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Operative Dentristy II

Code: MD4703     Acronym: DO II

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Dental Medicine

Instance: 2012/2013 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Mestrado Integrado
Course/CS Responsible: Integrated Master in Dental Medicine

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MIMD 73 PLANO OFICIAL 2007/2008 BOLONHA 4 - 3 54 81

Teaching Staff - Responsibilities

Teacher Responsibility
Maria Teresa Pinheiro de Oliveira Rodrigues de Carvalho

Teaching language



Acquisition of skills by students in science and basic technique that will enable them for diagnosis, prevention and treatment of some diseases of hard tissues of teeth, as well as for the development of treatment plans based rather complex. Students will enhance their ability to learn technically perform restorative treatments in the pre-clinical area of Operative Dentistry. Students should be able to learn to share with patients the diagnosis and prognosis of their problems in the field of Operative Dentistry and how to perform basic restorative treatments in a clinical setting.


Rotary cutting instruments used in Operative Dentistry (DO).
Hand Instruments in DO.
Protocol for the use of composites.
Preparation of treatment plan in DO.
Temporary treatments in DO
Auxiliary materials used in restorations. The different types of matrices and wedges and their indications. Use of the retraction cord in the juxta-gingival restorations. Clinical indications for gingivectomy in any previous DO.
Methods of isolation of the operative field. Absolute isolation and relative isolation.
Dental adhesion. Evolution of adhesive systems. Total etch adhesive and self adhesive etch.
Protection of the pulpo-dentin organ. Direct and indirect protections. Protocols for the use of calcium hydroxide and adhesive systems.
Silver amalgam restorations. Clinical indications.
Differential diagnosis of structural changes in the enamel. Hereditary and environmental factors. Hypoplasia, fluorosis, amelogenesis and dentinogenesis "imperfecta".
Discussion of clinical cases.

Ford, T. R. Pitt; The restoration of teeth. ISBN: 0-632-03252-9

Susana Guimaraes Vila Real Magalhães Coelho; Comparative study of microleakage of composite resins in conventional microhybrids

Joseph Mondelli .. [And others]; Dentistry. ISBN: 85-86067-01-6

Baratieri, Luiz Narciso, [et. al.]; Restorative Dentistry. ISBN: 85-7288-264-2

Theodore M. Robertson, Herald O. Heymann, Edward J. Swift Jr.; Sturdevant's Art and Science of Operative Dentistry, Mosby - Elsevier, 2006

Mandatory literature

Ford, T.R. Pitt; The restoration of teeth. ISBN: 0-632-03252-9
Guimarães Susana Vila Real Magalhães Coelho; Estudo comparativo de infiltração marginal entre resinas compostas microhíbridas convencionais em
Mondelli José... [e outros]; Dentística. ISBN: 85-86067-01-6
Baratieri, Luiz Narciso, [et. al.]; Odontologia restauradora. ISBN: 85-7288-264-2
Theodore M. Robertson, Herald O. Heymann, Edward J. Swift Jr.; Sturdevant’s Art and Science of Operative Dentistry , Mosby – Elsevier, 2006

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical pre-clinical practice
Practical lessons in clinical ambience

Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Description Type Time (hours) Weight (%) End date
Attendance (estimated) Participação presencial 48,00
Total: - 0,00

Eligibility for exams

Components of Evaluation and occupation recorded
Type Description Time (Hours) Completion Date
Personal attendance (estimated) 48 Lessons
Total: 48

Frequency Attainment
Presence of at least 75% of contact hours of lecture and 75% of the theoretical and practical lessons and practices

Calculation formula of final grade

Continuous assessment with the following weight factors:
Theoretical assessment - 45%
Evaluation theory and practice and practice - 45%
Frequency classes - 10%
Two tests of 50 minutes (45% each)

Composition of evaluation theory and practice and practice: composition
ongoing assessment of pre-clinical practice (40%)
a mini-test theoretical and practical (20%)
clinical practice (40%)

Classification improvement

Theoretical final exam and / or evaluation of clinical practice in the time period of evaluation of Appeal.

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