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Atividade Física, Exercício, Aptidão Física e Promoção da Saúde - Avaliação e Monitorização

Physical activity and exercise are essential for promoting and maintaining good health. Regular physical activity can help to reduce the risk of chronic diseases, improve mental health and well-being, and enhance overall quality of life. To achieve optimal health benefits, it is important to engage in physical activity that is appropriate for an individual's fitness level and goals. Furthermore, it is essential to monitor progress and evaluate the effectiveness of physical activity and exercise programs.

The purpose of this blended intensive program is to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of physical activity, exercise, physical fitness, and health promotion, with a specific focus on evaluation and monitoring. Through a combination of online coursework and hands-on training, participants will learn about the physiological and psychological benefits of physical activity and exercise, as well as the principles of exercise prescription and program design.

In addition to learning about the benefits and principles of physical activity and exercise, participants will also gain practical experience in monitoring and evaluating physical activity and exercise programs. This includes learning how to use various tools and techniques to assess physical fitness, track progress, and identify areas for improvement.

Upon completion of this program, participants will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to design, implement, and evaluate effective physical activity and exercise programs for individuals and groups. Whether participants are healthcare professionals, fitness instructors, or simply interested in promoting health and wellness, this program will provide valuable insights and practical skills for achieving optimal health through physical activity and exercise.


i)Develop knowledge and skills related to exercise and health;
ii) Understand the importance of physical activity and exercise programs in promoting a healthy lifestyle;
iii) Develop capabilities in the area of exercise prescription andrganization in special populations, according the international guidelines;
iv) Provide students to understand the association between physical activity and physical fitness, in the different contexts of health and performance;
v) Provide students with skills to use different methods and monitors to measure physical activity and physical fitness.;
vi) The students must be able to outline the reasons for monitoring/evaluating physical activity, to consider physical activity versus physical fitness monitoring; to explore some of the main methods, provide considerations ,and make recommendations for monitoring/evaluating physical activity.

Syllabus of the training unit

1.     Lifestyle management and prevention of cardiovascular disease
2.     Assessment of the readiness for physical activity and exercise practice
3.     Fundamentals and concepts of physical activity and physical fitness assessment
4.     Assessment methods and instruments and their protocols - validity and reliability
a)     Assessment of physical activity
-        Questionnaires
-        Heart rate sensors
-        Direct calorimetry
-        Indirect calorimetry
-        Movement sensors
-        Double labelled water
b)     Assessment of physical fitness
-        body composition
-        cardiorespiratory fitness
-        muscle fitness
-        flexibility
-        balance
5.     Interpretation of results and reference regulations and classification of physical activity measures and components of health-related physical fitness

Use and application of assessment measures in the context of research into physical activity and health, and for the prescription of physical activity and exercise.

Áreas de Especialização

813 Desporto


Teaching methodologies will be of expository nature, with resource to theoretical lessons and practical sessions. The 45-hours class will be taught in online (synchronous) and presential classes. Active dialogue will be promoted between all
students, either in synchronous situations (previously scheduled forums and chats), and also during presential classes.

Theclasses will be exhibited with practical use of equipment and methods of evaluation of physical activity and physical fitness, available in a practical and/or laboratory context. Students must attend at least 75% of the classes scheduled (mandatory assumption). The evaluation will consist of distributed assessment, at the end of each module, with final examination of
theoretical/practical evaluation in the form of Written Proof. The classification obtained by the students in the distributed assessment with account for 50% of the evaluation, and the final exam corresponds to the remaining 50%, provided that they
meet the assumptions for obtaining frequency.

Teaching didactic strategies allow the transmission of knowledge with the active participation of students, either by the prior preparation of the contents, or by their interactive and reflective discussion with teachers, allowing a better understanding
and retention of the contents and thus contributing to the development of knowledge of the different evaluation methodologies.

The development of knowledge of the different physical activity and physical fitness measurements methodologies is
achieved by the strategy followed in the theoretical/practical classes, whose structure is based on the construction by teachers and students of different evaluation scenarios, with consequent analysis of the information collected in the different
evaluation methods, and its consequent applicability in contexts of planning and prescription of physical activity. Therefore, the teaching methodologies of the curricular unit, and its organization, are consistent with the objectives of the curricular unit.

Teaching team:

  • Maria Paula Maia dos Santos - Faculdade de Desporto - Universidade do Porto
  • José Carlos Dias Ribeiro - Faculdade de Desporto - - Universidade do Porto
  • Gregor Jurak - Faculty of Sport - University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
  • Vedrana Sember - Faculty of Sport - University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
  • Gregor Starc - Faculty of Sport - University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
  • Susana Aznar Laín - Faculty of Sport Sciences - University of Castilla-La
    Mancha (Spain)

Program date

  • Start date: May 06;
  • End date: June 28;
  • Duration: 8 weeks, these 8 weeks will be with Blended Learning and from the 17th to the 28th of June will be the face-to-face part at FADEUP, where all students from other European countries will be present;
  • Opening of applications February 15th to March 29th;
  • Publication of accepted candidates April 5th.

Dados Gerais

Docente Responsável: José Ribeiro
Tipo de curso/ciclo de estudos: Curso de Formação Contínua
Início: 2022/2023

Unidades Orgânicas Envolvidas


  • Atividade fisica, exercicio, aptidão fisica e promoção da saúde - avaliação e monitorização (6 Créditos ECTS)

Áreas Científicas Predominantes

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