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Controlo do Comportamento em Odontopediatria

Code: 1050     Acronym: CCO

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Dental Medicine

Instance: 2020/2021 - 1S

Active? Yes
Web Page: www.paediatric-dentistry.com
Responsible unit: 3.º Ciclo Doutoramentos
Course/CS Responsible: Dental Medicine

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
DMDB 0 Dental Medicine PhD - Study Plan 2009/2010 1 - 3 28 81

Teaching language



The program of curricular unit Control of Behavior in Odontopediatrics was prepared in order to provide the student the acquisition of cognitive, psychomotor and affective essential for the good practice of pediatric dental care, able to respond to community requests.

Was concern of teaching staff that the program be as comprehensive as possible without however surrealist, according to the conditions currently offered by our school.

At the end of the semester students should be able to systematize, support and plan the most complex clinical cases and their treatment options.

Learning outcomes and competences

The mentioned program contents enable the fulfillment of the proposed objectives as they allow the learning of specific and multidisciplinary materials and surgical techniques as well as more recent dental materials used in dentistry, also permit the acquisition of knowledge and necessary skills to perform informed in Control of Behavior in Odontopediatrics.

Working method



1. Deal with the patient

2. Sedatives

2.1. Pain Control

2.2. Conscious sedation

2.3. Deep sedation

3. General anaesthetic

Mandatory literature

Guedes-Pinto A.C.; Conduta clínica e psicologia em odontologia pediátrica. ISBN: 85-2-000041-X
Guedes-Pinto, Antonio Carlos; Odontopediatria. ISBN: 85-7288-410-6
Leache, Elena Barbería; Odontopediatria. ISBN: 84-458-0358-1
David José Casimiro de Andrade; Relatório Pedagógico
McDonald Ralph E.; Dentistry for the child and adolescent. ISBN: 0-323-02450-5
McDonald, Ralph E.; Odontología para el nino y el adolescente
McDonald, Ralph E.; Odontopediatria. ISBN: 85-277-0637-7
McDonald Ralph E.; Odontología pediátrica y del adolescente

Teaching methods and learning activities

A modern approach to teaching dentistry, replacing the traditional method centered on the teacher, where lectures take hegemonic role for a teaching model centered on the student. The passive learning (lectures) tends to be replaced by active learning in which the student takes on increasing responsibility. Teachers and students should feel mutually involved, working together and developing the capacity for self-learning. Whenever possible, students discuss among themselves issues and later do it with teachers. Replace the simple acquisition of knowledge by a model based on problem solving, stimulating early a clinical and deductive reasoning, by simulating problems that the doctor will find future day-to-day of their profession.


Health sciences

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Participação presencial 10,00
Trabalho escrito 90,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 53,00
Frequência das aulas 28,00
Total: 81,00

Eligibility for exams

Attendance of at least 75% of the lessons.

Calculation formula of final grade

The final grade corresponds to the sum of attendance (10%) plus the classification obtained a work to be presented in the form of a review article, oral communication or poster of a theme distributed to each of the students (90%).

The relationship between theory and its practical application gives the student the achievement of learning objectives. As the main objectives of this course were developed in order to provide the student the acquisition of cognitive, psychomotor and affective essential for the good practice of pediatric dental care, able to respond to community requests. It is believed that the methodology adopted is the most appropriate and adequate. The Course teaching methods were adopted to optimize the acquisition of knowledge and necessary skills to perform informed of Control of Behavior in Odontopediatrics.
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