: The Elements of Urban Form Through History, London, Thames and Hudson, 1992
LE CORBUSIER; Maneira de Pensar o urbanismo, Lisboa, Europa América, 1970
LEFEBVRE, Henri; O Direito à Cidade, Lisboa, Estúdio / Letra Livre, 2012
LÔBO, Margarida Souza; Planos de Urbanização, A época de Duarte Pacheco, Porto, FAUP, 1995
LYNCH, Kevin; A imagem da cidade, Lisboa, Ed. 70, 1982
MACCHI CASSIA, Cesare; Il grande progetto urbano, La forma della cittá e i desideri dei cittadini, Roma, La Nuova Italia Scientifica, 1991
MANGIN, David; La Ville Franchisée: Formes et structures de la ville contemporaine, Paris, Editions de la Villette, 2004
MARTINS, Carlos; O Programa de Obras Públicas para o Território de Portugal Continental, 1789-1809 ; Intenção Política e Razão Técnica – o Porto do Douro e a Cidade do Porto (2 vol.), Univ. Coimbra, Tese de Doutoramento, 2014
MAZZETTE, Antonietta (coord.); La città che cambia. Dinamiche del mutamento urbano, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2003
MERLIN, Pierre, CHOAY, Françoise (dir.s.); Dictionnaire de l’urbanisme et de l’aménagement, Paris, PUF, 1996
MUMFORD, Eric; The CIAM Discourse on Urbanism, 1928-1960, Cambridge, Mass., The MIT Press, 2002
MUMFORD, Lewis; História das Utopias, Lisboa, Antígona, 2007
MUMFORD, Lewis; A Cidade na História: suas origens, transformações e perspectivas, São Paulo, Martins Fontes, 1998
PANERAI, Philippe, CASTEX, Jean, DEPAULE, Jean Charles; Formas urbanas: de la manzana al bloque, Barcelona, Gustavo Gili, 1986
PAVIA, Rosario; Le paure dell’urbanistica, Disagio e incertezza nel progetto della città contemporânea, Roma, Meltemi, 2005
PAQUOT, Thierry; Le Monde des Villes, Paris, Complexe, 1996
PORTAS, Nuno; A cidade como arquitectura, Lisboa, Livros Horizonte, 1969
PORTAS, Nuno, DOMINGUES, Álvaro, CABRAL, João; Políticas Urbanas II. Transformações, Regulação e Projectos, Lisboa, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2011
PORTAS, Nuno; Os tempos das formas: A cidade feita e refeita; A cidade imperfeita e a fazer, Guimarães, DAAUM, 2012
RICCI, Mosé; Natura della città e forma del piano: l´identità delle regole, Roma, Officina, 1991
ROGERS, Richard; Cities for a small planet, London, Faber and Faber, 1997
RONCAYOLO, Marcel; Lectures de villes. Formes et temps, Marseille, Parenthèses, 2002
ROSSI, Aldo; A Arquitectura da Cidade, Lisboa, Cosmos, 1977
ROWE, Colin, KOETTER, Fred; Collage City, Cambridge, Mass. and London, The MIT Press, 1983
SALGUEIRO, Teresa Barata; A Cidade em Portugal, Uma geografia urbana, Porto, Afrontamento, 1992
SASSEN, Saskia; The global city, New York, London, Tokio, New York, Princeton U. Press, 1991
SECCHI, Bernardo; Un progetto per l’urbanistica, Torino, Einaudi, 1989
SECCHI, Bernardo; La città del ventesimo secolo, Roma/Bari, Laterza, 2005
SECCHI, Bernardo, VIGANÒ, Paola; La Ville poreuse. Un projet pour le Grand Paris et la métropole de l’après-Kyoto, Genève, MetisPresses, 2011
SGROI, Emanuele; Mal di città, la promessa urbana e la realtà metropolitana, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 1997
SOLÀ-MORALES i RUBIÓ, Ignasi, COSTA, Xavier, (eds.); Metrópolis: ciudade, redes, paisajes, Barcelona, Gustavo Gili, 2005
SOLÀ-MORALES, Manuel de; Designing cities, Milan, Electa, 2001
SOLÀ-MORALES, Manuel de; Las formas de crecimiento urbano / Les formes del Creixement Urbà, Barcelona, UPC, 1997
SPIER, Steven (ed.); Urban Visions, Experiencing and Envisioning the City, Liverpool University Press and Tate Liverpool, 2002
TAFURI, Manfredo; Projecto e Utopia, Lisboa, Presença, 1985
TAFURI, Manfredo; Teorias e História da Arquitectura, Lisboa, Presença, 1988
UNWIN, Raymond; Nothing gained by overcrowding, London, P.S. King & Sons, 1912
VENTURI, Robert, BROWN, Denise Scott, IZENOUR, Steven; Aprendiendo de Las Vegas: el simbolismo olvidado de la forma arquitectónica, Barcelona, Gustavo Gili, 1998
VIGANÒ, Paola; La Città Elementare, Milan, Skira, 1999
VIGANÒ, Paola; The Territories of Urbanism: The project as knowledge producer, Lausanne, EPFL Press, 2010
VINEGAR, Aron; I AM A MONUMENT, On Learning from Las Vegas (Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown, and Steven Izenour), Cambridge, Mass., The MIT Press, 2008
VIRILIO, Paul; Ciudad pánico, el afuera comienza aqui, Paris, Galilée, 2004
WALDHEIM, Charles; Landscape as Urbanism: A General Theory, Princeton/Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2016
WARD, Stephen V.; Planning and Urban Change, London, Sage, 2004
WEBBER, Melvin M. (ed.) ; Indagaciones sobre la estructura urbana, Barcelona, Gustavo Gili, 1964
ZARDINI, Mirko (coord.); Paesaggi ibridi. Un viaggio nella città contemporanea, Milano, Skira, 1996

