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In this field of research, we are developing the following studies:

    NEWLY financed project - EEA grant “HEPEeCONTROL- Hepatitis E virus -Epidemiology, control and safety”

    Research Area Coordinator: Maria São José Alexandre | Email:

    Antiviral Drug Discovery

    Discovery of novel molecules against enteric virus (presently focusing in norovirus) and characterization of their mechanism of action.

      Relevant publications:

    • Favipiravir (T-705) Inhibits in vitro norovirus replication
      Rocha-Pereira J, Jochmans D, Dallmeier K, Leyssen P, Nascimento MSJ, Neyts J.
      Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 424 (4): 777-780, 2012.

    • Inhibition of norovirus replication by the nucleoside analogue 2’-C-methylcytidine
      Rocha-Pereira J, Jochmans D, Dallmeier K, Leyssen P, Cunha R, Costa I, Nascimento MSJ, Neyts J.
      Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 427(4): 796-800, 2012.

    • Targeting norovirus: strategies for the discovery of new antiviral drugs. In: Antiviral Drugs – Aspects of Clinical Use and Recent Advances
      Rocha-Pereira J, NascimentoMSJ.
      Edit Patrick Arbuthnot. INTECH pp121-150 (ISBN 978-953-51-0256-4)(English book), 2012

    • (E)-2-Styrylchromones as potential anti-norovirus agents
      Rocha-Pereira J, Cunha R, Pinto DCGA., Silva MAS, Nascimento MSJ
      Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 18: 4195-4201, 2010

    Clinical Virology

    Epidemiology of human viral diseases.

      Relevant publications:

    • Outbreak of acute gastroenteritis in the north of Portugal by adenovirus type 41
      Gonçalves G, Gouveia E, Mesquita JR, Almeida A, Ribeiro A, Pereira J, Nascimento MSJ.
      Epidemiology and Infection 15:1-4, 2010

    • A foodborne outbreak of norovirus gastroenteritis associated with a Christmas dinner in Porto, Portugal, December 2008
      Mesquita JR, Nascimento MSJ.
      Euro Surveill 14 (41):pii=19355, 2009

    • Levels of rubella antibody among vaccinated and unvaccinated Portuguese mothers and their newborns.
      Gonçalves G, Nascimento MSJ, Réu Cristina, Cutts FT.
      Vaccine 24: 7142-7147, 2006


      Vaccination against diphtheria, tetanus and rubella in Portugal. A seroepidemiologic study to evaluate strategies in course.
      Saúde XXI, FEDER Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian -Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência (IGC) (Concluded).
      Member of the team (Maria de São José Nascimento).


    Study the influence of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) on the sensitivity of EBV positive cancer cell lines to chemotherapeutical drugs. Work carried out at IPATIMUP and involving collaboration with our Department and CRC in Belfast, UK.

      Relevant publications:

    • EBV lytic protein expression following treatment of AKATA EBV positive cells with doxorubicin, etoposide or cytarabine.
      Lima RT, Seca H, Brás S, Castro M, Fennell D, Soares P, Nascimento M, Vasconcelos M.
      The 33rd International Herpesvirus Workshop, Estoril, Portugal, 27th July- 1st August (Poster Presentation), 2008.

    • An EBV negative Burkitt Lymphoma cell line is less sensitive than its EBV positive parental cell line to etoposide and doxorubicin but presents similar sensitivity to cytarabine.
      Lima RT, Seca H, Brás S, Castro MI, Fennell D, Soares P, Nascimento MSJ, Vasconcelos MH.
      Reunião Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Hematologia, Albufeira, Portugal, 8-10th November (Poster Presentation), 2007.

    • Potencial aplicação de RNAi no tratamento de infecções víricas: sonho ou realidade?
      Vasconcelos-Meehan, MH.
      2º Congresso Nacional de Virologia/VI Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Virologia, Porto, Portugal, 22nd September (Invited Oral Communication), 2007.

    • Reactivação do EBV em células de Linfoma de Burkitt após tratamento com fármacos antineoplásicos.
      Lima RT, Seca H, Brás S, Castro MI, Fennell D, Soares P, Nascimento MSJ, Vasconcelos MH.
      2º Congresso Nacional de Virologia /VI Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Virologia, Porto, Portugal, 21-22nd September (Selected oral Communication), 2007.


      Induction of Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) reactivation in Burkitt Lymphoma cells by anticancer drugs: a study aiming at identifying inducers and non-inducers of reactivation to help choosing the safer treatment options.
      Scientific Research in Pre-graduation from the University of Porto (Concluded).
      Principal investigator (Helena Vasconcelos)

    Food and Environmental Virology

    Detection of human enteric pathogenic virus in environmental and food matrices.

