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Integrated Master Degree in Architecture

General information

Official Code: 9257
Acronym: MIARQ
Description: Estruturado em dois ciclos de estudos, o Mestrado Integrado em Arquitectura visa assegurar uma formação qualificada em arquitectura, que assenta na construção de um saber específico que se funda na articulação de diferentes áreas disciplinares que convergem para a compreensão e construção de um entendimento sobre o espaço ― os seus fundamentos, propósito, relações e configurações. Para a construção do referido saber e compreensão e entendimento sobre o espaço são convocados e desenvolvidos no estudante o pensamento teórico e o exercício da crítica, salientando-se, ainda, o desenvolvimento e afirmação de uma cultura de desenho entendida como instrumento de pensamento e de representação, que se consideram estruturantes na formação do arquitecto. Raquel Paulino


  • Master of Architecture (300 ECTS credits)
  • Architectural Studies (180 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Drawing 1

100103 - ECTS

The discipline of Drawing aims to promote the representation and knowledge of the visible world and the mental images through manual graphic skills, in accordance with the following objectives:
- To develop the student's the ability to observe;
- To develop the ability and knowledge about the act of drawing and the sensitivity to plastic and aesthetic values;
- To create conditions for the student to face the act of projecting with spontaneity, agility and awareness;
- To stimulate the presence in the act of project of non systematic, symbolic and poetic components.
- To promote the appreciation and understanding of the need and pleasure of representation;
- To recognize drawing as a graphic expression of an intention;
- To understand that you can learn how to draw through the practice of drawing.

Geometry and Architecture

100106 - ECTS

History of Ancient and Medieval Architecture

200202 - ECTS

Architectural Design 1

100101 - ECTS

General Theory of Spatial Organization

100102 - ECTS

Building Construction 1

200204 - ECTS

Drawing 2

200206 - ECTS

History of Modern Architecture

300302 - ECTS

Architectural Design 2

200201 - ECTS

Architectural Theory 1

200203 - ECTS

Urban Economy

50123C5 - ECTS


20203A2 - ECTS

Opção U.Porto (Urbanistica)


Spatial Anthropology

10125C1 - ECTS

Knowledge of the main sociological and anthropological paradigms for the study of spatial questions; understanding of the frames of strcutural relation between spatial morphology and socio-cultural morphology; knowledge of the main implications of these relations in the study of portuguese society.


20203A2 - ECTS

Introduction to Landscape

20202A2 - ECTS

Opção U.Porto (Urbanistica)


Building Construction 2

300304 - ECTS

History of Contemporary Architecture

500502 - ECTS

Architectural Design 3

300301 - ECTS

Architectural Theory 2

300303 - ECTS

Urbanistics 1

300305 - ECTS

Architecture and Design 1

30318B3 - ECTS

Computer Aided Architectural Design 1

30306B3 - ECTS

Human Figure and Space Rendering I

30314B3 - ECTS

Constructive Geometry 1

30312B3 - ECTS

Opção U.Porto (Desenho)


Architecture and Design 2

30319B3 - ECTS

Computer Aided Architectural Design 2

30307B3 - ECTS

Human Figure and Space Rendering II

30315B3 - ECTS

Constructive Geometry 2

30313B3 - ECTS

Opção U.Porto (Desenho)


Building Construction 3

400405 - ECTS

History of Portuguese Architecture

400402 - ECTS

Architectural Design 4

400401 - ECTS

Structural Systems

400404 - ECTS

Architectural Theory 3

400403 - ECTS

The House - laboratory of architectural thought

50157C5 - 3 ECTS

Urbanisation of Poverty

50135C5 - ECTS

Architectural Toys - The Playful Construction of Architecture

50145C5 - ECTS

Architecture, theory and criticism in the Iberian Peninsula 1950-1980

50153C5 - ECTS

Architecture and Cinema

50137C5 - ECTS

Concepção e Experimentação Estrutural

50143C5 - ECTS

Circular Construction, Conscious Design and Certification

50149C5 - ECTS

Construction of Architecture of Wood 

50140C5 - ECTS

Build in the Built

50151C5 - ECTS

- Deepening knowledge on methodologies, theories and practices of intervention in the built heritage in a wide sense.

