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Article in International Scientific Journal

Crouzet, N (Author) (Other); Healy, BF (Author) (Other); Hebrard, G (Author) (Other); McCullough, PR (Author) (Other); Long, D (Author) (Other); Montanes Rodriguez, P (Author) (Other); Ribas, I (Author) (Other); Vilardell, F (Author) (Other); Herrero, E (Author) (Other); Garcia Melendo, E (Author) (Other); Conjat, M (Author) (Other); Foote, J (Author) (Other); Garlitz, J (Author) (Other); Vo, P (Author) (Other); N.C. Santos (Author) (FCUP); de Bruijne, J (Author) (Other); Osborn, HP (Author) (Other); Dalal, S (Author) (Other); Nielsen, LD (Author) (Other)
Balmer, WO (Author) (Other); Pueyo, L (Author) (Other); Lacour, S (Author) (Other); Wang, JJ (Author) (Other); Stolker, T (Author) (Other); Kammerer, J (Author) (Other); Pourré, N (Author) (Other); Nowak, M (Author) (Other); Rickman, E (Author) (Other); Blunt, S (Author) (Other); Sivaramakrishnan, A (Author) (Other); Sing, D (Author) (Other); Wagner, K (Author) (Other); Marleau, GD (Author) (Other); Lagrange, AM (Author) (Other); Abuter, R (Author) (Other); Amorim, A (Author) (Other); Asensio-Torres, R (Author) (Other); Berger, JP (Author) (Other); Beust, H (Author) (Other)...(mais 76 authors)
Addison, BC (Author) (Other); Knudstrup, E (Author) (Other); Wong, I (Author) (Other); Hebrard, G (Author) (Other); Dorval, P (Author) (Other); Snellen, I (Author) (Other); Albrecht, S (Author) (Other); Bello Arufe, A (Author) (Other); Almenara, JM (Author) (Other); Boisse, I (Author) (Other); Bonfils, X (Author) (Other); Dalal, S (Author) (Other); Demangeon, ODS (Author) (Other); Hoyer, S (Author) (Other); Kiefer, F (Author) (Other); N.C. Santos (Author) (FCUP); Nowak, G (Author) (Other); Luque, R (Author) (Other); Stangret, M (Author) (Other); Palle, E (Author) (Other)...(mais 53 authors)
Artigau, E (Author) (Other); Hebrard, G (Author) (Other); Cadieux, C (Author) (Other); Vandal, T (Author) (Other); Cook, NJ (Author) (Other); Doyon, R (Author) (Other); Gagne, J (Author) (Other); Moutou, C (Author) (Other); Martioli, E (Author) (Other); Frasca, A (Author) (Other); Jahandar, F (Author) (Other); Lafreniere, D (Author) (Other); Malo, L (Author) (Other); Donati, JF (Author) (Other); Cortes Zuleta, P (Author) (Other); Boisse, I (Author) (Other); Delfosse, X (Author) (Other); Carmona, A (Author) (Other); Fouque, P (Author) (Other); Morin, J (Author) (Other)...(mais 22 authors)
Rainer, M (Author) (Other); Poretti, E (Author) (Other); Misto, A (Author) (Other); Panzera, MR (Author) (Other); Molinaro, M (Author) (Other); Cepparo, F (Author) (Other); Roth, M (Author) (Other); Michel, E (Author) (Other); Monteiro, MJPFG (Author) (FCUP)
Zhao, LL (Author) (Other); Dumusque, X (Author) (Other); Ford, EB (Author) (Other); Llama, J (Author) (Other); Mortier, A (Author) (Other); Bedell, M (Author) (Other); Al Moulla, K (Author) (Other); Bender, CF (Author) (Other); Blake, CH (Author) (Other); Brewer, JM (Author) (Other); Cameron, AC (Author) (Other); Cosentino, R (Author) (Other); Figueira, P (Author) (Other); Fischer, DA (Author) (Other); Ghedina, A (Author) (Other); Gonzalez, M (Author) (Other); Halverson, S (Author) (Other); Kanodia, S (Author) (Other); Latham, DW (Author) (Other); Lin, ASJ (Author) (Other)...(mais 20 authors)
