Publications with the same scientific areas as the Experiences of “safe village” and “safe people” programs to enhance wildfire risk reduction and preparedness in Portugal: implications for policy publication
Carlos Maia (Author) (Other); Cecília Delgado (Author) (Other); Flávio Nunes (Author) (Other); Paula Guerra (Author) (FLUP); Pedro Gadanho (Author) (Other)
Artur Pimenta Alves (Author) (Other); Carlos José Rodrigues (Author) (Other); Eduardo Anselmo Castro (Editor) (Other); Flávio Nunes (Author) (Other); Gonçalo Alves Santinho (Author) (Other); Jorge Bateira (Author) (Other); José Carlos Caldeira (Author) (Other); José Manuel Mendonça (Author) (Other); Maria José Marques (Author) (Other); Maria Teresa Pinto (Author) (Other); Mário Jorge Leitão (Author) (Other); Paula Guerra (Author) (FLUP); Paulo Monteiro (Author) (Other); Pedro Guedes de Oliveira (Editor) (Other); Teresa Sá Marques (Editor) (FLUP)