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Project/Service Agreement:PRR - Impulsos

Start Approved In Progress Completed Closed

Projeto Em CursoIn Progress
General Data
Code: 78872
Reference: PRR - Impulsos
Short name: Impulso Jovens STEAM & Impulso Adultos
Title: U.Porto Programme for Multidisciplinary Education and Training
Competitive Funding: No
Does it involve businesses?: No
No. of Participating Institutions: 15
Type: Funded Project
Geographical Scope: National
Type of Action: Educação/Ensino
Programme: PRR - Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência
Funding Institution: Direção-Geral do Ensino Superior
Financial Geographical Scope: National
Date of the Funding Agreement: 2021-12-14
Paying Entity: Direção-Geral do Ensino Superior
Planned Start Date: 2021-01-10
Effective Start Date: 2021-01-01
Expected Completion Date: 2026-06-30
Effective Completion Date: 2026-06-30
Currency: EUR
Total Approved Budget: 16.327.000,00 EUR
Summary: Com base nos objetivos estratégicos apresentados, a U.Porto criou um Programa de Formação Multidisciplinar, em que estão incluídas iniciativas para cada uma das tipologias de concurso, Impulso Adultos e Impulso Jovens STEAM, garantindo assim o seu contributo para a concretização das metas definidas ao nível nacional.

No âmbito do Impulso Adultos, a U.Porto apresenta 157 novas propostas formativas, incluindo 153 cursos/formações não conferentes de grau e 4 Mestrados (dos quais 3 de carácter profissionalizante). Concebida e desenhada em estreita colaboração com entidades externas que participarão neste Programa, cumpre notar que a grande maioria das formações está preparada para ser ministrada em formato b-learning ou mesmo e-learning, com fito numa maior flexibilidade e
subsequente melhor equilíbrio entre a vida profissional e académica dos seus participantes.
Este Programa pretende comprometer diretamente a U.Porto na resposta às necessidades de reskilling e upskilling da população adulta em várias áreas científicas, incluindo o contributo para o reforço das competências digitais e ecológicas, bem como para a atualização profissional ou requalificação de profissionais de vários setores, face à urgência de adaptação da sociedade civil e da academia às mudanças tecnológicas e sociais emergentes em Portugal, na Europa e no mundo.

Ao abrigo do Impulso Jovens STEAM, o trabalho a desenvolver prende-se não apenas com o intuito de consolidar e diversificar a oferta existente na U.Porto nas áreas das Ciências, Tecnologias, Engenharia, Artes e Matemática, mas também com o propósito de promover uma cultura académica mais inclusiva nestes ciclos de estudos, visando um maior equilíbrio na distribuição dos estudantes por género (nas áreas em que as mulheres se encontram tradicionalmente sub-representadas) e a integração bem-sucedida do Ensino Superior de estudantes oriundos de contextos socioeconómicos desfavorec Ver mais. Adequado para parcelas de texto incompletas e que, através deste ícone, permite-se que o utilizador leia o texto todo.
Results: 1. Atrair mais e melhores estudantes, potenciar o seu desempenho académico e a sua formação integral, como cidadãos e futuros profissionais 2. Modernizar e melhorar a oferta formativa 3. Melhorar a empregabilidade dos estudantes
Observations: www.recuperarportugal.gov.pt
URL: www.recuperarportugal.gov.pt
Scientific Context
Scientific Domain (FOS - Level 2): Engineering and technology > Other engineering and technologies

Academic fields (CORDIS - Level 5)

Mais informações There are no Academic Fields associated with the Project.


  • PRR
Mais informações There are no Documents associated with the Project.

