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Summary of Presentation in a National Conference
Batista, Leticcia (Author ) (Other); Gomes, Priscyla (Author ) (Other); Garbeloto, Fernando (Author ) (Other); Pereira, Sara (Author ) (FADEUP); Santos, Carla (Author ) (FADEUP); Pacheco, Matheus (Author ) (FADEUP); Farias, Cláudio (Author ) (FADEUP); Guimarães, Eduardo (Author ) (FADEUP); Garganta, Rui (Author ) (FADEUP); Vasconcelos, Olga (Author ) (FADEUP); Tani, Go (Author ) (Other); Maia, José (Author ) (FADEUP)
Summary of Presentation in an International Conference
Pereira, S. (Author ) (FADEUP); Katzmarzyk, P.T. (Author ) (Other); Garganta, R. (Author ) (FADEUP); Vasconcelos, O. (Author ) (FADEUP); Garbeloto, F. (Author ) (Other); Guimarães, E. (Author ) (FADEUP); Santos, C. (Author ) (FADEUP); Santos, R. (Author ) (Other); Gomes, P. P. (Author ) (Other); Borges, R. (Author ) (Other); Hedeker, D. (Author ) (Other); Barreira, T. (Author ) (Other); Go, T. (Author ) (Other); Chaput, J.P. (Author ) (Other); Maia, J. (Author ) (FADEUP)
Pereira, S. (Author ) (FADEUP); Katzmarzyk, P. (Author ) (Other); Garbeloto, F. (Author ) (Other); Garganta, R. (Author ) (FADEUP); Santos, C. (Author ) (FADEUP); Guimarães, E. (Author ) (FADEUP); Vasconcelos, O. (Author ) (FADEUP); Farias, C. (Author ) (FADEUP); Barreira, T. (Author ) (Other); Chaput, J. P. (Author ) (Other); Stodden, D. (Author ) (Other); Tani, G. (Author ) (Other); Hedeker, D. (Author ) (Other); Maia, J. (Author ) (FADEUP)
Santos, C. (Author ) (FADEUP); Katzmarzyk, P. T. (Author ) (Other); Garganta, R. (Author ) (FADEUP); Vasconcelos, O. (Author ) (FADEUP); Pereira, S. (Author ) (FADEUP); Garbeloto, F. (Author ) (Other); Guimarães, E. (Author ) (FADEUP); Santos, R. (Author ) (Other); Gomes, P. P. (Author ) (Other); Borges, R. (Author ) (Other); Hedeker, D. (Author ) (Other); Barreira, T. (Author ) (Other); Go T. (Author ) (Other); Chaput, J. P. (Author ) (Other); Maia, J. (Author ) (FADEUP)
Maia, J. A. R. (Author ) (FADEUP); Pereira, S. (Author ) (FADEUP); Garganta, R. (Author ) (FADEUP); Vasconcelos, O. (Author ) (FADEUP); Garbeloto, F. (Author ) (Other); Guimarães, E. (Author ) (FADEUP); Santos, C. (Author ) (FADEUP); Pacheco, M. (Author ) (FADEUP); Hedeker, D. (Author ) (Other); Barreira, T. (Author ) (Other); Go, T. (Author ) (Other); Katzmarzyk, P. (Author ) (Other)
Chapter or Part of a Book
Sara Pereira (Author ) (FADEUP); Carla Santos (Author ) (FADEUP); Eduardo Guimarães (Author ) (FADEUP); Rui Garganta (Author ) (FADEUP); José Maia (Author ) (FADEUP)
Article in National Scientific Journal
Vasconcelos, Olga (Author ) (FADEUP); Garbeloto, Fernando (Author ) (Other); Pereira, Sara (Author ) (FADEUP); Maia, José (Author ) (FADEUP); Santos, Carla (Author ) (FADEUP); Borges, Renata (Author ) (Other); Praxedes, Priscyla (Author ) (Other); Santos, Ricardo (Author ) (Other); Barreira, Tiago (Author ) (Other); Katzmarzyk, Peter T. (Author ) (Other); Pacheco, Matheus (Author ) (FADEUP); Guimarães, Eduardo (Author ) (FADEUP); Farias, Cláudio (Author ) (FADEUP); Garganta, Rui (Author ) (FADEUP); Tani, Go (Author ) (Other)
Garbeloto, Fernando (Author ) (Other); Pereira, Sara (Author ) (FADEUP); Maia, José (Author ) (FADEUP); Santos, Carla (Author ) (FADEUP); Borges, Renata (Author ) (Other); Praxedes, Priscyla (Author ) (Other); Santos, Ricardo (Author ) (Other); Barreira, Tiago (Author ) (Other); Katzmarzyk, Peter T. (Author ) (Other); Vasconcelos, Olga (Author ) (FADEUP); Pacheco, Matheus (Author ) (FADEUP); Guimarães, Eduardo (Author ) (FADEUP); Farias, Cláudio (Author ) (FADEUP); Garganta, Rui (Author ) (FADEUP); Tani, Go (Author ) (Other)
