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Latin III

Code: FLUP0100     Acronym: LATI3

Instance: 2005/2006 - 1S

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Portuguese and Romance Studies
Institution Responsible: Faculty of Arts

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
EPA 16 Official Study Plan - LEPA 2 2,5 5 -
Official Study Plan - LEPA 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 4º ao 5º ano 3 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial a partir de 2002 2 2,5 5 -
EPE 17 Official Study Plan - LEPE 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 2 2,5 5 -
EPF 35 Official Study Plan - LEPF 2 2,5 5 -
EPI 90 Official Study Plan - LEPI 2 2,5 5 -
Official Study Plan - LEPI 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 4º ao 5º ano 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial a partir de 2002 2 2,5 5 -
EPO 17 Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 2 2,5 5 -
Official Study Plan - LEPO 2 2,5 5 -
Plano oficial - 1º ao 3º ano 2 2,5 5 -


P/F; P/S:

- To acquire a more advanced understanding of the grammatical contents of Latin taught during both semesters of the previous year;
- To apply those contents to the study of more advanced Latin texts.

P/G; P/E:

To consolidate and further students’ comprehension of the basic grammatical structures of Latin (morphologic and syntactic).To review the contents taught during previous semesters and to apply the knowledge acquired. To be able to translate more advanced texts. An approach to values of a civilizational nature: Rome in the time of Cicero the Imperial Rome and its portrait in the caustic verses of Martial.


Programme I

1. Morphology
1.1. Some particular aspects of nominal and pronominal declension
1.2. Verb inflection
1.2.1. Subjunctive mood (perfectum)
1.2.2. Nominal verb forms: gerund and gerundive; the supine.
1.2.3. Periphrastic forms: active and passive.
1.2.4. Irregular verbs.

2. Syntax
2.1. Relative clauses with subjunctive
2.2. Coordinate copulative clauses
2.3. Subordinate circumstantial clauses

3. Phonetics: brief notions on apophony and rhotacism.

4. Translation of texts by Cicero.

5. Literature and culture:
5.1. The Golden Age of Latin prose.
5.2. Rome’s political and socio-cultural scenario in the time of Cicero.
5.3. The Ciceronian ideal of humanitas.

Programme II

1. Review of the contents taught during both semesters of the previous year. To encourage students to apply their understanding of those contents to the study of more advanced texts.

2. Morphology
2.1. Some particular aspects of nominal and pronominal declensions.
2.2. Verb conjugation.
2.2.1. Subjunctive mood (perfectum)
2.2.2. Nominal verb forms: gerund and gerundive; the supine.
2.2.3. Periphrastic forms: active and passive.
2.2.4. The verb sum and its derivatives; the verb uolo and its derivatives; the verbs eo, fio, fero.

3. Syntax
3.1. Relative clauses (with subjunctive).
3.2. Coordinate copulative clauses
3.3. Systematic study of all subordinate circumstantial clauses (temporal, causal, final, conditional, consecutive, concessive)

4. Phonetics: brief notions on apaphony and rhotacism.

5. Literature amd Culture
5.1. Political and socio-cultural overview of Rome in Cicero's time.
5.2. Life in Rome during I B.C. and its expression in Martial’s work.

6. Analysis of some selected texts of Cicero and Martial which will be made available for the students in due coure.

Main Bibliography

Programme I

ERNOUT, A. – MEILLET, A., Dictionnaire Etymologique de la Langue Latine, Paris, Klincksieck, 1932.
ERNOUT, A. – THOMAS, F., Syntaxe Latine, Paris, Klincksieck, 1972- 3ª ed.
FERREIRA, A.G., Dicionário de Latim-Português, Porto, Porto Editora, s.d.
Dicionário de Português- Latim, Porto, Porto Editora, 1976.
FIGUEIREDO, J.N., - ALMENDRA, M.A., Compêndio de Gramática Latina, Porto, Porto Ed., 1977.
FONSECA, C.A., Sic itur in Vrbem. Iniciação ao Latim, Coimbra, IEC, 1992-6ª ed.
GAFFIOT, F., Dictionnaire Illustré Latin-Français, Paris, Hachette, 1978.
HAMMOND, N.G.L. – SCULLARD, H.H., Oxford Latin Dictionary, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1968-1982.
TORRINHA, F., Dicionário Latino-Português, Porto, Porto Ed., 1942-2ªed.
Dicionário Português- Latino, Porto, Ed. Domingos Barreira, 1939-2ªed.

MONTEIL, P., Éléments de Phonétique et de Morphologie du Latin, Paris, Fernand Nathan, 1979.
NIEDERMANN, M., Précis de Phonétique Historique du Latin, Paris, Klincksieck, 1968.
ERNOUT, A., Morphologie Historique du Latin, Paris, Klincksieck, 1967.

BAYET, J., Littérature Latine, avec col. de NOUGARET, L. et BORIAUD, J.Y., Paris, Armand Colin, 1965.
KENNEY, E.J. & CLAUSEN, W.V. (ed.), The Cambridge History of Classical Literature II – Latin Literature, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1982.
PARATORE, E., História da Literatura Latina, Lisboa, F.C.G. 1987.
ROCHA PEREIRA, M.H., Estudos de História da Cultura Clássica, vol. II: Cultura Romana, Lisboa, F.C.G., 32002.
TAPLIN, O., Literature in the Roman World, Oxford Univ. Press, 2001.

P/G; P/E – lecturer – Mr. Jorge Deserto

1. Dictionaries and Grammars:
See the bibliography listed in Latin I and Latin II.

2. Literature and Culture:
BAYET, J., Littérature Latine, Paris, Armand Colin, 1965.
PARATORE, E., História da Literatura Latina, Lisboa, F.C.G., 1987.
PEREIRA, Maria Helena da Rocha, Estudos de História da Cultura Clássica. Vol II: Cultura Romana, Lisboa, F.C.G., 2002 (3ª ed.).

Complementary Bibliography

If necessary, specific bibliography may be indicated in class.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Practical classes.


No specific software required.

Evaluation Type

Eligibility for exams

Positive average of the different evaluation components.

Calculation formula of final grade

In accordance with the FLUP’s regulations in force

Examinations or Special Assignments

In accordance with the FLUP’s regulations in force

Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Not applicable.

Classification improvement

In accordance with the FLUP’s regulations in force


Language of instruction: Portuguese.
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