Conservative Dentistry II
Keywords |
Classification |
Keyword |
Dental Medicine |
Instance: 2021/2022 - 2S
Cycles of Study/Courses
Teaching language
Acquisition of scientific and technique skills by the students that will enable them for diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of hard tissues of teeth, including the development and adoption of measures for the prevention of pulpal and periapical diseases, pulpal and periapical diagnosis, as well as for the development of treatment plans. Students should be able to technically perform the restorative treatments in a pre-clinical environment of the area of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontic tretments, selecting and rationally using biomaterials related to these two areas of dentistry. Students should be able to learn to share with patients the diagnosis and prognosis of their problems in the field of Conservative Dentistry, proposing treatment plans and treating the simpler cases with success.
Learning outcomes and competences
Acquisition of scientific and technique skills by the students that will enable them for diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of hard tissues of teeth, including the development and adoption of measures for the prevention of pulpal and periapical diseases, pulpal and periapical diagnosis, as well as for the development of treatment plans. Students should be able to technically perform the restorative treatments in a pre-clinical environment of the area of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontic tretments, selecting and rationally using biomaterials related to these two areas of dentistry. Students should be able to learn to share with patients the diagnosis and prognosis of their problems in the field of Conservative Dentistry, proposing treatment plans and treating the simpler cases with success.
Working method
Treatment plan in Conservative Dentistry.
Methods of isolation of the operative field. Absolute isolation and relative isolation.
Auxiliary materials and techniques used in restorative procedures.
Temporary and conservative treatments in operative dentistry.
Protocol on restorations with composite resins.
Amalgam restorations. Clinical indications. Differential diagnosis of structural changes in the enamel.
Preventive materials used in Conservative Dentistry.
Etiopathogeny of pulpar diseases.
Pulpar pathology.
Microbiology of endodontics and asepsis in endodontic practice.
Asepsis and antisepsis in endodontics.
Periapical pathology.
Pulpar and periapical diagnosis.
Conservative treatments of the pulp.
Traumatic injuries of the pulp.
Mandatory literature
Mondelli, Jose; Dentistica Operatória, Santos, 2014. ISBN: -6.85-86067-01
Baratieri Luis Narciso; Odontologia Restauradora e Possibilidades, S Paulo, 2015. ISBN: 9788541203173
Torres, Carlos Rocha Gomes; Príncipios Básicos para a prática clinica, S Paulo Santos, 2013. ISBN: 978-85-412-0160-5
WilliamJ. O.Brien;
Dental materials and their selection. ISBN: 0-86715-406-3
Kenneth J. Anusavice;
Phillips. science of dental materials. ISBN: 0-7216-9387-3
John M. Powers;
Craig.s restorative dental materials. ISBN: 0-323-03606-6
John I. Ingle,;
Endodontics. ISBN: 1-55009-188-3
Stephen Cohen;
Pathways of the pulp. ISBN: 0-323-01162-4
Franklin S. Weine,;
Endodontic therapy. ISBN: 0-323-01943-9
Leif Tronstad;
Clinical Endodontics. ISBN: 978-3-13-76-8103-8
Mahmoud Torabinejad;
Endodontics. ISBN: 978-1-4160-3851-1
Dag Orstavik;
Essential endodontology. ISBN: 978-1-4051-4976-1
Teaching methods and learning activities
Theoretical and theoretical-practical classes with presentations regarding the syllabus; Pre-clinical classes where the students develop their skills in order to technically perform the restorative treatments of the area of Restorative Dentistry and Endodontic tretments in a pre-clinical environment, selecting and rationally using biomaterials related to these two areas of dentistry . Introduction to the clinical environment and clinically deal with the basic treatments.
Evaluation Type
Distributed evaluation without final exam
Assessment Components
Designation |
Weight (%) |
Participação presencial |
100,00 |
Total: |
100,00 |
Amount of time allocated to each course unit
Designation |
Time (hours) |
Estudo autónomo |
45,00 |
Frequência das aulas |
117,00 |
Total: |
162,00 |
Eligibility for exams
According to the General Regulation of the University of Porto Learners Assessment is considered a student fulfills the attendance to a course if, having been regularly enrolled, does not exceed the number limit faults corresponding to 25% of the foreseen classes, as regulated in the existing organizational unit.
Calculation formula of final grade
Distributed evaluation without final exam. Two evaluation theoretical tests (50%); Preclinical and clinical practice with three evaluations (30%) and two written evaluations (20%).