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Tese de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina

Asymptomatic carotid disease: what is the best approach

Student: Soraia Beatriz Ferreira Carnide
Student No.: 201303194
Supervisors: Ivone Fernandes Santos Silva
Status: Concluído
Since: 09-JUL-2019
Start: 31-JUL-2018
Thesis Submission: 26-JUL-2019
Defence: 09-JUL-2019
Thesis Title: Asymptomatic carotid disease: what is the best approach
Provisional Title: Asymptomatic carotid disease: what is the best approach

Selection Panel

Name Role
Rui Machado Presidente
Ivone Silva Vogal Orientador
Rui Almeida Arguente
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