Summary: |
Renewable energy generation is an area whi ch demands for new studies due to extension of its appli cation domai n to low/medi um power sources that have caused and keep on causing an evolution foll owing two significant orientations, in next future: power of the renewable plants, wind, solar, and others has come down, appeari ng the valued concepts of mi crogeneration and di spersed generation - being attri buted economical worth to any site abl e of generating power to small consumers; and so, interconnection with the gri d is mult i-point and at low voltage. For small producers, analysis of the energy potenti al of a site é performed taking into consideration renewabl e alternative sources. So, withi n micro-generation and dispersed generation they appear new issues associated with specific problems of this domain: How to optimize simult aneous energy sources, keeping on MPPT operation for each one and consideri ng thei r stochastic pri mary energi es; How to contract a nomi nal power to be delivered to the grid; How to keep hi gh standards for energy qualit y, i n condit ions of low vol tage grid/very low short-circui t power and large dissemination of renewabl e sources in the sector of the network. Grid connection of renewable sources based on power conversion has been studied in its techni cal consequences to electrical gri d since a lot of years, namely harmonic content and active and reacti ve power flow. These issues associ ated to grid connection are t he frame to formulate thi s project, now extendi ng the domain to the new domain - low power /low voltage gri d/ simultaneous generation/ dispersed generation/ dissemi nation of the generating pl ants. So, they are objectives of the Project to get knowledge and to develop technologi es that support development of the microgeneration, namely: 1. Topologies to integrate and to opti mi ze integrated generation of several renewabl e energy sources; namely: 2. Analysis and optimization -  |
Renewable energy generation is an area whi ch demands for new studies due to extension of its appli cation domai n to low/medi um power sources that have caused and keep on causing an evolution foll owing two significant orientations, in next future: power of the renewable plants, wind, solar, and others has come down, appeari ng the valued concepts of mi crogeneration and di spersed generation - being attri buted economical worth to any site abl e of generating power to small consumers; and so, interconnection with the gri d is mult i-point and at low voltage. For small producers, analysis of the energy potenti al of a site é performed taking into consideration renewabl e alternative sources. So, withi n micro-generation and dispersed generation they appear new issues associated with specific problems of this domain: How to optimize simult aneous energy sources, keeping on MPPT operation for each one and consideri ng thei r stochastic pri mary energi es; How to contract a nomi nal power to be delivered to the grid; How to keep hi gh standards for energy qualit y, i n condit ions of low vol tage grid/very low short-circui t power and large dissemination of renewabl e sources in the sector of the network. Grid connection of renewable sources based on power conversion has been studied in its techni cal consequences to electrical gri d since a lot of years, namely harmonic content and active and reacti ve power flow. These issues associ ated to grid connection are t he frame to formulate thi s project, now extendi ng the domain to the new domain - low power /low voltage gri d/ simultaneous generation/ dispersed generation/ dissemi nation of the generating pl ants. So, they are objectives of the Project to get knowledge and to develop technologi es that support development of the microgeneration, namely: 1. Topologies to integrate and to opti mi ze integrated generation of several renewabl e energy sources; namely: 2. Analysis and optimization - Through developi ng very short-term forecasting methods, of operation condit ions for simultaneous opti mum generation of dispersed sources, namely wind ones, photovoltai c and hydrogen based ones; 3. Operational analysis of stori ng energy, as method to improve generated energy qualit y; 4. Experimental validation of resul ts to carry out; 5. Generali zation of result s, from scal able prototype and dissemination of resul ts. To accomplish these objecti ves demands for developing and applying model s and computational tools - some of them already carried out by previous work of the research team, as well as to design and build a prototype putting availabl e in the lab experimental condi ti ons to validate the project results and taking in consideration the prototype scalabl e power to generalize conclusions to higher power domain. |