- Exploring methodological instruments and tools to support the characterization, diagnosis and intervention in the built heritage.

- Deepening knowledge on management, rehabilitation, conservation, restoration and maintenance of built heritage, considering its historical evolution and contemporary examples.

- Promoting the critical analysis of architectural design (projects and works) in the built heritage.

- Providing advanced training, skills and research methods in the area of architectural design in the built heritage.

- Promoting the multiplication of opportunities in the labour market and foster a closer relationship between the University and national and international agencies whose mission is the management and enhancement of built heritage.

Drawing as a method and instrument of research in Architecture

50144C5 - ECTS

Architecture, City and Territory Photography

50148C5 - ECTS

Inhabiting the Future - Research Laboratory

50152C5 - ECTS

History of the City of Oporto

50131C5 - ECTS

Opção U.Porto (Qualquer Área)



50122C5 - ECTS

Oporto. Territory and networks of invisibility.

50142C5 - ECTS


Territories and networks of invisibilities, dialectical between the "invisible city" and the "visible city", considering process, project and work in the public space (infrastructure, socialization and urbanization) of the territory of Porto and the "Grande Porto" as a lab to reflect, question and understand the processes of contemporary transformation of urbanity and the "urban being".



This curricular unit of the Integrated Master's Degree in Architecture of FAUP (MIARQ/FAUP) aims to contribute to deepen a field of theoretical and practical reflection on the relationship, in society in general and in communities in particular, of idea/strategy/process/project/work in the equation of urbanization and urbanity, considering the disciplinary area of Architecture and its transversalities with the social and human sciences and the public politcs in the social, political, economic and cultural fields.

Combining territory and landscape, urbanization, urbanity and rurality, memory and forgetfulness, "human being" and "urban being", it is intended, through a teaching practice based on the emphasis of the learning factor, on the trinomial teaching-learning-research, to approach the urgency of reconsidering strategies for the space of the city, its territory and communities, in a logic of "Service Learning" and "Engage Students", in the context of the 3rd mission of the University. 

It underlines the importance of strengthening the presence in teaching-learning, in Architecture, of academic reflection on the equation of networks, territories and communities of invisibility, materials and immaterials, flows and dynamics and variable geometries of mobility of urban and periurban populations to the extent of their potential to create real conditions for a more inclusive, sustained development and planning, of progress, according to the most current trends of feminist urbanism and participatory urbanism. In this sense, it is, from the first contact time, a concern that requires the reinvention of teaching methods/processes in order to capture attention and develop the profile of the student leading to the formulation of critical thinking. 

Estat the boundaries/barriers of everyday life, very marked by logics of physical and intellectual "zonation", of borders and rigid territories in its spatiality and social, political and urban conformation, in a tense relationship between access and exclusion, identity and revulsion, belonging and abandonment, we can characterize the pedagogical practice associated with this curricular unit as potentially catalyst and unlocker of the individual and collective construction of critical positioning, in a constant dialectic between teaching and learning, teaching and research and research and society, developing the 3rd mission of the University.

Starting from the specific case of the city of Porto and the territory called "Grande Porto" as an experimental laboratory, this U.C., by the evidence it intends to create, by encouraging students in the continuation of their studies and dynamics of participation in society (the social function of the architect), by the plan of reflecting on their subjects of focus, considers to be able to enrich the field of collective memory (material and immaterial) , both by the information and interpretation of the daily, ethnographic reality, the urban environment and the primary sources of material and immaterial heritage, as well as the research that may result from the curricular component and extracurricular extensions and interactions with other communities in the context of the University and civil society in general. 

