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Type of publication
Another Publication in an International Scientific Journal
Ivanyi, P (Author ) (Other); Rui Carneiro de Barros (Author ) (FEUP); Costa Neves, LFC (Author ) (Other); Marti, K (Author ) (Other); Naprstek, J (Author ) (Other); Santos Da Silva, JGS (Author ) (Other); Rizzi, NL (Author ) (Other); Topping, BHV (Author ) (Other)
Adam, JM (Author ) (Other); Camotim, D (Author ) (Other); Dimitrovova, Z (Author ) (Other); Dunai, L (Author ) (Other); Marti, K (Author ) (Other); Pallares, FJ (Author ) (Other); Pombo, J (Author ) (Other); Saka, MP (Author ) (Other); Schueller, GI (Author ) (Other); Vietor, T (Author ) (Other); Costa Neves, LFC (Author ) (Other); Rui Carneiro de Barros (Author ) (FEUP); Topping, BHV (Author ) (Other)
Banerjee, RJ (Author ) (Other); Barratta, A (Author ) (Other); Rui Carneiro de Barros (Author ) (FEUP); Izzuddin, BA (Author ) (Other); Macorini, L (Author ) (Other); Naprstek, J (Author ) (Other); Sextos, AG (Author ) (Other); Ivanyi, P (Author ) (Other); Topping, BHV (Author ) (Other)
Pedro Leal Ribeiro (Author ) (FEUP); Topping, BHV (Author ) (Other); Soares, CAM (Author ) (Other)
Rosa Tomás Ferreira (Author ) (FCUP); Hélia Oliveira (Author ) (Other); Fátima Mendes (Author ) (Other)
Francisco Queirós Melo (Author ) (FEUP); Paulo Tavares de Castro (Author ) (FEUP)
Article in International Scientific Journal
Pedro Aires Montenegro (Author ) (FEUP); Neves, SGM (Author ) (Other); Rui Calçada (Author ) (FEUP); Tanabe, M (Author ) (Other); Sogabe, M (Author ) (Other)
Lopes, CS (Author ) (Other); Gurdal, Z (Author ) (Other); Camanho, PP (Author ) (FEUP)
Roque, CMC (Author ) (FEUP); Ferreira, AJM (Author ) (FEUP); Neves, AMA (Author ) (FEUP); Soares, CMM (Author ) (Other); Reddy, JN (Author ) (Other); Jorge, RMN (Author ) (FEUP)
ISI Web of Science
Civil engineering
Mechanical engineering
CS Lopes (Author ) (Other); Z Gurdal (Author ) (Other); Pedro Ponces Camanho (Author ) (FEUP)
Mechanical engineering
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Rodrigues, Jose F.D. (Author ) (FEUP); Gmür, T.E.C. (Author ) (Other)
Mechanical engineering
J. Dias Rodrigues (Author ) (FEUP); Gmÿr, TE (Author ) (Other)
Pedro Leal Ribeiro (Author ) (FEUP)
J. Q. Menezes (Author ) (FEUP); Manuel Matos Fernandes (Author ) (FEUP)
Francisco Queirós Melo (Author ) (FEUP); Paulo Tavares de Castro (Author ) (FEUP)
Ana Reis (Author ) (Other); Pedro Teixeira (Author ) (Other); J. Ferreira Duarte (Author ) (Other); Abel Santos (Author ) (FEUP); A. Barata da Rocha (Author ) (FEUP); A. A. Fernandes (Author ) (FEUP)
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MARQUES, JMMC (Author ) (FEUP); OWEN, DRJ (Author ) (Other)
Dinis, LMJS (Author ) (FEUP); Natal Jorge, RMN (Author ) (FEUP); Belinha, J (Author ) (FEUP)
MARQUES, JMMC (Author ) (FEUP); OWEN, DRJ (Author ) (Other)
P. Rocha (Author ) (Other); P. Delgado (Author ) (Other); Aníbal Costa (Author ) (FEUP); Raimundo Delgado (Author ) (FEUP)