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English II

Code: MEIEFA022     Acronym: I_II

Classification Keyword
OFICIAL Foreign Languages

Instance: 2024/2025 - 2S Ícone do Moodle

Active? Yes
Responsible unit: Department of Anglo-American Studies
Course/CS Responsible: Teaching English and Foreign Languages in the 3rd cycle of Basic Education and in Secondary Education, with specialties in Spanish or French or German

Cycles of Study/Courses

Acronym No. of Students Study Plan Curricular Years Credits UCN Credits ECTS Contact hours Total Time
MEIEFA 17 MEIEFA - Study Plan 2 - 3 21,5 81
MEPIEFA 15 MEPIEFA - Study Plan 2 - 3 21,5 81

Teaching Staff - Responsibilities

Teacher Responsibility
Andrew Edward Sampson

Teaching - Hours

Theoretical and practical : 1,00
Tutorial Supervision: 0,50
Type Teacher Classes Hour
Theoretical and practical Totals 1 1,00
Andrew Edward Sampson 1,00
Tutorial Supervision Totals 1 0,50
Andrew Edward Sampson 0,50

Teaching language



The emphasis in both semesters will be on improving and perfecting one's mastery of the English language by studying & practising its use for the teaching context. By the end of the 2nd semester, students should: (1) Have studied & practised various grammatical constructions/syntactic structures which form part of the schools syllabus. (2) Have discussed possible difficulties school pupils might have and errors they might commit with the above grammatical areas. (3) Have considered the differences between spoken & written grammar, with relevance to the school teaching situation. (4) Have continued to improve command ofgrammatical accuracy with the classroom situation in mind. (5) Have disussed when & when not to correct errors in spoken & written discourse. (6) Have practised pronunciation & pronunciation-teaching techniques, including revising the Phonemic Alphabet. (7) Be able to deploy a wide range of vocabulary effectively for appropriate school-based contexts. (8) Have continued to practise & improve correction techniques and strategies, partly through class checking of colleagues' work.

Learning outcomes and competences

Student teachers will develop their critical capacity with regard to both theoretical aspects and published materials for the teaching of English grammar.

Working method


Pre-requirements (prior knowledge) and co-requirements (common knowledge)

Student can only take this curricular subject if they are enrolled in the 'IPP' of the second year of the Masters' course and are actually undertaking their teaching practice in a local school.


A] Grammar study:- inductive/deductive methods will be used to study and practise pedagogic grammar and ways in which it can & should be taught.Grammatical competences will be fostered and furthered. B] Skills work:- through class exercises & discussion, and via tutorials, WRITING & SPEAKING skills will be practised. Note that such skills will be used as a MEANS whereby grammatical competence & accuracy are mastered. C] Vocabulary:- Students will continue to extend their vocabulary bank, with an emphasis in the 2nd semester on synonym, word & phrase collocations, succinctness and repetition-avoidance. D] Self-Study:- Studying/researching on one's own will form an essential component of the course. Individual assignments will comprise part of the assessment.

Mandatory literature

Parrott M; Grammar for English Language Teachers, Cambridge University Press, 2000. ISBN: 0-521-77972

Complementary Bibliography

Thornbury, Scott; How to teach grammar. ISBN: 0-582-33932-4
Scrivener, Jim; Teaching Grammar

Comments from the literature

The teacher will further discuss the Booklist (bibliografia) at the outset of the course. In addition, it is essential for students at this level to possess at least one good etymological dictionary, and not merely an Advanced Learners' Dictionary.

Teaching methods and learning activities

Theoretical/practical; teacher-guided coursework; student self-study; personal tutorials; computer-based research; whole class participation & discussion; note-taking from teacher input; group, pairwork, individual tasks & assignments. [Aulas T/P + Atendimento].


O que se encontra normalmente disponível na FLUP



Evaluation Type

Distributed evaluation without final exam

Assessment Components

Designation Weight (%)
Teste 50,00
Trabalho prático ou de projeto 50,00
Total: 100,00

Amount of time allocated to each course unit

Designation Time (hours)
Estudo autónomo 30,00
Frequência das aulas 21,50
Apresentação/discussão de um trabalho científico 8,00
Trabalho de investigação 21,00
Total: 80,50

Eligibility for exams

All students are required to attend 75% of classes, with exceptions according to FLUP regulations. Official worker students are not required to attend lessons but must take all components of continual evaluation on the dates specified in the course timetable.

Calculation formula of final grade

Class presentation: 50%

Language awareness test: 25%

Language in use test: 25%


Examinations or Special Assignments

RESITS. Students who fail the course may only repeat ONE of the written exams.  To do so, they must inform the teacher in writing (email), specifying which of the exams wish to repeat.

Internship work/project


Special assessment (TE, DA, ...)

Students with special status, namely those covered by the status of Association Manager, Student Athlete, Student Firefighter, Military Student, National Team Athlete, Top-level Sportsperson or Student Worker, will not be obliged to attend classes, but must complete all the continuous assessment components on the set dates. In the event that a student needs to be absent on a set date, an alternative date will be arranged.

Classification improvement

Students who wish to improve their final mark may only repeat ONE written test. Students must inform their teacher in writing (via email) which test they wish to repeat. Students must also be properly enrolled for ‘melhoria’ with the ‘Serviços Académicos’ so that their names are included in the marks list on Sigarra.



Language of instructuion and evaluation: English.

Worker students should stay in touch with the teacher and their colleagues so as to keep up to date with progress and dates for assessment etc.

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