Anchoring itself in the objective of expanding and disseminating current knowledge and, combining it with the pedagogical and didactic dynamics and practices of a final cycle of an integrated master's degree in the artistic-scientific field, a Community of Pedagogical Innovation - inserted at Pedaghogical Innovation/University of Porto (CIP-UP-PTRI)-, an integrated line of trans and interdisciplinary studies and a grant of research projects, convening FAUP and consolidating collaborative practices with FBAUP and FPCEUP was constituted, focusing on sharing practices in the curricular and research spheres, providing, in order to create platforms of intellectual intersection, a set of classes open to the academic community, spaces for sharing and discussion in social networks, collective conversations and tertulias and colloquium spaces. In these moments, which are expected to be very participated, with the presence of students of formal and informal frequency, Portuguese, Erasmus, other academic years, other organic units of the UP and even some who have already completed the master's course and who are in internship or start the frequency of third cycle courses, allow the creation of a pedagogical atmosphere, of an enrichment of the critical mass in the university environment and of affirmation of diversity, inclusion and dissemination as essential values of the classroom space. 

Observing the current formative and reflective offer in the context of FAUP and PU, considering as added value the construction of specific knowledge in an interdisciplinary register, transdisciplinaryly enriching the students' curricula, enabling them, by choice, the development of specialized studies in the last two years of MIARQ, showing them possible paths leading to the elaboration of their dissertation processes or final project , with this UC, it is expected to open perspectives in the discipline of Architecture and transversalities with areas that are related to it. In a prospective stimulus to the continuation of studies, and the continuation of research work.


Among the multiple reasons that could motivate us to develop this whole pedagogical process, some are judged as structuring: 

-Recovery of the social sense of education in Architecture in order to contribute to the development of society;

-Potentiation of a democratic and participatory concept of active citizenship, fostering consideration in the equation of the urbanity of physical and social networks that characterize the aspect of urbanism that considers actors, people and communities in their equation;

-Underline the urban relations of cohesion and increase of the social capital of neighborhoods and communities, enhancing the complicity of teaching/research processes, learning to work networks, to network and to monitor the progress and results of these same intervention projects in the logics of the aforementioned learning in service;

-Improve the social perception of students and researchers and empowerthem of means, tools and platforms for understanding and dedrawing urban territories, especially the so-called losing territories in which these networks of invisibility are expressed. From the conditions of basic urbanity to the communication and digital information networks.

Finally, it is the objective of this U.C. to help to understand contemporaneity, regarding the study, understanding, problematization and interpretation of ideas, processes, projects and works in the context of public space, from the information and interpretation of these "territories and networks of invisibility", from the great work and research field that is Porto.


Building Rehabilitation

50119C5 - ECTS

Sistemas Construtivos Tradicionais

50154C5 - ECTS

Opção U.Porto (Qualquer Área)


Heritage and Landscape. Management, Analysis, Project

50147C5 - ECTS

-Rasing awareness to the importance of the multidisciplinary character of heritage studies.
-Promoting a cross-cutting approach to the concepts of heritage and landscape in contemporary society.
-Acquiring knowledge about methodologies, theories and practices of intervention in built heritage and landscape;
-Critically analyzing the international charters conventions, the Portuguese legislation and its implementation.
-Deepening knowledge on management, rehabilitation, conservation, restoration and maintenance of heritage, considering its historical evolution and contemporary examples.
-Developing competences in the field of architecture and landscape design, involving the relationship between research and its theoretical framework with project conception.
-Acquiring knowledge about the history of landscape design and the management of cultural landscapes.
-Acquiring knowledge about the methodologies and principles of intervention in landscape heritage.
-Defining and interpreting the fundamental concepts of risk analysis and management.
-Developing competences related to the identification of risk areas.
- Organizing risk assessment frameworks applied to case studies

Urbanistics 2

400406 - ECTS


500504 - ECTS

Architectural Design 5

500501 - ECTS

The House - laboratory of architectural thought

50157C5 - 3 ECTS

Urbanisation of Poverty

50135C5 - ECTS

Architectural Toys - The Playful Construction of Architecture

50145C5 - ECTS

Architecture, theory and criticism in the Iberian Peninsula 1950-1980

50153C5 - ECTS

Architecture and Cinema

50137C5 - ECTS

Concepção e Experimentação Estrutural

50143C5 - ECTS

Circular Construction, Conscious Design and Certification

50149C5 - ECTS

Construction of Architecture of Wood 

50140C5 - ECTS

Build in the Built

50151C5 - ECTS

- Deepening knowledge on methodologies, theories and practices of intervention in the built heritage in a wide sense.

