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Methods in neuroscience

Code: PDN13_7     Acronym: PDN13_7

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Neurosciences

Instance: 2015/2016 - SP

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Departamento de Biologia Experimental
Course/CS Responsible: PhD Neurosciences

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
PDN 7 Programa Doutoral em Neurociências 2013 1 - 6 40 162

Teaching Staff - Responsibilities

Teacher Responsibility
Fani Lourença Moreira Neto

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical and practical : 0,21
Laboratory Practice: 1,21
Type Teacher Classes Hour
Theoretical and practical Totals 6 1,26
Maria Dulce Cordeiro Madeira 0,04
Nikolay Vsevolodovich Lukoyanov 0,09
Sara Marta Pereira dos Santos Cavaco 0,18
António Fernando Bastos Lima 0,06
Isabel Maria Amorim Pereira Ramos 0,13
António Martins da Silva 0,15
Boris Safronov 0,25
Susana Isabel Ferreira da Silva de Sá 0,06
António José de Bastos Leite 0,15
Maria Teresa Pardal Monteiro Coelho 0,06
Laboratory Practice Totals 6 7,26
Maria de Fátima de Oliveira Ferreirinha 0,20
Pedro Alberto da Graça Pereira 0,11
Clara Maria Pires Costa Bastos Monteiro 0,09
Miguel Filipe Tavares da Luz Soares 0,70
Gisela Maria Henrique Maia 0,02
Hélder José Marques Pinheiro 0,17
Manuela Sofia Rodrigues Morato 0,17
Maria Augusta Vieira Coelho 0,17
Armando Cardoso 0,14
António Avelino Ferreira Saraiva Silva 0,46
Daniel Filipe de Lima Moura 0,36
Isaura Ferreira Tavares 0,20
Maria Isabel Torres Martins 0,47
Sofia Alexandra Duque Santos Fernandes 0,22
Paulo Jorge da Silva Correia de Sá 0,44
Carlos Manuel Gomes Reguenga 0,06
Ana Cristina Estrela de Oliveira Charrua Cordeiro 0,22
António Albino Coelho Marques Abrantes Teixeira 0,49
Vasco Miguel Clara Lopes Galhardo 0,34
Fani Lourença Moreira Neto 0,49
Célia da Conceição Duarte Cruz 0,14
Joana Maria de Pinho Ferreira Gomes 0,13
Daniel Humberto Pozza 0,23
Dora Raquel da Silva Pinho 0,17
Catarina Alexandra Soares Potes 0,06
Helder Rui Cardoso da Cruz 0,13
Filipe Almeida Monteiro 0,71
Teresa Maria de Jesus Teixeira de Sousa 0,17
Mais informaçõesLast updated on 2016-07-27.

Fields changed: Components of Evaluation and Contact Hours, Melhoria de classificação

Teaching language

Suitable for English-speaking students


This UC aims at providing students with theoretical and practical education on various methods employed in Neuroscience, which they are invited to choose according to their scientific interests and putative PhD thesis.

Learning outcomes and competences

The students are offered a vast range of options distributed by fifteen distinct curricular UC components (modules),
from which they must select six. By getting aware of the fundaments and mode of employment of various techniques, the students develop the capacity to correctly plan the experimental approach to various scientific questions within the neuroscience domain. These competences will help him to design a research project, either during his PhD education or after getting his(her) degree, and will allow him to understand and criticize the results of others, a capacity that is crucial for the buildup of a solid body of knowledge.

Working method



Module 1 – Pharmacological Approaches-António Albino Teixeira (coordenador)

Module 2 – In vivo microdialysis- Maria Isabel Martins (coordinator)

Module 3- Microscopic Analysis-  António Avelino (coordinator)

Module 4 – Live Cell Imaging- Paulo Correia de Sá (coordinator)

Module 5 – Stereological Methods- Dulce Madeira (coordinator)

Module 6 – Neuronal Culture- Filipe Monteiro (coordinator)

Module 7 – Production and Validation of Animal Models – Fani Neto (coordinator)

Module 8- Genetically manipulated animal models- Miguel Soares (coordinator)

Module 9 – Stereotaxic Surgery and Microsurgery -Fani Neto (coordinator)

Module 10 – TractTracing Techniques- Isaura

Tavares (coordinator)

Module 11 – Electrophysiology- Vasco Galhardo (coordinator)

Module 12 – Behavioral Evaluation- Nikolay

Lukoyanova (coordinator)

Module 13 – Clinical Neurophysiology -António Martins da Silva (coordinator)

Module 14 – Brain Imaging- Isabel Ramos (coordinator)

Modulo 15 – Essential Bioinformatics – Filipe Monteiro (coordinator)

Mandatory literature

RD Goldman & DL Specto (eds) .; Live Cell Imaging: A Laboratory Manual, , New York, NY: Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory Press, 2005
R Ian Freshney; Culture of Animal Cells: A Manual of Basic Technique and Specialized Applications, 6th Edition, New Jersey, WileyBlackwell, 2010
L. W. Haynes (editor); Neuron in Tissue Culture, IBRO Handbook series: methods in Neuroscience volume 18, New Jersey, John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 1999
G Paxinos & C Watson (eds); The rat brain in stereotaxic coordinates, 6th Edition, Sydney, Academic press, 2006
L.R. Squire et al., (eds); Fundamental Neuroscience, 3rd Edition, Canada, Academic press, 2008

Complementary Bibliography

S Peterson; Drug microinjection in discrete brain regions.Tujunga, California, Kopf Carrier, 50 16., (www.kopfinstruments.com/Carrier/downloads/Carrier50.pdf, 1998
Schaefer PW et al.,; Diffusionweighted MR imaging of the brain. Radiology 217:33145, 2000

Teaching methods and learning activities

The student can count on the advice of his(her) tutor as to the choice of the contents that better fit them in terms
of previous training and future research. The unit is based on practical, hands on classes in laboratory environment, in small size groups, with access to all the equipment. The small size of the classes is guaranteed,
if necessary, by multiplying the practical sessions. A few theoretical lessons will provide the students with the fundaments of the methodologies being addressed. The students have access to dedicated bibliography in advance and are instructed to approach professors at any time they need their support.


Health sciences > Neuroscience > Neurobiology

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 20,00
Prova oral 20,00
Teste 20,00
Trabalho escrito 20,00
Trabalho laboratorial 20,00
Total: 100,00

Eligibility for exams

The student needs to have frequency in each of the six chosen modules with minimal approval in each; Evaluation takes into account the students' critical capacity and previous preparation for each session, as well as their performance at the lab. Depending of each module it may consist on an individual written test, written essays, oral presentation of scientific research papers, presentation and discussion of the experimental work performed in classes, design and presentation of a small exploratory project and/or student´s performance during classes.

Calculation formula of final grade

The final score is the average of the scores obtained at each of the six modules selected by the student.


Classification improvement

Improvement of classification will be permitted in all modules which possess a final written test to all students. In the remaining modules without a final written test, the calssification might be improved by attending again each module separatelly in a new year ("Melhoria por Frequência").

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