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Project/Service Agreement:PTDC/MAR/74059/2006

Start Approved In Progress Completed Closed

Projeto EncerradoClosed
General Data
Code: 63626
Reference: PTDC/MAR/74059/2006
Short name: WWECO
Title: WWECO - Environmental Assessment and Modeling of Wastewater Discharges using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Bio-optical Observations
Competitive Funding: Yes
Does it involve businesses?:
No. of Participating Institutions: 2
Type: Funded Project
Geographical Scope: National
Type of Action: R&TD
Programme: I&DT - Projectos de I&DT em Todos os Domínios Científicos
Funding Institution: FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Financial Geographical Scope: National
Effective Start Date: 2008-10-01
Expected Completion Date: 2011-03-31
Effective Completion Date: 2009-10-31
Currency: EUR
Total Approved Budget: 109.180,00 EUR
Summary: The main goal of this project is the development of methods to improve ocean outfall environmental impact assessment and modelling capabilities taking advantage of recent enhancements of in situ bio-optical instrumentation and feature-based sampling capabilities on relevant space temporal and spatial scales of AUVs. By measuring the IOPs at more than one wavelength, and using spectral fluorescence data, we will take advantage of the potential spectral signatures of the particle field in order to quantify its components. Detailed maps of effluent dispersion and spatial distribution of resuspended sediments will then be provided. The methods developed in data analysis and processing will provided accurate data for evaluating a near and far field plume model.
To take advantage of AUVs feature-based sampling capabilities an adaptive sampling approach will be developed based on data collected in real time. Relevant temporal and spatial scales of mixing phenomena will also be taken into account to specify this strategy.

An automatic modular data processing system based on the new methods developed will enable quicker response in case of contamination risk to
near-by beaches and other ecosystems.
The technological improvements developed in the scope of this project will be tested and validated in a second monitoring to the ocean outfall.

It is also a challenge of the project to support postgraduate studies of the project team on sewage outfall plumes field and to diffuse the most
relevant research results, namely through publications on reference magazines and conferences and with the realization of a workshop involving
research and industrial participants.
Observations: O projecto foi executado pela FEUP entre 01/10/2008 e 31/10/2009. A partir dessa data transitou para o INESC Porto
URL: http://www.fct.mctes.pt/projectos/pub/2006/Painel_Result/vglobal_projecto.asp?idProjecto=74059&idElemConcurso=860
Scientific Context
Scientific Domain (FOS - Level 2): Engineering and technology > Electrical engineering, Electronic engineering, Information engineering

Academic fields (CORDIS - Level 5)

  • Natural sciences > Environmental science > Ecology
  • Natural sciences > Environmental science > Water science > Water quality monitoring
  • Technological sciences > Engineering > Control engineering > Robótica Robotics


  • Descargas de águas residuais
  • Modelos oceânicos de descarga
  • Observações bio-ópticas in situ
  • Veículos submarinos autónomos
Mais informações There are no Documents associated with the Project.

Publications associated with the Project

Institutions Participating in the Project
Institution Contact Create Tab?
Name Short name Country Type Participation Name Telephone Email
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto FEUP Portugal University Proponent Patrícia Alexandra Ramos patricia@fe.up.pt
Águas do Oeste, S.A. Portugal Company Partner
Budgets and Teams
Approved Budget: 14.783,00 EUR
Approved Funded Amount: 14.783,00 EUR
Approved co-funded Amount: -
Funding Rate: -
Confidential Budget:

People in the Project

Institution Name Short name Role Dedication (%) Contribution (%) Allocation
Start date End date
FEUP Aníbal Castilho Coimbra de Matos ACM Researcher 25
FEUP Mário Jorge Valente Neves MVN Researcher 25
FEUP Nuno Alexandre Lopes Moreira da Cruz NAC Researcher 25
FEUP Patricia Alexandra Gregório Ramos PAGR Official Researcher at the OU 0
FEUP Sérgio Reis Cunha SRC Researcher 20

Technicians in the Project

Mais informações There are no Technicians associated with the Project.
Mais informações There are no Laboratories associated with the Project.
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