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Architectural Theory 1

Code: 200203     Acronym: 200203

Classification Keyword
CNAEF Architecture and Urbanism

Instance: 2020/2021 - A Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Arquitectura (A)
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master Degree in Architecture

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIARQ 157 MIARQ 2 - 9 - 243
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2020-09-18.

Fields changed: Observations, Observações

Teaching language

Obs.: Português


The objectives, skills and outcome of the learning process are:
1 - To make the student familiar with the subject of Architectural Theory, in its specificities as well as with the interactions it establishes with other fields (i.s. Design, History, Building, Planning) 

2 - To make the student familiar with a sequence of theoretical movements, architectural languages and architecture' thinkers who left their mark in the developing of Architecture and in the field of Theory in particular.

3 - To develop general knowledge, critical capacity and personal interests that will support the student in his architectural practices and design experiences.

Learning outcomes and competences

Aquisição de conhecimentos gerais quanto á produção teórica posterior á modernidade e aquisição de competências gerais em termos de reflexão-crítica arquitectónica.

Working method



"Theory 1" focuses on the theoretical developments of Architecture as a discipline, with special emphasis on the 20th century.
Its contents include the followings subjects:
1.1 - Theory of Architecture I: Words and Constructions
1.2 - Theory of Architecture II: Prescribing and Questioning (Vitruvio, Alberti, Boullée, Le Duc, Semper et al)
2.1 - Design and Modern Thought I: Genesis of a System
2.2 - Design and Modern Thought II: "Revolution or Architecture?" (Corbusier et al)
-  Portugal (1910-30s), Portugal (1930-40s)
2.3 - Theory of Modern Architecture 1: Instrumental Theory (Corbusier, Hitchcock, Johnson)
2.4 - Theory of Modern Architecture II: Modern Historiography (Pevsner, Kauffman, Giedion, Benevolo, Collins, Banham, Tafuri, Colquhoun)
2.5 - Design and Thought at the Post-War I: Reconstruction and Crisis (Team X, Jacobs, Mumford et al)
2.6 - Design and Thought at the Post-War II: New Goals (Zevi, Jones, Alexander et al)
2.7 - Theory and Architecture at the Post-War: Critic and Influences (Adorno, Marcuse, Benjamim et al)
2.8 - Theory of Architecture at the Post-War II: Percetion and Reception in Architecture (Panovski, Rogers, Heidegger, Bachelard, Norberg-Schulz et al)
- Portugal (1950s),  Portugal (1960s)
2.9 - Theory of Architecture at the Post-War III: Mediatization and Orientations (Benevolo, Banham, Colomina et al)
2.10 - Design and Thought at the Post-War III: Critical Activism (Drexel, Maki, Price, Friedman, Debord et al)
3.1 - Theory of Architecture at the Post-War IV: Language and Structure (Sausurre, Pierce, Aymonino, Grassi, Moneo, Rykwert, Rapopport et al)
3.2 - Theory of Architecture at the Post-War: Structure and Shape (Rossi, Venturi, Rowe)
3.3 - Theory of Architecture at the Post-War VI: Autonomy and Conventions (IAUS, Tafuri, Rudofsky)
4.1 - Design and Thought in PostModeernism I: Quoting and permeability (Jencks, Krier, Moore, Portoghesi)
4.2 - Theory of PostModern Architecture I: Micro-narratives and Spectacle (Lyotard et al)
4.3 - Design and Thought in PostModernism II: Confronting and Resisting (Frampton, Koolhaas, New Urbanism et al)
- Portugal (1970s), Portugal (1980s)4.4 - Theory of PostModern Architecture II: Interpretation and Exteriors (Foucault, Derrida, Deleuze, Any Magazine)
4.5 - Design and Thought in PostModernism III: Tension and Transgression (Wigley, Eisenman, Tschumi)
5.1 - Theory of Contemporary Architecture I: Transitoriety (Baudrilhard, Jameson, Virilio, Lipovetsky et al)
5.2 - Contemporaneous Design and Thought I: Desfragmentation
5.3 - Design and Thought in PostModernism II: Critical-Project (Furtado)
5.4 - Contemporaneous Design and Thought II: Challenges (Oporto School)
-  Portugal (1910-30s), Portugal (1930-40s)5.5 - Theory of Contemporary Architecture III: References (Solá-Morales, landau, Batty et al)
5.6 - Contemporaneous Design and Thought III: Recent Experiments (Novak, Lynn, Spiller et al)
5.7 - Contemporaneous Design and Thought IV: Challenges

