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Comparative world literatures in portuguese

Comparative world literatures in portuguese
Capítulo ou Parte de Livro
Buescu, Helena Carvalhão
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Valente, Simão
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2º Edição
Páginas: 379-387
ISBN: 9781032075389
ISBN Eletrónico: 9781003230663
Outras Informações
Resumo (PT):
Abstract (EN): In order to contextualize the case of comparative world literatures written in Portuguese, this chapter begins with a brief example of a project Helena Carvalhao Buescu began in 2010 and which came to completion in 2020, an anthology of comparative world literature in Portuguese entitled Literatura-Mundo: Perspectivas em Portugues. The case of Portuguese-speaking literatures is paradigmatic in the European context because it shares in the characteristics of a post-colonial and post-imperial literature, and because throughout Portuguese history, and cultural and political dislocations have left their traces in its literature, a characteristic it shares with literatures of several other European countries. Textualism is also the cornerstone of comparative literature. Our emphasis on the necessity of textualism as a regulated balance between close and distant reading arises from some of the changes that literary studies have witnessed in the last twenty years.
Idioma: Inglês
Tipo (Avaliação Docente): Científica
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