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Supervision in Academic and Clinical Education

Code: MEAC16_10     Acronym: SEAC

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Teacher Training

Instance: 2021/2022 - 2S (of 07-02-2022 to 15-07-2022) Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Public Health and Forensic Sciences, and Medical Education Department
Course/CS Responsible: Academic and Clinical Education

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MEAC 15 Current Studies Plan 1 - 3 21 81

Teaching Staff - Responsibilities

Teacher Responsibility
Raquel Ângela Silva Soares Lino

Teaching language



The UC Supervision on academic and clinical education  is aimed at an adult audience, with experience in their specific professional skills, but also in the work of teaching and learning of top-level complex formations. Therefore, an enhancement of prior scientific as experiential knowledge this public possesses is recognized, and thought as aimed at the light of routinized practices and its connection to knowledge of other scientific fields - as education and pegdagogical practices - in order to enrich this reflection. 

The strong weight of analysis of concrete situations of professional practices in the programming of this UC aims at inscribing it in a dynamics of adult education, apart from an elementary education approach and more according to a paradigm of continuous education. On the other hand, the training plan cannot dissociate its contents as their practices from an implicit replication dimension (as it concerns training of trainees), and so this one will be contemplated in the planning training itself.


Learning outcomes and competences


-To understand the influence of supervision on construction and professional development;

-To understand the influence of contexts (and their connections) to the processes of construction and professional development.


-To be able to analyse the relationship between 'health professional /patient ' on the complexity of the relationship between expert and profane knowledge;

-To be able to discuss the training of health professionals as a practice of continued questioning , which articulates in addition specialized knowledge with relational and communicational knowledge.


-To develop pedagogical supervision modes that emphasize educational trajectories of University students in a practice of continuous education;

-To mobilize notions of life and health sciences in conjunction with work situations, aiming at increasing a practice of reflection and scientific production.

Working method



I – Supervision as a pedagogical device (T)

  1. a) observation and understanding of action contexts
  2. b) Health professional/patient relationship as an expert to expert relationship
  3. c) Praxis or reflective practice: for the construction of a professional identity

II – Supervision as professional practice (TP)

  1. a) critical incident as formative work device

III – Supervision as professional experience (S)

a) the heuristic value of experience in the analysis and understanding of cases

Mandatory literature

Alarcão, I.; Canha, B.; Supervisao e colaboração. Uma relação para o desenvolvimento. , Porto Editora, 2013
Alarcão, I.; Roldão, M.; Supervisão: uym contexto de desenvolvimento profissional dos professores. , Mangualde: Ed. Pedago, 2008
Battegay, A.; Coelho, O.; Vaz, H. (Coords); Cuidar, tomar parte, viver com questões e desafios da cidadania profana na relação saúde/sociedade: que mediações?, Porto: Livpsic., 2012
Sá-Chaves, I. ; Formação, conhecimento e supervisão. Contributos nas áreas de formação de professores e de outros profissionais. , Aveiro: UA Editorial., 2011
Sá Chaves, I.; Portfolios reflexivos : estratégia de formação e de supervisão. , Aveiro: UA Editorial., 2000
Schön, D. ; Educating the Reflective Practitioner: Toward a new Design for Teaching and Learning in Professions. , San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Punlishers., 1987

Teaching methods and learning activities

-Theoretical exhibition, which outlines a set of pedagogical knowledge inscribed in the practices of supervision

-Instrumental practice, constructed from professional situations understood as critical incidents, i.e., which build at its core renewed looks over these same professional practices

-Analisys, which seeks to articulate proposals from early reflection with situations identified by students/profissionals throughout their academic and/or clinical practices

Assessment: will focus on the analysis of a scientific paper by a small group, proposed by the teachers involved in the UC and following a specific structure (60%), and its oral presentation and discussion (40%).

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico 40,00
Trabalho escrito 60,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 60,00
Frequência das aulas 21,00
Total: 81,00

Eligibility for exams

Attendance 75%.

Calculation formula of final grade

Assessment: analysis of a scientific paper by a small group, proposed by the teachers involved in the UC and following a specific structure (60%), and its oral presentation and discussion (40%).
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