Publications associated with the Project

Institutions Participating in the Project
Institution Contact Create Tab?
Name Short name Country Type Participation Name Telephone Email
Reitoria da Universidade do Porto REIT Portugal University Proponent Luísa Figueiredo 220408061 lafigueiredo@reit.up.pt
Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto FAUP University Partner
Faculdade de Belas Artes da Universidade do Porto FBAUP University Partner
Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação da Universidade do Porto FCNAUP University Partner
Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto FCUP Portugal University Partner
Faculdade de Desporto da Universidade do Porto FADEUP Portugal University Partner
Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto FEP University Partner
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto FEUP Portugal University Partner
Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto FFUP Portugal University Partner
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto FLUP Portugal S Partner
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto FMUP Portugal University Partner
Faculdade de Medicina Dentária da Universidade do Porto FMDUP University Partner
Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação da Universidade do Porto FPCEUP Portugal University Partner
Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas de Abel Salazar ICBAS Portugal University Partner
SPUP SPUP Portugal Others Partner
Budgets and Teams
Approved Budget: 117.783,00 EUR
Approved Funded Amount: 117.783,00 EUR
Approved co-funded Amount: -
Funding Rate: 100 %
Confidential Budget:

People in the Project

Institution Name Short name Role Dedication (%) Contribution (%) Allocation
Start date End date
FFUP Marcela Alves Segundo MAS Official Researcher at the OU 2021-01-01 2026-06-23

Technicians in the Project

Technician Contact
FFUP 702210 Liliana Patrícia Pinto Botelheiro Sarmento
Mais informações There are no Laboratories associated with the Project.
Budgets and Teams
Approved Budget: 44.050,00 EUR
Approved Funded Amount: 44.050,00 EUR
Approved co-funded Amount: -
Funding Rate: 100 %
Confidential Budget:

People in the Project

Institution Name Short name Role Dedication (%) Contribution (%) Allocation
Start date End date
FMDUP Cristina Maria Ferreira Guimarães Pereira Areias CMFGPA Official Researcher at the OU 2021-01-01 2026-06-23

Technicians in the Project

Mais informações There are no Technicians associated with the Project.
Mais informações There are no Laboratories associated with the Project.
Budgets and Teams
Approved Budget: 231.899,00 EUR
Approved Funded Amount: 231.899,00 EUR
Approved co-funded Amount: -
Funding Rate: 100 %
Confidential Budget:

People in the Project

Institution Name Short name Role Dedication (%) Contribution (%) Allocation
Start date End date
FMUP Altamiro Manuel Rodrigues da Costa Pereira ACP Official Researcher 2021-01-01 2026-06-23

Technicians in the Project

Technician Contact
FMUP 239904 Susana Maria Neves Rocha Silva Pereira Castro susanacastro@med.up.pt
FMUP 666460 Rita Valongueiro Esteves rvesteves@sp.up.pt
Mais informações There are no Laboratories associated with the Project.
Budgets and Teams
Approved Budget: 243.040,00 EUR
Approved Funded Amount: 243.040,00 EUR
Approved co-funded Amount: -
Funding Rate: 100 %
Confidential Budget:

People in the Project

Institution Name Short name Role Dedication (%) Contribution (%) Allocation
Start date End date
FPCEUP João Carlos Pereira Caramelo JCPC Researcher 2021-10-01 2026-06-23

Technicians in the Project

Technician Contact
FPCEUP 244105 Celia Regina Silva Pinto
Mais informações There are no Laboratories associated with the Project.
Budgets and Teams
Approved Budget: 239.575,00 EUR
Approved Funded Amount: 239.575,00 EUR
Approved co-funded Amount: -
Funding Rate: 100 %
Confidential Budget:

People in the Project

Institution Name Short name Role Dedication (%) Contribution (%) Allocation
Start date End date
ICBAS Antonio Manuel Ferreira Araújo AMFA Official Researcher at the OU 2021-01-01 2026-06-23

Technicians in the Project

Mais informações There are no Technicians associated with the Project.
Mais informações There are no Laboratories associated with the Project.
Budgets and Teams
Approved Budget: 151.216,00 EUR
Approved Funded Amount: 151.216,00 EUR
Approved co-funded Amount: -
Funding Rate: 100 %
Confidential Budget:

People in the Project

Institution Name Short name Role Dedication (%) Contribution (%) Allocation
Start date End date
FAUP Maria Clara de Carvalho Pimenta do Vale MCCPV Official Researcher at the OU 2021-01-01 2026-06-23

