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Sociology of Education I

Code: E300     Acronym: SEI

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Sociology of Education

Instance: 2011/2012 - 1S

Active? Yes
Web Page: https://sigarra.up.pt/fpceup/FICHA_DISCIPLINA.EDITAR?p_cad_codigo=E300&p_periodo=1S&p_ano_lectivo=2009/2010
Responsible unit: Education Sciences
Course/CS Responsible: First degree in Educational Sciences

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
LCED 66 Official Curricular Structure 2 - 4,5 -

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical and practical : 3,00
Type Teacher Classes Hour
Theoretical and practical Totals 2 6,00
Helena Costa Gomes de Araújo 3,00
Carla Sofia Marques da Silva 3,00

Teaching language



The program focuses its attention in the problematization of the relationship between youth, equal opportunities and citizenship, following different theoretical contributions, such as those of the processes of social and cultural reproduction; cultural production; the theories of gender, diversity and ethnic relations; and social and educational exclusion. The aim is to understand the diverse ways formal and non-formal educational institutions contribute to the construction of particular identities and to legitimizing dominant forms of knowledge. It will equally focus on the ways educational agents manipulate, negociate or resist those identities, questioning the dominant forms of knowledge. A reflection on broad understandings of citizenship will serve as the structuring axis of the program.

-- To identify, from the work of seminal authors in this domain, relevant sociological perspectives on education;
-- To identify socio-educational issues, mainly around Equal Opportunities, Youth and Citizenship, for the making of inclusive practices and policies;
-- To analyse formal (and non-formal) educational situations and actions, mobilizing the ability to read social and educational realities in their complexity.


1. Sociology of Education, cultures and youth
2. Youth and citizenship(s)
3. Portuguese School: an X-ray
4. Equal Opportunities and school trajectories: the theories of Parsons and Coleman;
5. Problematizing Equal Opportunities using theories of cultural production and cultural reproduction: Pierre Bourdieu, Basil Bernstein and Paul Willis
6. Equal Opportunities, gender relations and ethnic relations: Madeleine Arnot, Stephen Stoer, Luiza Cortesão
7. Biographic narratives and trajectories of exclusion - Stephen Ball
8. Educational rights and citizenship - Basil Bernstein

Mandatory literature

Almeida, Ana Nunes e Vieira, Maria Manuel (2006) ; A Escola em Portugal, ICS, 2006
Ball, Stephen, Maguire, Meg & Macrae, Sheila ; Choice, Pathways and Transitions Post-16 – new youth, new economics in the global city, Routledge/Falmer, 2000
Bernstein, Basil; Pedagogy, Symbolic Control and Identity – theory, research, critique, Taylor & Francis, 1996
Stoer, Stephen e Cortesao, Luiza; Levantando a Pedra - da pedagogia inter / multicultural às políticas educativas numa época de transnacionalização, Afrontamento, 1999
Stoer, Stephen e Araújo, Helena C.; Escola e Aprendizagem para o Trabalho num País da (Semi) periferia Europeia, Instituto Inovação Educacional, 2000

Teaching methods and learning activities

Lecturing; Debate; Group work; Presentation of students' work; Tutorials;
Assessment of learning; Reading and analysing texts; Fieldwork/research; Literature search; Doing assignments; Preparing for work presentations.

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Weight (%) End date
Attendance (estimated) Participação presencial 42,00
Total: - 0,00

Eligibility for exams

The adopted regime obliges students to comply with attendance specifications, taking into consideration what is stated in nr4 of article 9 of the assessment regulation.

Achieving a grade of at least 10 (out of 20) in each of the evaluation moments.
For those being evaluated only by final exam
Exam: 100%
There is a possibility of recuperating a prior grade for the theoretical part: final exam, grade between 0 and 20, weight being 100% of the final grade. It can be written by the students who had a weighted average grade (for the two components of the distributed evaluation) below 8.
A final exam, grade between 0 and 20, weight being 100% of the final grade. It can be written by the students who had a weighted average grade (on the evaluation of the practical and theoretical components) below 8.

Calculation formula of final grade

For students in the continuous assessment modality
In accordance with the Regulations and the principles that must be observed in terms of students' evaluation at Porto University and the specific norms to be applied in the degrees in Education and Psychology at FPCE, the evaluation procedures for the course in "Sociology of Education" comprises:
-- presenting assignments (group work) in class. These assignments done by the students are guided and supported by the lecturers. Tutorials also serve for the organizing of these assignments. The aims of these presentations are to create opportunities for a dialogical reflection on the texts given, and for them to be related to the contents presented during the semester. This assignment is evaluated on a scale ranging between 0 and 20. The grade awarded weighs 20% in the final grade.
-- Final evaluation also comprises an individual exam, based on the program, with a duration of 2 hours and written at the end of the semester. Graded between 0 and 20, it weighs 80% of the final grade.

