Winter School | Intervention Research in Education: From Planning to Publishing
5 - 7 November 2018
This Winter School will be held from November 5 to 7 and will take place at Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto. This event is aimed at discussing several characteristics of high-quality intervention research, including research designs, ethics, randomized controlled trials, data analysis, reporting, and publishing.
Graduate and post-graduate students as well as junior and senior researchers, interested in intervention research in the field of education are welcome to participate. This Winter School offers a unique opportunity to develop and discuss research projects with international leading scholars. The program includes:
Lectures on good practices to conduct intervention research in education:
- Guidelines for conducting high-quality intervention research
Steve Graham, Arizona State University, USA
- Handling different control-group designs
Marisa Filipe, University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Strategies for successfully completing large scale randomized controlled trials
Kay Wijekumar, Texas A&M University, USA
- Research on practice-based professional development for scaling up SRSD: Lessons learned and challenges remaining
Karen Harris, Arizona State University, USA
- Robust statistical analysis for group-comparison intervention evaluations
Mark Torrance, Nottingham Trent University, UK
- How to design and report interventions: An analytic report proposal
Raquel Fidalgo, University of Léon, Spain
A Roundtable on "Intervention vs. Research vs. Education" moderated by Teresa Limpo (University of Porto, Portugal) that will join:
- Pedro Rosário, University of Minho, Portugal
- Teresa Leal, University of Porto, Portugal
- São Luís Castro, University of Porto, Portugal
Q&A Panel on "Meet editors and reviewers" moderated by Rui A. Alves (University of Porto, Portugal) that, among others, will join:
- R. Malatesha Joshi, Texas A&M University, USA
Editor of Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal
- Thierry Olive, CNRS & University of Poitiers, France
Co-Editor of the Studies in Writing Series published by Brill
In addition to these activities, participants will also be asked to develop their own intervention research project, which will be presented and discussed at the end of the Winter School.
Programme and schedule
Final programme and schedule
+ info
Winter School Coordinators:
Teresa Limpo |
Marisa Filipe |
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