Technicians in the Project

Mais informações There are no Technicians associated with the Project.
Mais informações There are no Laboratories associated with the Project.
Budgets and Teams
Approved Budget: 533.921,00 EUR
Approved Funded Amount: 533.921,00 EUR
Approved co-funded Amount: -
Funding Rate: 100 %
Confidential Budget:

People in the Project

Institution Name Short name Role Dedication (%) Contribution (%) Allocation
Start date End date
FBAUP Lúcia Gualdina Marques de Almeida da Silva Matos LAM Official Researcher at the OU 2021-01-01 2026-06-23

Technicians in the Project

Mais informações There are no Technicians associated with the Project.
Mais informações There are no Laboratories associated with the Project.
Budgets and Teams
Approved Budget: 95.131,00 EUR
Approved Funded Amount: 95.131,00 EUR
Approved co-funded Amount: -
Funding Rate: 100 %
Confidential Budget:

People in the Project

Institution Name Short name Role Dedication (%) Contribution (%) Allocation
Start date End date
FCNAUP Ada Margarida Correia Nunes da Rocha AMCNR Researcher 2021-01-01 2026-06-23
FCNAUP Cláudia Isabel Pontes Neves Afonso CIPNA Researcher 2021-01-01 2026-06-23
FCNAUP Maria Cristina Thierstein Romão Duarte Teixeira Santos MCTS Researcher 2021-01-01 2026-06-23
FCNAUP Nuno Pedro Garcia Fernandes Bento Borges NB Researcher 2024-01-01 2026-06-23
FCNAUP Olga Maria da Silva Viegas OMSV Researcher 2021-01-01 2026-06-23
FCNAUP Olívia Maria de Castro Pinho OMCP Researcher 2024-01-01 2026-06-23
FCNAUP Patrícia Sofia Carneiro Antunes PSCA Researcher 2021-01-01 2026-06-23
FCNAUP Sara Simões Pereira Rodrigues SSPR Researcher 2021-01-01 2026-06-23
FCNAUP Teresa Maria de Serpa Pinto Freitas do Amaral TMSPFA Official Researcher at the OU 2021-01-01 2026-06-23

Technicians in the Project

Mais informações There are no Technicians associated with the Project.
Mais informações There are no Laboratories associated with the Project.
Budgets and Teams
Approved Budget: 9.137.108,00 EUR
Approved Funded Amount: 9.137.108,00 EUR
Approved co-funded Amount: 9.137.108,00 EUR
Funding Rate: 100 %
Confidential Budget:

People in the Project

Institution Name Short name Role Dedication (%) Contribution (%) Allocation
Start date End date
REIT Inês Viana Alves IVA Technician 100 2022-07-21 2026-06-23
REIT Luísa Alves Pimenta Araújo de Figueiredo LAPAF Official Researcher at the OU 2021-01-01 2026-06-23
SPUP Casimiro José Faria da Costa CC Technician 2022-01-01 2026-06-23
SPUP Susana Carla Cunha Amorim de Almeida SCCAA Technician 2022-01-01 2026-06-23

Technicians in the Project

Technician Contact
SPUP 242000 Casimiro José Faria da Costa
Mais informações There are no Laboratories associated with the Project.
Budgets and Teams
Approved Budget: 65.107,00 EUR
Approved Funded Amount: 65.107,00 EUR
Approved co-funded Amount: -
Funding Rate: 100 %
Confidential Budget:

People in the Project

Institution Name Short name Role Dedication (%) Contribution (%) Allocation
Start date End date
FADEUP António Manuel Leal Ferreira Mendonça Fonseca AMLFMF Official Researcher at the OU 2021-01-01 2026-06-30
FADEUP Daniel Moreira Goncalves DMG Researcher 2021-01-01 2026-06-30
FADEUP Rui Manuel Garganta da Silva RMGS Researcher 2021-01-01 2026-06-30
FADEUP Susana Maria Soares SMS Official Researcher at the OU 2021-01-01 2026-06-30