- Exploring methodological instruments and tools to support the characterization, diagnosis and intervention in the built heritage.

- Deepening knowledge on management, rehabilitation, conservation, restoration and maintenance of built heritage, considering its historical evolution and contemporary examples.

- Promoting the critical analysis of architectural design (projects and works) in the built heritage.

- Providing advanced training, skills and research methods in the area of architectural design in the built heritage.

- Promoting the multiplication of opportunities in the labour market and foster a closer relationship between the University and national and international agencies whose mission is the management and enhancement of built heritage.

Drawing as a method and instrument of research in Architecture

50144C5 - ECTS

Architecture, City and Territory Photography

50148C5 - ECTS

Inhabiting the Future - Research Laboratory

50152C5 - ECTS

History of the City of Oporto

50131C5 - ECTS

Opção U.Porto (Qualquer Área)



50122C5 - ECTS

Oporto. Territory and networks of invisibility.

50142C5 - ECTS


Territories and networks of invisibilities, dialectical between the "invisible city" and the "visible city", considering process, project and work in the public space (infrastructure, socialization and urbanization) of the territory of Porto and the "Grande Porto" as a lab to reflect, question and understand the processes of contemporary transformation of urbanity and the "urban being".



This curricular unit of the Integrated Master's Degree in Architecture of FAUP (MIARQ/FAUP) aims to contribute to deepen a field of theoretical and practical reflection on the relationship, in society in general and in communities in particular, of idea/strategy/process/project/work in the equation of urbanization and urbanity, considering the disciplinary area of Architecture and its transversalities with the social and human sciences and the public politcs in the social, political, economic and cultural fields.

Combining territory and landscape, urbanization, urbanity and rurality, memory and forgetfulness, "human being" and "urban being", it is intended, through a teaching practice based on the emphasis of the learning factor, on the trinomial teaching-learning-research, to approach the urgency of reconsidering strategies for the space of the city, its territory and communities, in a logic of "Service Learning" and "Engage Students", in the context of the 3rd mission of the University. 

It underlines the importance of strengthening the presence in teaching-learning, in Architecture, of academic reflection on the equation of networks, territories and communities of invisibility, materials and immaterials, flows and dynamics and variable geometries of mobility of urban and periurban populations to the extent of their potential to create real conditions for a more inclusive, sustained development and planning, of progress, according to the most current trends of feminist urbanism and participatory urbanism. In this sense, it is, from the first contact time, a concern that requires the reinvention of teaching methods/processes in order to capture attention and develop the profile of the student leading to the formulation of critical thinking. 

Estat the boundaries/barriers of everyday life, very marked by logics of physical and intellectual "zonation", of borders and rigid territories in its spatiality and social, political and urban conformation, in a tense relationship between access and exclusion, identity and revulsion, belonging and abandonment, we can characterize the pedagogical practice associated with this curricular unit as potentially catalyst and unlocker of the individual and collective construction of critical positioning, in a constant dialectic between teaching and learning, teaching and research and research and society, developing the 3rd mission of the University.

Starting from the specific case of the city of Porto and the territory called "Grande Porto" as an experimental laboratory, this U.C., by the evidence it intends to create, by encouraging students in the continuation of their studies and dynamics of participation in society (the social function of the architect), by the plan of reflecting on their subjects of focus, considers to be able to enrich the field of collective memory (material and immaterial) , both by the information and interpretation of the daily, ethnographic reality, the urban environment and the primary sources of material and immaterial heritage, as well as the research that may result from the curricular component and extracurricular extensions and interactions with other communities in the context of the University and civil society in general. 

