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Molecular Medicine and Oncology

General information

Official Code: 5196
Acronym: PDMOM

The PhD Programme in Molecular Medicine and Oncology is a cycle of studies that leads to the Degree of Doctor of Phylosophy in Medicine in a plan that totalizes 210 credits.


  • Molecular and Oncology Medicine (210 ECTS credits)
  • Molecular Medicine and Oncology (30 ECTS credits)

Courses Units

Angiogenesis in inflammation and cancer II


Compreender os mecanismos e os factores principais envolvidos em angiogénese. Reconhecer o papel da angiogénese em várias situações fisiológicas, no cancro e em outras situações patológicas. Identificar metodologias de avaliação do processo angiogénico (modelos in vitro e in vivo). Reconhecer terapias pró- e anti-angiogénicas em utilização.


Molecular Biology II

PDMOM13_2 - ECTS A - To provide knowledge on the molecular and structural constitution, organization and functioning of the components of the living cells , namely the molecular basis of gene expression, signaling pathways and protein trafficking. B – To prepare students for critical assessment of scientific material; C- To prepare students to envisage the usefulness of molecular cell biology research in Clinical Practice

Cell Cycle and Apoptosis II


To review fundamental knowledge on cell cycle (CC) and apoptotic cell death (ACD), as contributors to homeostasis.

To integrate knowledge on CC and ACD disregulation as central to the pathogenesis of malignancies and other disorders. Illustrating examples.

To familiarize, theoretically, with technical procedures used in the study of theses entities.

To set forth scientific problems and methodological strategies to solve them.

To be aware of the current frontiers of knowledge and the potential to go ahead of them. Special attention to the therapeutical implications of this knowledge.

Molecular Cytogenetics II


Epigenetics and Cancer II

  1. Recognize the major types of epigenetic mechanisms and their implications for regulation of gene expression;
  2. Understand the complexity of interactions between various epigenetic mechanisms;
  3. Identify key genes and enzymes involved in epigenetic regulation;
  4. Enumerate and characterize the main epigenetic alterations involved in neoplastic transformation and progression;
  5. Recognize the reciprocal interactions between genetic and epigenetic mechanisms involved in tumorigenesis;
  6. Identify the major therapeutic strategies based on the reversibility of epigenetic changes,
  7. Comprehend the potential of molecular epigenetic alterations as biomarkers for tumor detection, assessment of prognosis and prediction of response to therapy.

Pharmacogenomics and Molecular Epidemiology II

PDMOM13_8 - ECTS The objective of the course is to gain knowledge of the principal updated knowledge on Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicne. A particular focus will be given to the new biomarkers that may be in association to mechanisms of disease and to tailored therapeutic approaches. A focus will be given  Ecogenetics and Molecular Epidemiology indicating its importance to Pharmacogenomics. It is aimed to improve the student s evaluation skills to discuss the introduction of new Biomarkers as Predictive factores of the response to treament or as prognostic factors. The purpose of the course is also to prepare students to become leaders in this scientific field.

Advanced Courses

PDMOM13_14 - ECTS This unit is aiming at the recognition of the value of courses and other high quality learning activities that may contribute to the eductional process of the students. Indeed, as they are all MDs, it is rather common that they attend such courses, usually at an international level and organized by scientific societies, devoted to specific and comprehensively taught matters.

Genetics and Human Disease II

PDMOM13_7 - ECTS To provide the students the fundamental outlines concerning the inheritance of the characteristics that define the human being in their normal and pathological manifestations, using disease models for discussion.

Gerontologia II


To acquire basic knowledge on the ageing process, particularly its likely causes and intervening mechanisms.

To learn key-concepts of gerontology, historical aspects of the subject, its evolution and the curent frontiers, with the help of internationally recognized scientists.

To set forth scientific problems of the field and methodological strategies to solve them.

To integrate phenotypical changes of ageing with the likely celular and genetic causes.

Cardiac Failure II

PDMOM13_10 - ECTS Main objective of the curricular unit is the obtention of knowledge of the patophysiology of heart failure, in particular of the molecular mechanisms involved and  of the therapeutic implications of the knowledge of these molecular pathways..

Oncobiology II


The general aim of the Oncobiology module is integrated in the principal goal of the “Mestrado em Medicina e Oncologia Molecular da FMUP”, directed to the acquisition of the language and the basic concepts of molecular biology and molecular pathology in order to contribute to further understanding of cellular, tissue and organic functioning, with importance for the medical diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutics.

The specific aim of this Module is threefold:

 - To understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying cancer development;

- To understand the mechanisms of action of the environmental factors that cause cancer and their gene-environmental interactions;

- To understand the role of molecular biomarkers in cancer as tools for prognostic evaluation and targeted therapy.

Endocrine Pathology II


Laboratory Training

PDMOM13_13 - ECTS This unit is aiming at the recognition of the value of laboratory training that may contribute to the eductional process of the students. Indeed, in their path some students may wish to deepen and improve their laboratory knowledge and skills by staying in prestigious labs por a considerable time.

Thesis Project

PDMOM13_16 - ECTS This is a tutorial unit, aiming at the preparation of a research project and its presentation. Students are expected to learn how to search and study publications on the subject, how to organize knowledge in an updated and integrated text and, thereon, they should generate questions and identify scientific problems. Next, they will design a strategy to approach the questions or problems and find answers. All these points will be organized in a manuscript to accompany a presentation and an evaluation by a qualified jury.

Molecular Biology Techniques

PDMOM13_1 - ECTS PhD programme practical unit purposed to «hands on» work indeed in lab environment
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