Technicians in the Project

Technician Contact
FADEUP 454101 Filipe Miguel Falcão da Rocha
Mais informações There are no Laboratories associated with the Project.
Budgets and Teams
Approved Budget: 2.763.064,00 EUR
Approved Funded Amount: 2.763.064,00 EUR
Approved co-funded Amount: -
Funding Rate: 100 %
Confidential Budget:

People in the Project

Institution Name Short name Role Dedication (%) Contribution (%) Allocation
Start date End date
FCUP Carla Susana Santana Carmelo Rosa ccrosa Official Researcher at the OU 2022-01-01 2026-06-23
FCUP Eliana María Duarte Gélvez EMDG Researcher 75 2023-05-15 2026-06-30
FCUP Francesco Renna FR Researcher 90 2023-05-01 2026-06-30
FCUP Francesco Renna FR Researcher 100 2022-03-07 2023-04-30
FCUP Hélder Filipe Pinto de Oliveira HFPO Researcher 90 2023-12-01 2026-06-30
FCUP Inês Ventura Cipriano de Almeida IVCA Technician 63 2022-07-18 2026-06-30
FCUP Luís Filipe Marques Marinho Hierro Lopes LFMMHL Technician 100 2022-06-13 2026-06-30
FCUP Miguel João Gonçalves Areias MJGA Researcher 90 2023-05-01 2026-06-30
FCUP Miguel João Gonçalves Areias MJGA Researcher 100 2022-03-07 2023-04-30

Technicians in the Project

Mais informações There are no Technicians associated with the Project.
Mais informações There are no Laboratories associated with the Project.
Budgets and Teams
Approved Budget: 529.571,00 EUR
Approved Funded Amount: 529.571,00 EUR
Approved co-funded Amount: -
Funding Rate: 100 %
Confidential Budget:

People in the Project

Institution Name Short name Role Dedication (%) Contribution (%) Allocation
Start date End date
FEP Carlos Francisco Ferreira Alves CFFA Official Researcher at the OU 2021-01-01 2026-06-23

Technicians in the Project

Mais informações There are no Technicians associated with the Project.
Mais informações There are no Laboratories associated with the Project.
Budgets and Teams
Approved Budget: 1.240.853,86 EUR
Approved Funded Amount: 1.240.853,86 EUR
Approved co-funded Amount: 0,00 EUR
Funding Rate: 100 %
Confidential Budget:

People in the Project

Institution Name Short name Role Dedication (%) Contribution (%) Allocation
Start date End date
FEUP António Abel Ribeiro Henriques AARH Official Researcher at the OU 2021-01-01 2026-06-23
FEUP António Manuel Ferreira Mendes Lopes AML Researcher 2021-01-01 2026-06-23

Technicians in the Project

Mais informações There are no Technicians associated with the Project.
Mais informações There are no Laboratories associated with the Project.
Budgets and Teams
Approved Budget: 780.734,00 EUR
Approved Funded Amount: 780.734,00 EUR
Approved co-funded Amount: -
Funding Rate: 100 %
Confidential Budget:

People in the Project

Institution Name Short name Role Dedication (%) Contribution (%) Allocation
Start date End date
FLUP Cândida Fernanda Antunes Ribeiro FAR Official Researcher at the OU 2021-01-01 2023-02-09
FLUP Elsa Maria Teixeira Pacheco EMTP Official Researcher at the OU 2023-02-10 2026-06-30

Technicians in the Project

Technician Contact
FLUP 228929 Deolinda Rosa Ferreira Gomes lindarosa@sp.up.pt
Mais informações There are no Laboratories associated with the Project.
Budgets and Teams
Confidential Budget:

People in the Project

Institution Name Short name Role Dedication (%) Contribution (%) Allocation
Start date End date
SPUP Susana Carla Cunha Amorim de Almeida SCCAA Official Researcher at the OU 2021-01-01 2026-06-23

Technicians in the Project

Technician Contact
SPUP 242000 Casimiro José Faria da Costa
Mais informações There are no Laboratories associated with the Project.
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