Pereira, Sara (Author ) (FADEUP); Garbeloto, Fernando (Author ) (Other); Santos, Carla (Author ) (FADEUP); Borges, Renata (Author ) (Other); Praxedes, Priscyla (Author ) (Other); Santos, Ricardo (Author ) (Other); Farias, Cláudio (Author ) (FADEUP); Tani, Go (Author ) (Other); Pacheco, Matheus (Author ) (FADEUP); Vasconcelos, Olga (Author ) (FADEUP); Garganta, Rui (Author ) (FADEUP); Guimarães, Eduardo (Author ) (FADEUP); Barreira, Tiago (Author ) (Other); Katzmarzyk, Pater T. (Author ) (Other); Maia, José (Author ) (FADEUP)
Santos, Carla (Author ) (FADEUP); Guimarães, Eduardo (Author ) (FADEUP); Praxedes, Priscyla (Author ) (Other); Borges, Renata (Author ) (Other); Santos, Ricardo (Author ) (Other); Farias, Cláudio (Author ) (FADEUP); Garbeloto, Fernando (Author ) (Other); Tani, Go (Author ) (Other); Pacheco, Matheus (Author ) (FADEUP); Vasconcelos, Olga (Author ) (FADEUP); Garganta, Rui (Author ) (FADEUP); Barreira, Tiago (Author ) (Other); Katzmarzyk, Peter T. (Author ) (Other); Maia, José (Author ) (FADEUP); Pereira, Sara (Author ) (FADEUP)
Pereira, Sara (Author ) (FADEUP); Garbeloto, Fernando (Author ) (Other); Santos, Carla (Author ) (FADEUP); Borges, Renata (Author ) (Other); Praxedes, Priscyla (Author ) (Other); Santos, Ricardo (Author ) (Other); Farias, Cláudio (Author ) (FADEUP); Tani, Go (Author ) (Other); Pacheco, Matheus (Author ) (FADEUP); Vasconcelos, Olga (Author ) (FADEUP); Garganta, Rui (Author ) (FADEUP); Guimarães, Eduardo (Author ) (FADEUP); Barreira, Tiago (Author ) (Other); Katzmarzyk, Peter T. (Author ) (Other); Maia, José (Author ) (FADEUP)
Maia, José (Author ) (FADEUP); Santos, Carla (Author ) (FADEUP); Garbeloto, Fernando (Author ) (Other); Borges, Renata (Author ) (Other); Praxedes, Priscyla (Author ) (Other); Santos, Ricardo (Author ) (Other); Farias, Cláudio (Author ) (FADEUP); Tani, Go (Author ) (Other); Pacheco, Matheus (Author ) (FADEUP); Vasconcelos, Olga (Author ) (FADEUP); Garganta, Rui (Author ) (FADEUP); Guimarães, Eduardo (Author ) (FADEUP); Barreira, Tiago (Author ) (Other); Katzmarzyk, Peter (Author ) (Other); Pereira, Sara (Author ) (FADEUP)
Vasconcelos, Olga (Author ) (FADEUP); Pereira, Sara (Author ) (FADEUP); Garbeloto, Fernando (Author ) (Other); Santos, Carla (Author ) (FADEUP); Borges, Renata (Author ) (Other); Praxedes, Priscyla (Author ) (Other); Santos, Ricardo (Author ) (Other); Farias, Cláudio (Author ) (FADEUP); Tani, Go (Author ) (Other); Pacheco, Matheus (Author ) (FADEUP); Garganta, Rui (Author ) (FADEUP); Guimarães, Eduardo (Author ) (FADEUP); Barreira, Tiago (Author ) (Other); Katzmarzyk, Peter T. (Author ) (Other); Maia, José (Author ) (FADEUP)
Maia, José (Author ) (FADEUP); Vasconcelos, Olga (Author ) (FADEUP); Garbeloto, Fernando (Author ) (Other); Pereira, Sara (Author ) (FADEUP); Santos, Carla (Author ) (FADEUP); Borges, Renata (Author ) (Other); Praxedes, Priscyla (Author ) (Other); Santos, Ricardo (Author ) (Other); Barreira, Tiago (Author ) (Other); Katzmarzyk, Peter T. (Author ) (Other); Pacheco, Matheus (Author ) (FADEUP); Guimarães, Eduardo (Author ) (FADEUP); Farias, Cláudio (Author ) (FADEUP); Garganta, Rui (Author ) (FADEUP); Dias, Cláudia (Author ) (FADEUP); Gomes, Daniela (Author ) (Other); Fonseca, Antonio Manuel (Author ) (FADEUP); Tani, Go (Author ) (Other)
Priscyla Praxedes (Author ) (Other); Carla Santos (Author ) (FADEUP); Eduardo Guimarães (Author ) (FADEUP); Sara Pereira (Author ) (FADEUP); Rui Garganta (Author ) (FADEUP); Olga Vasconcelos (Author ) (FADEUP); Cláudio Farias (Author ) (FADEUP); Fernando Garbeloto (Author ) (FADEUP); Go Tani (Author ) (Other); Peter Katzmarzyk (Author ) (Other); José Maia (Author ) (FADEUP)