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Molecular Bioinformatics - A Hands-on Course

Bioinformatics is a science that integrates concepts of biology, mathematics, statistics and computer science and is dedicated to the study of biological issues through the analysis of molecular data. Bioinformatics is essential for storing biological data, which grows exponentially, to disseminate information on Web-based platforms, and to analyze and interpret experimental data.  Thus, Bioinformatics is an area of knowledge that is constantly developing and updating.  This course is relevant not only for the training of undergraduate and graduate students but also for the complementary training of health professionals and technicians.

This course combines teaching, for each topic, of the theoretical concepts and bioinformatics tools available, the practical demonstration of these tools and their application by the students in a desktop computer to solve the proposed scientific questions.

Learning methods 

The teaching modality of this course will be theoretical-practical classes (TP).  This course combines the exposition, for each topic, of the theoretical concepts and bioinformatics tools available, their practical demonstration and usage by students to solve the proposed scientific questions.  Students will learn by direct contact with bioinformatic programs, with a computer for each student in the classroom.  Given that the tools presented are freely accessible, students will not have any difficulty in solving the proposed exercises using an available computer with wire internet connection.

Course contents

The course is organized in five theoretical-practical sessions held on consecutive days where the following syllabus contents will be taught:

Session 1. Sequence databases: introduction, examples, data retrieval. Practical exercises I.

Session 2. Sequence comparison: alignment methods, similarity searches, homology, protein motifs and domains. Practical exercises II.

Session 3. Sequence analysis: prediction of biological properties from DNA, RNA and protein sequences. Primer design for cloning and gene expression analyses and siRNA design. Restriction maps.  Practical exercises III.

Session 4. Gene ontology: retrieving biological insight from high throughput experiments. Gene expression databases. Sequence variation and mutations linked to genetic neurological diseases.  Practical exercises IV.

Session 5. Integration of biological data: comparison of gene data sets and multiple databases query. Practical exercises V.



The evaluation will take into account the following components:

(i) Individual written work based on solving proposed problems (RPP) in all sessions (80%), and

(ii) Daily evaluation considering pertinent comments and discussions during the classes (AD) (20%).

The assessment shall be expressed on a scale of 0 to 20 values and calculated according to the following formula:

Final grade = (RPPx0.8) + (ADx0.2)




- Acquisition of theoretical knowledge on bioinformatics tools for the analysis of molecular and experimental data frequently used in the field of life sciences and health;

- Development of bioinformatics practical skills and autonomy (for search, retrieval and analysis of molecular data, analysis and integration of biological data);

- Development of skills to interpret results critically, understanding the advantages and limitations of bioinformatic tools.

Fields of Specialization

Molecular bioinformatics from the user's perspective

Professional Abilities

By the end of the course the participants must be able to:

- Master essential knowledge of bioinformatics analysis;

- Autonomously use the bioinformatics tools presented, understanding its capabilities and limitations, and interpret the results in a self-confident manner.



Number of participants:
15 (max)/2 (min).

Target audience:
Intended for researchers, technicians, graduates, and graduate students (master's and doctoral students) in the Health area (Biological and Medical Sciences).

Specific admission conditions
Frequency of higher education or university degree in Biological or Medical Sciences. Basic computer skills are required.

Selection and ranking criteria
Curriculum analysis (60%):

  - PhD* (5 points)

  - Master/BSc before-Bologna process* (3 points)

  - BSc* (2 points)

  - Postgraduation course/short course (few weeks) (Biological Sciences areas) (1 point)

Professional experience in areas related to the Course (40%):

  - Professional experience (1 point/year; maximum of 5 points)

(*) Criteria are mutually exclusive.

Tie-breaker criterion

Motivation letter.

Tuition fee: 160¤ (Other institutions)/140¤ (Faculty of Medicine of University of Porto). The fee must be paid upon definitive registration.

Coordinator and Faculty: Filipe Almeida Monteiro (PhD in Biomedical Sciences), Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto.

School Year Calendar: 


1ª edição: 31.01 to 02.02.2022 from 2pm-6pm and 03 to 04.02.2022 from 2pm-5pm 
2ª edição: 02 to 04.05.2022 from 2pm-6pm and 05 to 06.05.2022 from 2pm-5pm 

Teaching mode:
On-site or on-line (not yet defined).

Online Applications: 
1st edition:
 27.09 to 27.10.2021
2nd edition: 10.01 to 09.02.2022

Registration on-line: 
1st edition:
 26.11 to 15.12.2021
2nd edition: 14.03 to 4.04.2022





To assist the application, you can consult the Guide Support (1)


 To assist the registration, you can consult the Guide Support (2)



Núcleo de Ensino Pós-Graduado
Educação Continua - Cursos não conferentes de grau
Tel.: 220426975
e-mail: posgraduacao@med.up.pt

General information

Teacher Responsible: Filipe Monteiro
Acronym: BioInf
Type of course/cycle of study: Continuing Training Unit
Start: 2016/2017
Duration: 54 Hour


  • Molecular Bioinformatics - A Hands-on Course (2 ECTS credits)

Predominant Scientific Areas

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