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Architectural Design 3

Code: 300301     Acronym: 300301

Classification Keyword
CNAEF Architecture and Urbanism

Instance: 2020/2021 - A Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Arquitectura (A)
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master Degree in Architecture

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIARQ 130 MIARQ 3 - 21 - 567

Teaching language




Project 3 takes for granted the methodological skills and tecnical design handling necessarily acquired in previous years, having to test and develop them in order to increase the knowledge and experience of students to a superior level of capabilities and requirements.

Under the general theme of multifamily housing and the city as a framework, are carried out a series of exercises that enhance experimentation, reflection and the ability of materializing extensive projectual knowledge about Architectural Design and Architecture.

First of all, to make the general approach of the issues and problems of multifamily housing, defined as reflection on modes of living, as a test of the definition of programs and development of cell-spaces that reflect, as well as the study the association of these cells by systems and rules that constitute an effective link and empowering capable of contributing clear gains for the individual residence. It also intends, through the study of fires, distribution systems, the associations into modules and the conformation of the building, make informed and consistent choices typological possible. It is also to do so in an urban setting, forcing to study and understand the procedures and training elements of the urban fabric and the identification of their morphology, studying how to carry out a housing program defines substantial, is, alter or rebuild new urban fabric. Thus, the integration of the two components to reflect and understand the interdependence, the dialectical relationship between urban insertion, the urban morphology and architectural housing typology.

The exercises provided are also intended to advance the experience and skills of design students in three key areas: first in the vastness and complexity of the problems with the gradual introduction of programmatic constraints, urban and legal issues that interfere with the process simpler definition of the form exercised in previous years. Second, the particular difficulties and the potential that the joint work at the same time scales from 1 / 1000 to 1 / 2 provides, that is, checking interdependencies and mutual stimulation between the urban and the general design or detail of the buildings . Third, not least, to treat intensively the constructive aspects, both in its general logic or wisdom in detail, students have the opportunity to realize that they must materialize in a rigorous way, the desired construction, constituting more than one mere addition of information, an essential part of the work of shaping the expression of architecture and provide an opportunity for synthesis of language and construction, with implications and effect on larger scales and throughout the final result.

The general framework of these exercises is, deliberatly, quite conservative. It is understood that the approach to the subject of housing and multifamily dwelling goes better with the qualifying of the banal, than the playing with the  exceptionality of the speculation, be it programmatic, functional or formal - although not neglecting it. With the awareness that, in it, students can, without limiting the degree of quality or depth, gain strength for other demands.

In the sequence of what has been done in previous years, a Laboratory component will be experienced, simultaneously and in parallel with the program, electing, annually, a particular sub-theme of the universe of multi-family housing.
For the year 2020-21 it will be the one of "flexibility of uses", exploring its potentialities and limitations.

Learning outcomes and competences

The expected result is an extensive knowledge of the problems of residential architecture and increased mastering of the architectural design capabilities.

Working method



Exercise 1: "Association of Apartments in Multi-Family Housing".

Essay of three different apartment aggregation solutions, using three distribution systems: Gallery Access, Vertical Multiple Access, Direct Access. Since the work will essentially focused on the characteristics and modalities of association of apartments, the consideration of a real urban context is excluded. Rehearsing, however, several predefined urban morphology-type situations: base module, corner, open gable and joint, on the scale 1/500 and 1/200. Duration: 7 weeks.

Exercise 2: “Urban Form and Residential Building: from Plan to Project”.

Articulated in four phases that unfold in continuity and complementarity, it is an exercise that will continue until the end of the school year.

Phase 1 of the 2nd Exercise: "Plan: Implementation and Urban Form / Public and Private Spaces".
It is primarily the development of an urban implantation, of substantial extension, implying the creation and characterization of new streets, with a mixed program, predominantly housing. It deals with the study of an implantation and volumetry, including circulations, accesses, public and private spaces, and aims to organize all the intervention area. Meant to be done predominantly on the scales 1/1000 and 1/500. Duration: 7 weeks.

Phase 2 of the 2nd Exercise: "Project: Housing Building and Public and Private Spaces". If Phase 1 deals with the structuring of urban space and the definition of morphologies, Phase 2 addresses it by interpreting structures and morphologies, through the choice and exploration of shapes, volumes, typological options and architectural language. It is about practicing and realizing that the “urban” approach and the “architectural” approach are two sides of the same problem and have complex interconnections and interdependencies. The work takes place mainly at the scales 1/500 and 1/200. Duration: 7 weeks.

Phase 3 of Exercise 2: ”Multi-Family Housing Building: Design and Construction-1”. It focuses on detailing one of the buildings previously proposed studying its general shape and its structural and constructive characteristics, searching for the synthesis between expression and construction. The scales covered are 1/100 and 1/10. Duration: 5 weeks.

Phase 4 of Exercise 2: ”Multi-Family Housing Building: Design and Construction-2”. To be developed until the end of the school year, it thickens and details the building worked during the previous phase, reviewing its general shape and detail. The scales covered are 1/100, 1/50, 1/10 and 1/2. Duration: 7 weeks.

Occasionally, small punctual exploration exercises for ongoing projects can be carried out, with the detailed drawing of elements of the building in progress.

The CCW 2021 event (Conference + Colloquium + Workshop) will also be held in April 2021 with a duration of 1 week.