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical classes will be taught in order to introduce themes to the discipline program, observing examples related to diverse contexts and practices, using bibliographical references and selected graphic supports.
The compact format of the course aims mainly a first framework of the main disciplinary correlations, in view of the orientation of subsequent studies on the part of the students.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Teste 100,00
Total: 100,00

Eligibility for exams

Tests complemented by study book
The evaluation is based on the weighted average of the results of two tests, corresponding to each semester, including the study and test support book.
The tests are intended for the measurement of the ability for critical reflection on the core subjects to the syllabus of the discipline.
The study book consists of individual summaries of the topics covered in the classes and deepening of them supported by the critical reading of texts (articles or parts of books), with written and graphic notes, not just a brief memorandum of the lessons. This book is designed to assess the ability to apprehend, deepen and systematize the various programmatic contents, establishing their possible lines of continuity or evidencing contrasts, among other aspects inherent in the reflection on these same contents.
The tests will be with consultation, and the study book will be delivered with each of the tests, corresponding to 15% (up to 3 values) of the classification of this evaluation instrument.

Calculation formula of final grade

Final classification formula CF = [(0,85 T1 + 0,15 CE1) + (0,85 T2 + 0,15 CE1)] / 2

CF – final classification;
T1 and T2 – 1st semester test and 2nd semester test;
CE1 and CE2 – study book of the first semester and study book of the second semester.

If the student does not score above 10 or below 8, on a scale of 0 to 20, he or she may undergo a third assessment, in the form of a resource test.
The resource test also involves the delivery of the respective study book, which will be part of its evaluation, such as the previous tests.
Students who have missed the two tests at the end of each semester cannot take the resource test for lack of frequency of the discipline.
If the student has missed only one of the tests, he or she can complete his final classification by performing the resource test.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

In accordance with applicable regulations.

Classification improvement

The final classification can be improved by performing the resource test that covers the entire program of the Course and does not dispense with the delivery of the corresponding study book.
The classification of this test (Tr + CEr) replaces the average of the grades obtained in the previous tests.

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