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Code: MIMD010104     Acronym: BIOE

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Physical Sciences

Instance: 2020/2021 - 1S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Mestrado Integrado
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master in Dental Medicine

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIMD 104 Official Plan from the academic year 2020/2021 1 - 5 72 135
NÃO INSCREVER - Plano exclusivo para uso administrativo 1 - 5 72 135

Teaching language



The aim is to enable students to carry out statistical analysis, interpretation and publishing results. For this, students are expected to distinguish the measurement scales and interpret the different types of measurement errors, to estimate statistical parameters, to perform hypothesis tests by parametric and non-parametric methods for one and two populations.

Learning outcomes and competences

As learning outcomes students are expected to gain analytical and critical capacity from the statistical results of analyzes carried out or resulting from published articles.

Working method



Measurments errors:



Basic concepts in statistic:

Statistic estimators

Randomized variables

  Discrets: Probabilistic function, probabilistic distribution functions

  Continuos: Probabilistic density functions, Probabilistic distribution functions

Parameters of probabilistic distributions.

Caracterization of probabilistic theoretical  distributions


Binomial distribution

Poisson distribution


Uniforme distribution

Normal distribution

t- Student distribution


Z transformation

 Confidence interval (CI) estimating parameters:

 CI for mean

 CI for binomial proportion

Principles and proprerties of hypothesis tests

 Z-test and t-student test  for one sample:

 One sample t-test

 One sample t-test for proportions

F-Snedecor test

Binomial test

Test of Median

Independent and paired samples t-test

U Mann-Whitney test

Wilcoxon test

Mandatory literature

Wayne W. Daniel; Biostatistics. ISBN: 978-0471-45654-4
A. Gouveia de Oliveira; Bioestatística descodificada. ISBN: 978-989-752-044-0
Marôco J; Análise Estatística com o SPSS

Teaching methods and learning activities

It will be taught theoretical-practical, practical of calculation and practical laboratory lectures (supported by statistic software). Using of moodle platform for pedagogical support, namely, self-assessment.



Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation with final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 10,00
Exame 45,00
Teste 45,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 120,00
Frequência das aulas 60,00
Total: 180,00

Eligibility for exams

The TP and P classes are subject to the faults. To obtain frequency students will have less than 1 / 4 faults in relation to the number of classes taught in the school year or result in the previous academic year.

Calculation formula of final grade

Normal Season: The evaluation system consists of the procedural method of assessment, summative and discontinuous, spread over three times: 1st Moment of assessment - theoretical test (T1) of Biostatistic principles (quote 0,45); 2nd Moment - Practical exam (P2) of statistical analysis in SPSS and calculation (quote 0,45); 3rd Moment - Attendance (quotation stratified in relation to attendance. In addition to the mandatory minimum and a maximum of two values (quote 0,10). The approval is made to depend on a minimum grade of 10 marks at any moment of evaluation described. Formula assessment procedure, discontinuous and summative: final assessment = 0,45*T1 + 0,45*P2 + attendance. Students often failed in the previous year, but did not have the attendance component. The approval will be according to the formula of final evaluation = P1*0.5 + 0.5 * T2, depending on a minimum score of 10 in two evaluation described P1 and T1. Appeal chance: will be submitted to the examination appeals students without prior approval and which have no more than 25% of faults in relation to the lessons given (taking frequency arising out of or in previous years). This method of evaluation consists of an examination - a practical exam (P) and theoretical exam (T) not subject to minimum grade. Students with a grade of 14 in theoretical exam obtained in the respective normal season will be excuse. Formula assessment for final exam: assessment Final Exam = 0,5*P + 0,5*T.

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