Examinations or Special Assignments

The aim will be to assume the distributed evaluation, weighing 20% of the final grade. Regarding the presenting of texts in class, i.e. the presentations resulting from individual and group work, several aspects must be considered: 1) the ability to appropriate and decode concepts and the relationships between them; 2) presentation, sharing and intellectual dialogue around relevant aspects or the difficulties felt; 3) the assignment must be handed in by the final evaluation period, discussed with the class members (if possible) and the lecturer during sessions scheduled especially for that purpose. Both the conception of the project and the development of the work must be guided by one of the lecturers. The predicted number of guidance sessions is five.
Important note: students who do not hand in or present the assignment can not be evaluated for the course.
Important note: grade regarding this evaluation moment will be awarded after the discussion and presentation.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

In accordance with the Regulations and the principles that must be observed in terms of students' evaluation at Porto University and the specific norms to be applied in the degrees in Education and Psychology at FPCE, students who, by law, are not obliged to attend classes will be called to a test where they will be asked to demonstrate that they possess the skills and knowledge previously defined and demanded by for this course.

Classification improvement

Improving Final/Distributed Classification
Improving classification: in accordance with the Regulations and the principles that must be observed in terms of students' evaluation at Porto University and the specific norms to be applied in the degrees in Education and Psychology at FPCE, students can request a test in order to improve their grade for the course. They can request this opportunity only once, in one of two exam terms, regular and special, immediately following the one in which they where approved in the course, taking into aaccount that there is a date for a test in that course.


Almeida, Ana Nunes e Vieira, Maria Manuel (2006) A Escola em Portugal; novos olhares, outros cenários, Lisboa: ICS
Araújo, Helena C. (2001) “Género, Diferença e Cidadania na Escola: caminhos abertos para a mudança social?” in D. Rodrigues (org,) Educação e Diferença – valores e prátivas para uma educação inclusiva, Porto: Porto Editora, pp. 143-154.
Ball, Stephen, Maguire, Meg & Macrae, Sheila (2000) Choice, Pathways and Transitions Post-16 – new youth, new economics in the global city, Londres/Nova Iorque: Routledge/Falmer.
Bernstein, Basil (1996) Pedagogy, Symbolic Control and Identity – theory, research, critique, Londres: Taylor & Francis.
Bourdieu, Pierre (1971) "Reprodução Cultural e Reprodução Social", in S. Grácio et al. Sociologia da Educação, I, Antologia, Lisboa: Livros Horizonte, 1982.
Cortesão, Luiza & Stoer, Stephen R. (1999) Levantando a Pedra - da pedagogia inter / multicultural às políticas educativas numa época de transnacionalização, Porto: Afrontamento.
Domingos, Ana M. et al. (1986) A Teoria de Bernstein em Sociologia da Educação, Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
Fonseca, Laura P. (2001) Culturas Juvenis, Percursos Femininos – experiências e subjectividades na educação de raparigas, Lisboa: Celta.
Gusmão, Neusa Mendes (2004) Os Filhos de África em Portugal – antropologia, multiculturalidade e educação, Lisboa: Instituto de Ciências Sociais.
Louro, Guacira (1992) "Uma Leitura da História da Educação sob a perspectiva do género", Teoria e Educação, 6, 53-67.
Pais, José Machado (1990) "Lazeres e Sociabilidades Juvenis - um ensaio de análise etnográfica", Análise Social, 108-109, 591-644.
Santos, Boaventura de Sousa (1998) Reinventar a Democracia, Lisboa: Gradiva.
Stoer, Stephen R. (2001) “Desocultando o Voo das Andorinhas: Educação inter/multicultural crítica como movimento social”, in Stoer, Stephen R., Cortesão, Luiza e Correia, José Alberto (orgs.) Transnacionalização da Educação - da crise da educação à ‘educação’ da crise, Porto: Ed. Afrontamento, 245-300
Stoer, Stephen R. e Araújo Helena C. (2000) Escola e Aprendizagem para o Trabalho num País da (Semi) periferia Europeia, Lisboa: Instituto de Inovação Educacional.
Willis, Paul (1977) Aprendendo a Ser trabalhador, Porto Alegre: Artes Médicas, l991.
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