      Relevant publications:

    • “Virus hazards from food, water and other contaminated environments”.
      Rodríguez-Lázaro D, Cook N, Ruggeri FM, Sellwood J, Nasser A, Nascimento MS, D'Agostino M, Santos R, Saiz JC, Rzeżutka A, Bosch A, Gironés R, Carducci A, Muscillo M, Kovač K, Diez-Valcarce M, Vantarakis A, von Bonsdorff CH, de Roda Husman AM, Hernández M, van der Poel WH.
      FEMS Microbiol Rev. 36 (4) 786-814, 2012.

    • Norovirus, hepatitis A virus and enterovirus presence in shellfish from high quality harvesting areas in Portugal.
      Mesquita JR, Vaz L, Cerqueira S, Castilho F, Santos R, Monteiro S, Manso CF, Romalde JL, Nascimento MSJ.
      Food Microbiology.28:936-941, 2011

    • Surveillance of adenoviruses and noroviruses in European recreational waters.
      Peter Wyn-Jones A, Carducci A, Cook N, D’Agostino M, Divizia M, Fleischer J, Gantzer C, Gawler A, Girones R, Holler C, de Roda Husman AM, Kay D, Kozyra I, Lopez-Pila J, Muscillo M, Nascimento MSJ, Papageorgiou G, Rutjes S, Sellwood J, Szewzyk R, Wyer M.
      Water Research 45 (3) 1025-1038, 2011

    • Norovirus contamination of bivalves from the North of Portugal: an approach study.
      Mesquita J, Santos N, Vaz L, Cerqueira S, Burri S, Pombal F, Castilho F, Nascimento MSJ.
      Foro dos Recursos Marinhos e da Acuicultura das Rias Galegas. Editores: Manuel Rey Mendez, Jacobo Fernandez Casal, César Lodeiros Seijo e Alejandro Guerra Diaz. pp. 533-542, 2009

    Surveillance and molecular epidemiology of animal viruses

    We are presently focused in the study of molecular, epidemiologic and pathogenic aspects of canine norovirus and its zoonotic potential.

      Relevant publications:

    • “Gastroenteritis outbreak associated with fecal shedding of canine norovirus in a Portuguese kennel following introduction of imported dogs from Russia”.
      Mesquita JR, Nascimento MSJ.
      Transboundary and Emerging Diseases. 59 (5): 456–459, 2012.

    • “Prevalence and transmission of hepatitis E virus in domestic swine populations in different European countries”.
      Berto A, Baker JA, Mesquita JR, Nascimento MSJ, Banks M, Martelli F, Ostanello F, Angeloni G, Ruggeri FM, Bartolo I, Vasickova P, Diez-Valcarce M, Hernandez M, Rodriguez-Lazaro D, van der Poel WHM.
      BMC Research Notes 5: 190, 2012.

    • “Detection and characterization of hepatitis E virus in domestic pigs of different ages in Portugal”.
      Berto A, Mesquita JR, Hakze-van der Honing R, Nascimento MSJ, Van der Poel WHM.
      Zoonoses and Public Health 59, (7) 477–481, 2012.

    • “Molecular epidemiology of canine norovirus in dogs from Portugal, 2007-2011”.
      Mesquita JR, Nascimento MS.
      BMC Vet Res. 8(1):107, 2012.

    • “Serosurvey of veterinary conference participants for evidence of zoonotic exposure to canine norovirus - study protocol”.
      Mesquita JR, Nascimento MSJ.
      Virology Journal. 9 :250, 2012.

    • “Production and purification of the VP1 capsid protein of a novel canine norovirus using the Saccharomyces cerevisiae expression system”.
      Pereira C, Lopes E, Mesquita JR, Nascimento MSJ, Saraiva L.
      Journal Microbiological Methods, 91 (3) 358-360, 2012.

      Novel norovirus in dogs with diarrhea. Mesquita JR, Barclay L, Nascimento MSJ, Vinjé J. Emerging Infectious Diseases 16 (6): 980-982, 2010 Gastroenteritis Outbreak Associated With Fecal Shedding Of Canine Norovirus In A Portuguese Kennel Following Introduction Of Imported Dogs From Russia. Mesquita JR, Barclay L, Nascimento MSJ Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2011


      Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - PTDC/CVT/113218/2009
      “Novel canine norovirus: molecular, epidemiologic and pathogenic aspects”

      Investigator Responsável: Maria São José Nascimento Starting Date: 22 December 2010 Project duration: 36 months

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