Mandatory literature

Boudon Philippe; Introduction à l.architecturologie. ISBN: 2-04-020714-7
Farmer Ben 340; Companion to contemporary architectural thought. ISBN: 0-415-010
HUET, Bernard; Sur un état de la theorie de l’architecture au XXeme siécle, Paris: Editions Quinlette, 2003
LEACH, Neil; “Towards a Definition of Theory”, IN: FURTADO, Gonçalo, Beyond the Pencil: The Construction of the Critical Project, E.A./PEI, 2005
Montaner Josep Maria; A modernidade superada. ISBN: 84-252-1895-0
Nesbitt Kate 050; Theorizing a new agenda for architecture. ISBN: 1-56898-053-1
RACHMAN, John; Constructions, Cambridge: MIT Press, 1998
Kruft Hanno-Walter 070; História de la teoría de la arquitectura. ISBN: 84-206-7996-8
SOUSA, Gonçalo; Metodologias de investigação, Redacção apresentação de trabalhos científicos, Porto: Livraria civilização editora, 2005
WIGLEY, Mark; La disciplina della architecttura, IN: AAVV, Ottagono, N.96, Milão, 1990
Colonetti Aldo 300; Ottagono. ISBN: 0391-7487

Teaching methods and learning activities

"Theoy 1" has teaching sessions, theory and practice, of group nature (generally, once a week).
In the first one, it is envisage the general contents of the course encompassing oral presentations of the various contents done by the professor. The presentation of contents are illustrated with powerpoints and, with the possible frequency, with the contribution of the students and ocasional individualities invited for the matter.
in the second one, short works of experimentation and research will be developed relataing to thematic contents/periods exposed in the run of the "collective" theoretical sessions. (E1 focusing Moden theory and E2 focusing Postmodern and Contemporary theory) Such outcome, including a oral exhibition component and a written exhibition component, - done in and out of the class - performed by students and closely followed by the professor will play the role of consolidating and promoting a critical reflection over the thematic contents/periods of the course. Each work is preced by a discussion with the teacher based on a "plan" made and oral presented by the student after the work begin.

Evaluation will encompass assiduity and participation as well as knowledge acquired by the student over the thematic contents/periods studied. The capacity for critical thinking demonstrated over the 2 necessary practical works will also be taken into account. The evaluation scale is that of 20 values.
We are talking about an evaluation system destributed without a final examination exam: i.e. there will be two separated moments of evaluation (each including the following components: "oral presentation"/plan and "documental presentaion"/essay). Failure to deliver one of the exercicses, or failure to deliver a oral ou written exhon component, will mean a "0" in the final summing up of totals for the concluding grade.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 0,00
Prova oral 40,00
Trabalho escrito 60,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 76,00
Frequência das aulas 91,50
Trabalho de investigação 75,50
Total: 243,00

Eligibility for exams

Têm frequência (com aprovação ou reprovação) os alunos regularmente inscritos que não ultrapassem o máximo permitido de faltas (25 %); a classificação final igual ou superior a 8 valores possibilita a realização de uma 'prova de melhoria de classificação'.

Calculation formula of final grade

Calculation of the final grade:

Final grade are calculated as followed:

- Exercise E1(done individually between the start of the shool year and the first evaluation) includes
a initial oral exhibition component with pwp (10+10%)

and a final written exhibition (30%)

- Exercise E2(done individually between the start of the shool year and the first evaluation) includes
a initial oral exhibition component with pwp (10+10%)

and a final written exhibition (30%)

- Assiduity (corresponding to a maximum of 25% of absences), is a pre-requisite. 

Note: The deliver and discussion of the plans, is a prerequisite to the evaluation of the exercise.


Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

According to the current applicable law.

Classification improvement

The possibility of an exercise for upgrading the results is available; for students enrolling through the normal methods and who will not go over the maximum of absences allowed (25%) and who achieved a final grade of 8 values or more.
The exam, focusing on the 2 periods/ thematic contents delivered over the year, encompasses 2 parts (2h), and envisages to evaluate the components of documental and oral exhibitions.


All sessions of collective teaching and oral presentation are done along with audio-visual resources applying for the utilization of a computer and a projector with PowerPoint application. The students will sometimes be visit the Library and,  will e need to use informatics resources.

* According to the devellopment of COVID-19 pandemy, and depending on the dispostions that may be demanded by the Portuguese Health Authorities, changes may occur in face-to-face classes regime.

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