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Adult and Ageing Development Psychology

Code: P500     Acronym: PDAI

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Psychology

Instance: 2019/2020 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Psychology
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master Psychology

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIPSI 140 Official Curricular Structure 2 - 6 54 162
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2020-04-19.

Fields changed: Teaching methods and learning activities, Obtenção de frequência, Fórmula de cálculo da classificação final

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students



The objectives of the UC: . promote the reflection on the adulthood and elderly development, considering perspectives and concepts covered in the course; . enable students to identify the adults and elderly most significant life contexts, the underlying processes and the main changes that occur in the life cycle, as well as the impact on the individual reorganization and/or on the systems in which he/she participates;. awareness among students to the importance of the senses psychological, social and cultural notion of aging; . knowledge and frame in a multisystemic perspective the role of the psychologist in promoting the psychological development of the adult and the elderly.


Learning outcomes and competences

It is expected that the student will be able: . to understand and discuss the development in the adult years and ageing, in light of the concepts and the theoretical perspectives approached in this unit; . to identify the most significant developmental contexts of the adult and the aged, the underlying processes and the main changes that occur in the life cycle, as well as the impact on the individual reorganization and/or on the systems in which he/she participates; . to discuss the psychological, social and cultural meanings of ageing; . to approach the role of the psychologist in promoting the psychological development of the adult and the aged according to a multisystemic perspective.

Working method



1. Theoretical perspectives of adult development and ageing The perspective of the life cycle of Baltes; Erikson and the developmental tasks of the adult years and ageing. 2. Differential contexts of development in the adult years and ageing The relationships across time The meaning of friendship across time Romantic relationships The family and the changes in parenthood and in the marital system; Work, retirement and the organization of leisure and free time. 3. Ageing in the context of development Social and historical representations about ageing; Challenges of longevity to the social organization; Biopsychossociological conceptions of ageing; Intergenerational ties and the development of the several generations; Death, loss and grieving processes; Abuse and victimization of the old aged; Successful aging 4. The role of the psychologist in the promotion of development and quality of life in adulthood and late adulthood: a) Contexts of intervention; b) Types of intervention; c) Interdisciplinary and multisystemic intervention; d) Ethical and closing remarks.

Mandatory literature

Cavanaugh John C.; Adult development and aging. ISBN: 0-534-52066-9
Demick Jack 340; Handbook of adult development. ISBN: 0-306-467858-5
Wilmoth Janet M. 340; Gerontology. ISBN: 0-8261-0230-1
Erik H. Erikson; Infância e sociedade
Erik H. Erikson; Vital involvement in old age. ISBN: 0-393-31216-X

Complementary Bibliography

Baltes, P.B.; The many faces of human ageing: toward a psychological culture of old age., Psychological Medicine, 21, 837-854, 1991
Baltes, P.B.; Theoretical propositions of life-span developmental Psychology. On the dynamics between growth and decline, Developmental Psychology, 23, 611-696, 1987
Magai Carol ed. lit.; Handbook of emotion, adult development, and aging. ISBN: ISBN 0-12-464995-5
Vandenplas-Holper Christiane; Desenvolvimento psicológico na idade adulta e durante a velhice. ISBN: 972-41-2157-7
Marchand Helena; Temas de desenvolvimento psicológico do adulto e do idoso. ISBN: ISBN 972-8535-69-4
Whitbourne Susan Krauss; Adult development and aging. ISBN: 0-471-45821-X
Oliveira José H. Barros de; Psicologia do envelhecimento e do idoso. ISBN: 972-8082-67-3
Fonseca António Manuel; Desenvolvimento humano e envelhecimento. ISBN: 972-796-156-8
Paúl Maria Constança; Psicologia dos idosos. ISBN: 972-96044-2-8
V. L., Bengtson, D., Gans, N. M., Putney & M. Silverstein ; Handbook of theories of aging., New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2009

Comments from the literature

In each class is recommended bibliography according to the themes addressed

Teaching methods and learning activities

Methods of oral presentation of the thematic subjects in the context of the large group; Intentional creation of opportunities for discussion based upon contributions of teachers and students; The teachers will appeal to their clinical experience in order to exemplify some of the concepts, but also processes and dilemnas present in psychological intervention; Deepening and sistematization of knowlegde upon suggested readings and autonomous search of materials; The last lesson is dedicated to a round table with psychologists working in the field with adults and aged people. The practical classes will be especially dedicated to the discussion, elaboration and reflection about the topics discussed in theoretical classes, by viewing and discussing videos, interviews, news, texts, the contact with the contexts of intervention and other materials that promove the discussion related to issues of course unit; each group will be responsable for the reflexion and discussion dinamization of one of the issues.

NOTE: from March 16, the theoretical classes (large group) started to be recorded (panopto) and made available to students in moodle. A discussion forum was also created for questions. A videoconference session of 2 in 2 classes to clarify doubts and keep in touch with students.

Regarding practical classes - forums for reflection were created for each class. The delivered work started to be exclusively written.


Não aplicável


Social sciences > Psychological sciences > Psychology > Developmental psychology

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

designation Weight (%)
Teste 70,00
Trabalho laboratorial 30,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 60,00
Frequência das aulas 54,50
Trabalho laboratorial 47,50
Total: 162,00

Eligibility for exams

Attendance in theoretical classes is not included in the evaluation, but the student must attend 75% of practical classes.

Note: This condition is no longer met. Everyone has to deliver the written group work, which includes the% participation of each member of the group.

Calculation formula of final grade

The theoretical component has a weight of 70% and the practical component of 30% of the final grade of UC.
The theoretical evaluation is distributed by 2 tests during the semester (1st to avail 50% and the 2nd 50% of the final grade). The final grade of the theoretical component will have to be at least 9.5, with a minimum grade of each test 8 grade points.
Recourse exam is designed for students who failed the tests or want to make improvement.
The UC practical component will be evaluated by dynamic, in class, and in small groups, of one of the themes covered in the lectures. The practical note will have to be at least 8 grade points.
In any of the components notes will be expressed on a scale 0-20.*

Note: If the student does not have frequency on theoretical component, the pratical grade component will be valid within 3 years.

* The theoretical component will be evaluated only by final exam (on a date to be agreed in May - depending on the indications we have until then, it will be carried out in person or online). This option was discussed with the students, as well as the subject of the exam.
The practical component will be evaluated only by written work, which has been adjusted, taking into account the absence of the face-to-face component.

Examinations or Special Assignments

There aren't.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Working students and other students in special circumstances will be assessed in the same way that students in normal situation, but will have to make additional work (combining with the teacher) if they exceed the number of absences allowed.

Students with special educational needs should communicate with the Student Support Services at the beginning of the semester

Classification improvement

There is the possibility of improvement in the theoretical component, only once, in a final exam, in the time of appeal of the academic year in which the UC was held or until the time of appeal of the academic year subsequent to the one in which they obtained approval and in which the curricular unit have scheduled examination.

The final classification in the curricular unit is the highest, between the one that had been obtained initially and the one that results from the improvement of classification made.

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