Anchoring itself in the objective of expanding and disseminating current knowledge and, combining it with the pedagogical and didactic dynamics and practices of a final cycle of an integrated master's degree in the artistic-scientific field, a Community of Pedagogical Innovation - inserted at Pedaghogical Innovation/University of Porto (CIP-UP-PTRI)-, an integrated line of trans and interdisciplinary studies and a grant of research projects, convening FAUP and consolidating collaborative practices with FBAUP and FPCEUP was constituted, focusing on sharing practices in the curricular and research spheres, providing, in order to create platforms of intellectual intersection, a set of classes open to the academic community, spaces for sharing and discussion in social networks, collective conversations and tertulias and colloquium spaces. In these moments, which are expected to be very participated, with the presence of students of formal and informal frequency, Portuguese, Erasmus, other academic years, other organic units of the UP and even some who have already completed the master's course and who are in internship or start the frequency of third cycle courses, allow the creation of a pedagogical atmosphere, of an enrichment of the critical mass in the university environment and of affirmation of diversity, inclusion and dissemination as essential values of the classroom space. 

Observing the current formative and reflective offer in the context of FAUP and PU, considering as added value the construction of specific knowledge in an interdisciplinary register, transdisciplinaryly enriching the students' curricula, enabling them, by choice, the development of specialized studies in the last two years of MIARQ, showing them possible paths leading to the elaboration of their dissertation processes or final project , with this UC, it is expected to open perspectives in the discipline of Architecture and transversalities with areas that are related to it. In a prospective stimulus to the continuation of studies, and the continuation of research work.


Among the multiple reasons that could motivate us to develop this whole pedagogical process, some are judged as structuring: 

-Recovery of the social sense of education in Architecture in order to contribute to the development of society;

-Potentiation of a democratic and participatory concept of active citizenship, fostering consideration in the equation of the urbanity of physical and social networks that characterize the aspect of urbanism that considers actors, people and communities in their equation;

-Underline the urban relations of cohesion and increase of the social capital of neighborhoods and communities, enhancing the complicity of teaching/research processes, learning to work networks, to network and to monitor the progress and results of these same intervention projects in the logics of the aforementioned learning in service;

-Improve the social perception of students and researchers and empowerthem of means, tools and platforms for understanding and dedrawing urban territories, especially the so-called losing territories in which these networks of invisibility are expressed. From the conditions of basic urbanity to the communication and digital information networks.

Finally, it is the objective of this U.C. to help to understand contemporaneity, regarding the study, understanding, problematization and interpretation of ideas, processes, projects and works in the context of public space, from the information and interpretation of these "territories and networks of invisibility", from the great work and research field that is Porto.


Building Rehabilitation

50119C5 - ECTS

Sistemas Construtivos Tradicionais

50154C5 - ECTS

Architectural Theory 4

500505 - ECTS

Opção U.Porto (Qualquer Área)


Heritage and Landscape. Management, Analysis, Project

50147C5 - ECTS

-Rasing awareness to the importance of the multidisciplinary character of heritage studies.
-Promoting a cross-cutting approach to the concepts of heritage and landscape in contemporary society.
-Acquiring knowledge about methodologies, theories and practices of intervention in built heritage and landscape;
-Critically analyzing the international charters conventions, the Portuguese legislation and its implementation.
-Deepening knowledge on management, rehabilitation, conservation, restoration and maintenance of heritage, considering its historical evolution and contemporary examples.
-Developing competences in the field of architecture and landscape design, involving the relationship between research and its theoretical framework with project conception.
-Acquiring knowledge about the history of landscape design and the management of cultural landscapes.
-Acquiring knowledge about the methodologies and principles of intervention in landscape heritage.
-Defining and interpreting the fundamental concepts of risk analysis and management.
-Developing competences related to the identification of risk areas.
- Organizing risk assessment frameworks applied to case studies

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