Zhao, LL (Author) (Other); Fischer, DA (Author) (Other); Ford, EB (Author) (Other); Wise, A (Author) (Other); Cretignier, M (Author) (Other); Aigrain, S (Author) (Other); Barragan, O (Author) (Other); Bedell, M (Author) (Other); Buchhave, LA (Author) (Other); Camacho, JD (Author) (Other); Cegla, HM (Author) (Other); Cisewski Kehe, J (Author) (Other); Cameron, AC (Author) (Other); de Beurs, ZL (Author) (Other); Dodson Robinson, S (Author) (Other); Dumusque, X (Author) (Other); Faria, JP (Author) (Other); Gilbertson, C (Author) (Other); Haley, C (Author) (Other); Harrell, J (Author) (Other)...(mais 23 authors)
Chontos, A (Author) (Other); Huber, D (Author) (Other); Latham, DW (Author) (Other); Bieryla, A (Author) (Other); Van Eylen, V (Author) (Other); Bedding, TR (Author) (Other); Berger, T (Author) (Other); Buchhave, LA (Author) (Other); Campante, TL (Author) (Other); Chaplin, WJ (Author) (Other); Colman, IL (Author) (Other); Coughlin, JL (Author) (Other); Davies, G (Author) (Other); Hirano, F (Author) (Other); Howard, AW (Author) (Other); Isaacson, H (Author) (Other)
N.C. Santos (Author) (Other); Yun, JL (Author) (Other); Santos, CA (Author) (Other); Marreiros, RG (Author) (Other)
Harada, CK (Author) (Other); Dressing, CD (Author) (Other); Alam, MK (Author) (Other); Kirk, J (Author) (Other); López Morales, M (Author) (Other); Ohno, K (Author) (Other); Akinsanmi, B (Author) (Other); Barros, SCC (Author) (FCUP); Buchhave, LA (Author) (Other); Cameron, AC (Author) (Other); Crossfield, IJM (Author) (Other); Dai, F (Author) (Other); Gao, PT (Author) (Other); Giacalone, S (Author) (Other); Grouffal, S (Author) (Other); Lillo Box, J (Author) (Other); Mayo, AW (Author) (Other); Mortier, A (Author) (Other); Santerne, A (Author) (Other); N.C. Santos (Author) (FCUP)...(mais 4 authors)
Campante, TL (Author) (FCUP); Li, TD (Author) (Other); Ong, JMJ (Author) (Other); Corsaro, E (Author) (Other); Cunha, MS (Author) (FCUP); Bedding, TR (Author) (Other); Bossini, D (Author) (Other); Breton, SN (Author) (Other); Buzasi, DL (Author) (Other); Chaplin, WJ (Author) (Other); Deal, M (Author) (Other); Garcia, RA (Author) (Other); Hill, ML (Author) (Other); Hon, M (Author) (Other); Huber, D (Author) (Other); Jiang, C (Author) (Other); Kane, SR (Author) (Other); Kayhan, C (Author) (Other); Kuszlewicz, JS (Author) (Other); Lillo-Box, J (Author) (Other)...(mais 6 authors)
Blunt, S (Author) (Other); Balmer, WO (Author) (Other); Wang, JJ (Author) (Other); Lacour, S (Author) (Other); Petrus, S (Author) (Other); Bourdarot, G (Author) (Other); Kammerer, J (Author) (Other); Pourré, N (Author) (Other); Rickman, E (Author) (Other); Shangguan, J (Author) (Other); Winterhalder, T (Author) (Other); Abuter, R (Author) (Other); Amorim, A (Author) (Other); Asensio Torres, R (Author) (Other); Benisty, M (Author) (Other); Berger, JP (Author) (Other); Beust, H (Author) (Other); Boccaletti, A (Author) (Other); Bohn, A (Author) (Other); Bonnefoy, M (Author) (Other)...(mais 78 authors)
Bayliss, D (Author) (Other); Hojjatpanah, S (Author) (Other); Santerne, A (Author) (Other); Dragomir, D (Author) (Other); Zhou, G (Author) (Other); Shporer, A (Author) (Other); Colon, KD (Author) (Other); Almenara, J (Author) (Other); Armstrong, DJ (Author) (Other); Barrado, D (Author) (Other); Barros, SCC (Author) (FCUP); Bento, J (Author) (Other); Boisse, I (Author) (Other); Bouchy, F (Author) (Other); Brown, DJA (Author) (Other); Brown, T (Author) (Other); Cameron, A (Author) (Other); Cochran, WD (Author) (Other); Demangeon, O (Author) (Other); Deleuil, M (Author) (Other)...(mais 17 authors)
