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Our Education Offer

The graduate, masters and doctoral degrees of the University of Porto have already been adapted to the Bologna process. The organization of the plans of studies is divided into three cycles, leading respectively to graduate, master and doctoral degrees. At U.Porto, the structure and functioning of these cycles of studies are established, in accordance with the set legislation, by the following internal regulations: First Cycle of Studies, Second Cycle of Studies and Third Cycle of Studes (all in English version).

In the fields of Medicine, Pharmacy, Veterinary Sciences and Architecture, there is also another cycle, leading to a master degree (the "mestrado integrado"), with a length between 10 and 12 semesters, to which correspond 300 to 360 ECTS credits. These cycles of studies follow the requirements set by Legal Decrete 74/2006, altered by Legal Decrete 65/2018, 16th August and regulated at U.Porto by its own regulation (in English).

In this area you can also find information about a wide range of post-graduate and specialization courses, as well as several other courses in the field of Continuing Education, which are described in an individual brochure, Summer Schools and Senior Studies.

The courses and cycles are taught at the different Schools of the University of Porto.

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