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Psychology of Emotions and Communication

Code: FLUP0326     Acronym: PSECOM

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Teacher Training - Psychology
OFICIAL Educational Training

Instance: 2004/2005 - 2S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Autonomous Section of Education
Institution Responsible: Faculty of Arts

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
EAA 0 Official Study Plan - LEAA 2 2,5 5 -
EFA 0 Official Study Plan - LEFA 3 2,5 5 -
Official Study Plan - LEFA 3 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 4º ao 5º ano 3 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 3 2,5 5 -
EFI 0 Official Study Plan - LEFI 3 2,5 5 -
Official Study Plan - LEFI 3 2,5 5 -
EIA 0 Official Study Plan - LEIA 4 2,5 5 -
EPA 6 Official Study Plan - LEPA 2 2,5 5 -
Official Study Plan - LEPA 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial a partir de 2002 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 4º ao 5º ano 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial a partir de 2002 2 2,5 5 -
EPE 3 Official Study Plan - LEPE 3 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 3 2,5 5 -
EPF 3 Official Study Plan - LEPF 3 2,5 5 -
EPI 14 Official Study Plan - LEPI 2 2,5 5 -
Official Study Plan - LEPI 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 4º ao 5º ano 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial a partir de 2002 2 2,5 5 -
EPO 2 Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 3 2,5 5 -
Official Study Plan - LEPO 3 2,5 5 -
FIL 7 Official Study Plan - LFIL 3 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial 2003 - 1º ao 3º ano 3 2,5 5 -
GEO 9 Official Study Plan - LGEO 3 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial 2003 - 1º ao 3º ano 3 2,5 5 -
HIS 26 Official Study Plan - LHIS 1 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 4º ao 5º ano 1 2,5 5 -


The study of emotions, object of considerable developments in the last few years, is now a highly relevant, wide-ranging field in psychology. At the basis of all communication, including the verbal, there are non-verbal processes, based on emotions and their expression. The school context is, undoubtedly, a privileged area for different communicational exchanges, namely the emotional. On the other hand, non-verbal communication, found in emotional exchanges, forms the developmental basis of all subsequent verbal communication. Therefore, this knowledge is today essential in both teacher training and school intervention processes, as it promotes the students' social and emotional development.

• Introduction to Psychology of Emotions and Communication and its relevance in teacher training;
• Identification of the basic concepts within this field of knowledge;
• Analysis of its implications in the teaching process;
• Relate these basic notions with an understanding of social interaction;
• Application of these concepts to school situations, in promoting the students' social and emotional development


I - Psychology of Emotions
1. The concept of emotion
1.1 Distinction between emotion, feeling and state of mind;
1.2 Notion of "basic emotion";
1.3 The different components of emotions.

2. Brief reference to the main theories of emotions
2.1 The first theories;
2.2 Physiologic and cognitive theories;
2.3 Developmental and social theories.

3. The biology of emotions
3.1 The ethological, physiological and neuropsychological aspects of emotions.

4. The psychological aspects of emotions
4.1 Emotional experiences
4.1.1 Cognition and emotion
4.1.2 Emotional activation and intensity
4.2 Manifestation of emotions
4.2.1 Manifestation of emotions and relational behaviour
4.2.2 Managing emotions
4.3 Individual and social functions of emotions
4.3.1 Intra- and inter-individual processes of expressing emotions
4.4 Emotions and social interaction
4.4.1 Social construction of emotions
4.4.2 Socialization of emotions: family, group and culture

II - Emotions and Communication
1. Non-verbal communication
1.1 Emotions, facial expression and non-verbal communication;
1.2 Non-verbal behaviour and facilitation of social interaction;
1.3 Social norms and non-verbal behaviour

2. Non-verbal interactions and language acquisition

III - Emotions, communication and their implications in Education
1. Psychology of Emotions and teacher training
1.1 The teacher as the source and receiver of messages

2. Social and emotional learning in a school context
2.1 Social and emotional competences as manifestations of intelligence;
2.2 Intervention programmes and strategies concerning social and emotional competences.

Main Bibliography

AFFOLTER, F. & BISCHOFBERGER, W. (2000). Nonverbal perceptual and cognitive processes in children with language disorders: toward a new framework for clinical intervention. N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
ANDERSEN, P. A. & GUERRERO, L. K. (Eds.) (1998). Handbook of communication and emotion: research, theory, applications and contexts. San Diego: Academic Press.
BISQUERRA, R. (2000). Educación emocional y bienestar. Barcelona: Praxis.
COHEN, J. (Ed.) (1999). Educating minds and hearts: social emotional learning and the passage into adolescence. N.Y.: Teachers College Press, Columbia University.
FRASER, B. J. (1986). Classroom environment. London: Croom Helm.
GOLEMAN, D. (1996). Emotional intelligence. NY: Bantam Books.
GÜEL, M. & Muñoz, R. (2000). Desconócete a ti mismo. Programa de alfabetización emocional. Barcelona: Paidós.
IZARD, C. E. (1991). The Psychology of emotions. New York: Plenum Press.
KATAYAMA, S. & Markus, H. R. (Eds.) (1994). Emotion and Culture: empirical studies of mutual influence. Washington, DC: APA.
KENNEDY-MOORE, E. & Watson, J. C. (1999). Expressing emotion: myths, realities, and therapeutic strategies. N.Y.: Guilford Press.
LAZARUS, R. S. (1991). Emotion and adaptation. N.Y.: Oxford University Press.
LEWIS, M. & HAVILAND, J. M. (Eds.) (1993). Handbook of emotions. N.Y.: Guilford Press.
MAGAI, C., & MCFADDEN, S. H. (1995). The role of emotions in social and personality development. New York: Plenum.
MARTINS, F. (1999). Influência das emoções no desempenho cognitivo: ira e processamento de informação. Dissertação de doutoramento. Braga: Universidade do Minho.
ORTONY, A., CLORE, G. L., & COLLINS, A. (1990). The cognitive structure of emotions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
PAÚL, M. C. (1995). Antecedentes do comportamento emotivo. In L. S. Almeida, M. S. Araújo, M. C. Vila-Chã, & M. H. Oliveira (Eds.), Áreas de intervenção e compromissos sociais do psicólogo. Lisboa: APPORT.
PHILIPPOT, P., Feldman, R. S. & Coats, E. J. (Eds.) (1999). The social context of nonverbal behavior. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
SALOVEY, P., & Mayer, J. D. (1990). Emotional intelligence. Imagination, Cognition & Personality, 9, 185-211.
STRONGMAN, K. T. (1998). A psicologia da emoção. Lisboa: Climepsi Editores.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Explanatory theoretical classes.

Practical classes in which students develop different activities related to topics covered in theoretical classes.


No specific software required.

Evaluation Type

Eligibility for exams

Not applicable

Calculation formula of final grade

Students may choose to submit a dossier of reports on the respective classes, corresponding to 25% of the final classification. They will also take a final exam that corresponds to 75%.
If they choose to take the final exam only, like the rest of the students, it will be more extensive and correspond to 100% of the final classification.

Examinations or Special Assignments

No specific software required.

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Not applicable

Classification improvement

According to the Assessment Regulations in force


Language of instruction: Portuguese
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