Venkatapathy, Y (Author) (Other); Bravo Alfaro, H (Author) (Other); Mayya, YD (Author) (Other); Lobo, C (Author) (FCUP); Durret, F (Author) (Other); Gamez, V (Author) (Other); Valerdi, M (Author) (Other); Granados Contreras, AP (Author) (Other); Navarro Poupard, F (Author) (Other)
Otten, GPPL (Author) (Other); Paladini, C (Author) (Other); Paumard, T (Author) (Other); Perraut, K (Author) (Other); Perrin, G (Author) (Other); Pfuhl, O (Author) (Other); Pueyo, L (Author) (Other); Rameau, J (Author) (Other); Rodet, L (Author) (Other); Rodriguez Coira, G (Author) (Other); Rousset, G (Author) (Other); Scheithauer, S (Author) (Other); Shangguan, J (Author) (Other); Shimizu, T (Author) (Other); Stadler, J (Author) (Other); Straub, O (Author) (Other); Straubmeier, C (Author) (Other); Sturm, E (Author) (Other); Tacconi, LJ (Author) (Other); van Dishoeck, EF (Author) (Other)...(mais 83 authors)
Boucher, A (Author) (Other); Darveau Bernier, A (Author) (Other); Pelletier, S (Author) (Other); Lafreniere, D (Author) (Other); Artigau, E (Author) (Other); Cook, NJ (Author) (Other); Allart, R (Author) (Other); Radica, M (Author) (Other); Doyon, R (Author) (Other); Benneke, B (Author) (Other); Arnold, L (Author) (Other); Bonfils, X (Author) (Other); Bourrier, V (Author) (Other); Cloutier, R (Author) (Other); da Silva, JG (Author) (Other); Deibert, E (Author) (Other); Delfosse, X (Author) (Other); Donati, JF (Author) (Other); Ehrenreich, D (Author) (Other); Figueira, P (Author) (Other)...(mais 12 authors)
Kosiarek, MR (Author) (Other); Crossfield, IJM (Author) (Other); Hardegree Ullman, KK (Author) (Other); Livingston, JH (Author) (Other); Benneke, B (Author) (Other); Henry, GW (Author) (Other); Howard, WS (Author) (Other); Berardo, D (Author) (Other); Blunt, S (Author) (Other); Fulton, BJ (Author) (Other); Hirsch, LA (Author) (Other); Howard, AW (Author) (Other); Isaacson, H (Author) (Other); Petigura, EA (Author) (Other); Sinukoff, E (Author) (Other); Weiss, L (Author) (Other); Bonfils, X (Author) (Other); Dressing, CD (Author) (Other); Knutson, HA (Author) (Other); Schlieder, JE (Author) (Other)...(mais 19 authors)
Huber, D (Author) (Other); White, TR (Author) (Other); Metcalfe, TS (Author) (Other); Chontos, A (Author) (Other); Fausnaugh, MM (Author) (Other); Ho, CSK (Author) (Other); Van Eylen, V (Author) (Other); Ball, WH (Author) (Other); Basu, S (Author) (Other); Bedding, TR (Author) (Other); Benomar, O (Author) (Other); Bossini, D (Author) (Other); Breton, S (Author) (Other); Buzasi, DL (Author) (Other); Campante, TL (Author) (FCUP); Chaplin, WJ (Author) (Other); Christensen Dalsgaard, J (Author) (Other); Cunha, MS (Author) (FCUP); Deal, M (Author) (Other); Garcia, RA (Author) (Other)...(mais 33 authors)
Ment, K (Author) (Other); Dittmann, JA (Author) (Other); Astudillo Defru, N (Author) (Other); Charbonneau, D (Author) (Other); Irwin, J (Author) (Other); Bonfils, X (Author) (Other); Murgas, F (Author) (Other); Almenara, JM (Author) (Other); Forveille, T (Author) (Other); Agol, E (Author) (Other); Ballard, S (Author) (Other); Berta Thompson, ZK (Author) (Other); Bouchy, F (Author) (Other); Cloutier, R (Author) (Other); Delfosse, X (Author) (Other); Doyon, R (Author) (Other); Dressing, CD (Author) (Other); Esquerdo, GA (Author) (Other); Haywood, RD (Author) (Other); Kipping, DM (Author) (Other)...(mais 10 authors)
Yun, JL (Author) (Other); Moreira, MC (Author) (Other); Torrelles, JM (Author) (Other); Afonso, JM (Author) (Other); N.C. Santos (Author) (Other)

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