To accompany the teaching / learning process of Project 3, students should organize an individual "Research Notebook", in which various study materials - projects, architectural study cases, texts ... - representative of the search for information / knowledge to help densify the Project exercise(s). With continuous elaboration and systematic revisit, typical of the “project learning” processes, this “Notebook” monitors and feeds the progress of the work and will be considered an essential element in the evaluation as part of the student's progress and autonomy. It will also be an element worked in the UC “Theory 2”, so the work will be shared by the two UCs, although with independent classification.

Mandatory literature

Costa Alexandre Alves; Porto 1901-2001. ISBN: 972-26-206-4
Monteys Xavier; Casa collage. ISBN: 84-252-1869-1
Gili Galfetti Gustau; Pisos piloto. ISBN: 84-252-1716-4
Schneider Friederike 340; Atlas de plantas. ISBN: 84-252-2050-5
Melgarejo María 050; Nuevos modos de habitar. ISBN: 84-86828-15-5
Rueda Oscar 340; Metropolitan Housing Madrid. ISBN: 84-7207-138-3
Martínez Andrés; Habitar la cubierta. ISBN: 84-252-1989-2
Rueda Oscar 340; Metropolitan Housing Madrid. ISBN: 84-7207-138-3
Fernandes Fátima; Arquitectura portuguesa contemporânea. ISBN: 972-41-2706-0
SALAZAR, J., GAUSA, M.; Housing+Singular Housing, Actar, 2002
Proyecto Casa Barcelona, Construmat Barcelona, 2001
Sherwood Roger; Modern housing prototypes
Heckmann Oliver 340; Floor plan manual housing. ISBN: 978-3-0346-0708-7
Schneider Friederike 340; Atlas de plantas. ISBN: 84-252-1710-5
F. R. S. Yorke; Frederick Gibberd; The Modern Flat, The Architectural Press, London UK, 1937
F. R. S. Yorke; Frederick Gibberd; Modern Flats, The Architectural Press, London UK, 1958
Fernandes, Fátima e Michele Cannatà ; Habitação Contemporânea. Formas de Habitar, Asa Editores, 2003. ISBN: 9724136329
Fernandes Fátima; Guia da arquitectura moderna. ISBN: 972-41-3175-0
TILL, Jeremy; SCHNEIDER, tatjana; Flexible Housing, Routledge, 2007. ISBN: ISBN-13: 978-0750682022
MONTANER, Josep Maria; La Arquitectura de la Vivienda colectiva, Editorial Reverté, 2015. ISBN: 9788429121261
SABATER, Txatxo; GUASCH, Ricardo; MALDONADO, Josep (col.) ; Novos Descritores, Novos Operadores Projetuais. , Ediciones del Viaducto, 2018. ISBN: ISBN 978-84-947278-1-8.
LEUPEN, Bernard, MOOIJ, Harald; Housing design. A Manual, NAi Publishers, 2011. ISBN: 978-9056628260
MONTEYS, Xavier ; La Calle y la Casa. Urbanismo de Interiores, Gustavo Gili, 2019. ISBN: 978-84-252-2975-6
PANERAI, Ph.R.[et al.], ; Formas urbanas: de la manzana al bloque, Gustavo Gili, 1986. ISBN: ISBN: 84-252-1291-X

Teaching methods and learning activities

The work is developed through a combination of theoretical and practical moments. On the one hand the performance of sequences of lectures presented by the Regent of discipline with the simultaneous presence of all students and, on the other hand, by practical classes held in classrooms with the monitoring of assistants, with the participation of the Regent so possible and rotating. In the lectures will be presented to perform the exercises, introduced the topics and information necessary for the progress of work, and will be regularly carried out exercises collective inter-class, presentation, comparison and discussion of results. In practical classes will be implemented and executed the exercises, presented, analyzed, criticized and discussed in groups or individually, the progress of work.


Technological sciences > Architecture
Humanities > Arts

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Trabalho prático ou de projeto 100,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Elaboração de projeto 100,00
Total: 100,00

Eligibility for exams

Minimum attendance at 75% classes.

Calculation formula of final grade

Evaluation Components
The assessment will be continuous in the sense that they should be given to relations with teachers, the presence and participation in class, regularity and continuity of work, attitude and responsiveness to problems and challenges posed. Alongside this assessment it will also offer daily moments of informal assessment, the assessment of the situation, which will be presented / talked / discussed the ongoing work, without the case, however, a delivery.
Will be held four times a formal evaluation, with presentation in standard formats and modes of pre-determined elements, followed by individual comment made by each of the classes and display of numerical ratings. These ratings will consider together, the results achieved in the delivery in both clarity and consistency of the presentation / communication, and the intrinsic quality of the papers presented, and where they should be visible handling capabilities, coordination and integration of urban options, typological, morphological and constructive, with the continuous delivery group. Each classification will absorb the former, incorporating, therefore, an expectation of progression as a positive factor.

Five assessments will be undertaken in accordance with the timetable of the school year, corresponding to five supplies, major evaluations of the work involved. All of these moments will have personal and public comment except the last one, where the autonomy of the presentation will become more important.

Remark: Projecto 3 is a 3 year project which has Projecto 2 as a precedent.


According to the devellopment of COVID-19 pandemy, and depending on the dispostions that may be demanded by the Portuguese Health Authorities, changes may occur in face-to-face classes regime.
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