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Growing up in the 21st Century: Unpacking the Facets of Contemporary Youth | 1.º dia

15 de novembro, 2023 | 17h00 | Anfitetaro Nobre

Entre os dias 15 e 23 de novembro, o IS-UP recebe a investigadora Adrienne Lee Atterberry, da State University of New York, que irá desenvolver um conjunto de atividades denominado “Growing up in the 21st Century: Unpacking the Facets of Contemporary Youth”.


15 de novembro, 2023 | 17h00 | Anfiteatro Nobre, FLUP
Palestra “Streamlined parenting: crafting globally mobile childhoods”

22 de novembro, 2023 | 11h30 | Departamento de Sociologia, FLUP
Mesa-redonda “Growing: class inequalities and intersections”, com João Teixeira Lopes (IS-UP), Inês Barbosa (IS-UP), e Fernanda Pondé (CIIE).

23 de novembro, 2023 | Sala de Reuniões 2, FLUP
Mesa-redonda: “Youth: migration, racism and ethnicities “, com os investigadores Lígia Ferro (IS-UP), Otávio Raposo (ISCTE), Beatriz Lacerda (IS-UP), e Manuela Mendes (ISCSP-UL; CIES-ISCTE; IS-UP)

Workshop metodológico “Working the hyphens: Complicating understandings of self and other in fieldwork”

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